"Harley Quinn" Season Three Talkback (Spoilers)

Rate the third season of Harley Quinn

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
That was a great episode, maybe the best of the season! The nods to BTAS, Batman 66 and the movies were great and the whole episode was so good.

The only bummer is having one of the episode's reveals ruined by this week's new Harley Quinn TAS one-shot comic. I do not understand how they couldn't have scheduled this all a bit better.


Staff member
Nov 9, 2016
Despite Batman's characterization being a major issue I've had with this season, this episode was a highlight with all the meta jokes, particularly how often the Batman franchise rehashes the origin. Looks like the climax of this season will be a zombie apocalypse caused by Batman.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Makes sense one of the most immediate changes Mayor Joker makes is revamping Arkham into a community center. And the return of Doctor Psycho, would have been a bigger surprise if the Real Sidekicks special came with a spoiler warning and I had waited to read it. But that's life. The solicits for the next HQ mini-series already spoiled aspects of the finale I would guess. It seems like season 3 was going to start streaming at an earlier point but it was delayed and DC was unable to change things on their end in time. Hopefully. Otherwise, the lack of synergy while not surprising is still disconcerting. Anyway, that's minutia.

I agree that Psycho brought back the crew dynamic but they really couldn't wait to get rid of King Shark narratively and left the rest of the cast in the dark about what happened with him in "Another Sharkley Adventure." Great example was Psycho commenting on Ivy petting Harley's hair to try and help her. Still, I dig the symmetry of Psycho becoming a podcaster like his son Herman. Lot of sad bits there with Bizarro, Maxwell Lord, and Gorilla Grodd, especially with Grodd getting divorced evidentially and not handling it well. Bane using "Rane" as a fake name on the spot was hilarious and nice to see he's kinda making progress and now contemplating just buying himself a new pasta maker. Makes sense Lexcorp would be a sponsor.

lol, the return of more Frasier references. But full on nod to the intro sequence and theme song. lol. And Harley admitting she learned more from watching the show than all of medical school, lmao.

Was pretty cool seeing the BTAS backgrounds and hearing the music. I thought I'd be indifferent at this point with how much it's referenced in animation but still gets me. But of course, Clayface has self-serving reasons for going into Bruce's head, research. The mustache line, idk, couldn't help but think that was a wink at the Cavill mustache fiasco? It was a morbid reveal that Bruce does replay that scene in his head over and over but the meta jokes about how many times we've seen the origin story and the Joe Cool/Joe Chill/Joe Camel tangent, lol.

Made perfect sense, Harley's morality arc carries over from last week and the difference between her and Harley was surprisingly seeing little Bruce go through the murder of his parents. Seems she has a soft spot for innocent children who go through terrible stuff while Ivy, boy, comes off petty and cold in not giving a damn and just wanting to save Frank. They did a pretty good job of Joe Chill looking creepy as hell in the vein of a Jason of Michael Myers horror movie villain vibe. And despite the past head trips in Being Harley Quinn and Harley Quinn Highway, Harley breaks the rule and does something good and tries to save Bruce but then it leads to the mind lockdown. I don't know much about Thomas's back story but his rosebud was a sled, too, so his mother's love?

It was not too shocking to see Bruce's definitive statement that all he can see is darkness but powerful nonetheless that his child form says it. It reminded me of that scene in one of the stories in the Gotham Knight DTV where's there holding the guns in the pit or something and tells Alfred he can't leave. And the trip down memory lane. Just being forever locked in that one moment of trauma.

Used the graves from BTAS. And a spin on that Batman Begins line (and making Alfred look not as perceptive as he usually is). lmao with Harley's commentary on Bruce's training as well as the recurring social commentary bits about affordable housing and co-pays. But yeah. So that's how she finds out he's Batman. Idk, why, but I thought it would just be BTAS nods but it was hilarious that Bruce commented on the '66 and Batman Returns memories as "a few weird years."

The memories seemed to have a correct chronology to them so when they went to the Bonus Brothers memory, I was intrigued by who that Robin could be. We know from last season's flashback that when Harleen first meets Joker, he already killed Jason Todd. In this memory, he still has same Dark Knight-ish look but Harleen is now Harley Quinn. So that must be Tim Drake! And Jamiesen Borak was kind enough to confirm that! Harley commenting on the savior complex, herself, the accent, Robin's pixie outfit, and the no gun rule, rofl. The mix up on Zorro movies and the Santa Claus/Tim Allen jokes, man. So good. And I get why the last Christmas would be Bruce's happiest memory but dang... that's a kinda depressing that none of his relationship with Selina topped it BUT reinforces the final scenes of the episode that Bruce would rather try to do a Ctrl-Z on the memory rather than I'm guessing another attempt to heal which I mean Bruce is like in his 30s at this point so nothing's working... and he knows he's stuck so he's going surgical. I did like the reveal/emphasis on Bruce blaming himself for wanting to go to the movie. Buuuut, causing a zombie apocalypse in the process. No Man's Land was bad but now zombies? Oi.

EDIT: An article on the making of the episode with Borak.

The Producer Ben line was a nod to Ben Hosley from the Blank Check podcast.
Last edited:


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I at least appreciate that the show was pretty clear that Bruce Wayne would not break over torture :proud:.

Dr. Psycho is back! And running a podcast thanks to Mayor Joker's Arkham reforms! I liked the Bizarro gag or the WW '84 gag with Max Lord. And he's losing to Killer Croc's podcast, of which King Shark listens to :p.

This show pretty frequently has characters working together with main villains or characters who were previously trying to kill them :oops:.

Well, there's you're new Wayne Murder for the supercut! And then another one...and another one...this show really mined the fact that Bruce constantly relives his parents' murder to the fullest :sweat:.

I wonder if this Clayface Thomas Wayne biopic story is going anywhere...

I guess we can firmly say Harley has more empathy than Ivy, who cares less about a man caught reliving the moments his parents were murdered when he was a child constantly and more with her own friends (IE Frank). Then again, Harley has also shown in the past that she's more empathetic towards the people she cares about than she is with others :confused:.

But hey, Ivy knows Peanuts! Because of course she does :).

Harley trying to justify herself by saying she's been downplaying the clown aspect of her character even though she still wears white makeup and dresses like a Harlequin...she even justifies her costume's skimpiness. You do you, Harley :rolleyes2:.

It's so surreal for me to see Harley Quinn, of all characters, try to save the Waynes from being murdered in Bruce's headspace or help child Bruce Wayne through his psychological issues. Like, the show has been trying to portray her more as a legit psychiatrist and not just the example of everything a psychiatrist shouldn't be, even though she still is, but that just makes it all the more weird to watch play out. I guess Leslie Thompkins never existed in this universe :sweat:.

Look at all the references in the memories montage! The bomb! The classic suit! Alfred finally getting lines! Penguin is back :D!

I guess they're really sowing the seeds for hero Harley now that she's learned Bruce Wayne is Batman, agreed to become his psychologist (shudder) and form an emotional connection with him, and seen that being a hero isn't so lame...even though, honestly, after all the people she's directly and indirectly killed and how she generally relates to life through violence and debauchery I just have a hard time imagining that sticking or feeling as convincing :shrug:.

At least the Batfamily is on the ball when their boss is in danger! Although also a poor showing by the villains that they were all taken out with, like, no effort :sweat:.

I understand the point of the flashback fight was to show Harley facing off against her "old self" to show off how much better she is...but Harley does realize how much she hangs over Ivy, right? I know it's not the same as it was with Joker, but still. And why is she dissing her own accent? She probably grew up talking like that. And it feels even weirder when the first season had an episode about her retaking her identity and origin by making her out to have always been bad or off her rocker before the Joker even got to her :rolleyes:.

That's not the first time I've seen the classic Robin suit compared to ladies' underwear, but it was nice to see Harley in the suit, as well as a brief flashback to Dick as Robin :cool:.

I wasn't expecting Bruce going full mad scientist and planning to use Frank to revive his dead parents (man, they're really taking his obsession to some dark places here), but now it seems like he's unwittingly unleashed a zombie army. Uh oh :eek:.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I wonder if this Clayface Thomas Wayne biopic story is going anywhere...
Probably gonna be the big event in the season finale. Last season was the wedding, this season could well be the movie premiere.

I know it's not the same as it was with Joker, but still. And why is she dissing her own accent? She probably grew up talking like that.
I think that came up in Bensonhurst. When she's back home, she doesn't try to mask the accent but everywhere else she does.

That's not the first time I've seen the classic Robin suit compared to ladies' underwear, but it was nice to see Harley in the suit, as well as a brief flashback to Dick as Robin :cool:.
He was Tim Drake. I got that confirmed, see above. But yeah, the pixie suit is more classically associated with Dick.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Probably gonna be the big event in the season finale. Last season was the wedding, this season could well be the movie premiere.
Seems like something that could bring everybody together :p.
I think that came up in Bensonhurst. When she's back home, she doesn't try to mask the accent but everywhere else she does.
She should own up to her roots :).
He was Tim Drake. I got that confirmed, see above. But yeah, the pixie suit is more classically associated with Dick.
That's such a random way of debuting Tim Drake in this show when we hadn't even properly established there was a third Robin yet, but okay :sweat:.

And how old would he be at this point...


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Great episode! Not really a love letter to BTAS as was said, but more to Batman media in general. However I enjoyed the BTAS references the most, even if they were the most subtle ones.

The "ears too long" joke was hilarious. Totally on board with that kind of humor in a Batman parody.
The joke on the Alfred Batman Begins line about "to pick ourselves up" where Bruce comes up with it was so funny!

Yeah @Yojimbo , the CGI mustache bit was a clear reference to Superman in Justice League!

However, I really can't get behind Bruce trying to bring his parents back from the dead in such dubious ways. And I'm not a fan of Harley promising to save his secret either.
I wonder if this Clayface Thomas Wayne biopic story is going anywhere...
I hope so. It's not very funny to me yet and seems pointless. Hopefully it will pay off!


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
That's such a random way of debuting Tim Drake in this show when we hadn't even properly established there was a third Robin yet, but okay :sweat:.

And how old would he be at this point...
I fine with most shows/movies not being so adherent to the Robins appearing in the sacred order according to the comics. It's been random totally and that's fine with me. Damian, Jason reference, Nightwing, Tim.

I don't remember off hand if the flashbacks have been dated. I think only vaguely like "Years Earlier." But if Damian is a preteen and Nightwing and Batgirl are in their 20s, and Batman is 40ish, stands to reason Tim is a teenager if he's still alive. Where he is is a totally different question but they kept Nightwing out of Gotham for two seasons, shouldn't be a stretch that Tim could be in Keystone with his dad like around the time of the No Man's Land arc in the comics.

However, I really can't get behind Bruce trying to bring his parents back from the dead in such dubious ways. And I'm not a fan of Harley promising to save his secret either.
Harley has changed a lot but she can still slip up. Wouldn't be surprised if she accidentally gave his secret away. Plus, would she want to keep that from Ivy? Buuut it would amusing if she uses the secret to her advantage somehow.


Staff member
Nov 9, 2016
However, I really can't get behind Bruce trying to bring his parents back from the dead in such dubious ways. And I'm not a fan of Harley promising to save his secret either.

Flashes back to the Tower of Babel arc in the Justice League comics. If Batman refused to Lazarus Pit his parents, comic Batman wouldn't do this either.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
I know this series is a parody though, not to be taken too seriously. We should all take that into matter. But characters should still feel like themselves, only exagerated and more comedic. Thats why Seasons 1 and 2 Batman was great. He was being silly at times, but all in the spirit of being Batman. But this just feels wrong.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I know this series is a parody though, not to be taken too seriously. We should all take that into matter. But characters should still feel like themselves, only exagerated and more comedic. Thats why Seasons 1 and 2 Batman was great. He was being silly at times, but all in the spirit of being Batman. But this just feels wrong.
I think in the past, Schumacker and Halpern said DC is only conservative really when it comes to the heroes being played straight. So I think 'this Batman' will only be this season and it will be wrapped up in the season finale when inevitably he sees the error of his ways and things go back to classic Batman in season 4. He was mainly this way, imo, this season in service of Harley's arc and where she will end up in the season finale.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I don't remember off hand if the flashbacks have been dated. I think only vaguely like "Years Earlier." But if Damian is a preteen and Nightwing and Batgirl are in their 20s, and Batman is 40ish, stands to reason Tim is a teenager if he's still alive. Where he is is a totally different question but they kept Nightwing out of Gotham for two seasons, shouldn't be a stretch that Tim could be in Keystone with his dad like around the time of the No Man's Land arc in the comics.
Maybe he's currently leading the Titans :).

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Harley Quinn "Batman Begins Forever"

Honestly? That was one of the best premises for a Batman story I have EVER seen. I think of "Almost Got 'Im" and "Legends Of The Dark Night", and that's pretty much it for high-concept premises as can't miss as this. And don't insult me with the ludicrous idea that "Over The Edge" qualifies as one of those. I'm not a tourist. Don't treat me like I am.

Why did this show suck for so long if it had THIS in it? Man.

The villains have the whole store the entire episode and don't even realize it. That's the irresistible hook. But Harley is going to keep the secret out of patient confidentiality. And it's because Bruce lives in that one memory that it's such an arduous process for Harley to even get THAT much, and the rest of the villains are already out of his head by that point. I love the idea that Batman's secret is protected when villains enter Bruce Wayne's mind, because Batman is not the thing that matters to Bruce. And the realization for why he wanted Frank says two extra things. First, Bruce is not the Big Bad of the season after all. Second, he is definitely crazy and delusional. I can't see why Harley got attached to him. She can relate to a person this damaged and wounded.

I love her making fun of the accent in the dream. I feel like one of the reasons Tara Strong is such a horrible Harley Quinn is because she can't do the accent. Hynden Walch can't do the accent either. Margot Robbie ESPECIALLY can't do it. Hell, Kaley Cuoco can't do it either (as she proved here). The only person who can do it is Arlene Sorkin. Why does every Harley actress save Cuoco ape the one thing about Harley they'll never get right? And them failing that specific thing makes Harley sound WRONG, no matter who is voicing her when they attempt it, and utterly fail at it. It's probably why Cuoco is the only other acceptable Harley besides Sorkin. Because she doesn't even TRY to do the part of Harley no-one but Sorkin can. I loved the joke about the accent for that reason. I felt it was a bit of a shot across the bow at Strong, Walch, and yeah, Robbie for having the nerve to try to mimic the only thing about the character Sorkin brought to it that cannot be replicated. And it's super frustrating.

I don't trust Dr. Psycho, but it's a decent place for him to end up. And we get a Frasier parody out of it too.

This is the best episode of the series so far. I ragged mercilessly on this show in season 1. I could almost say my judgment is now suspect, but I genuinely think Season 1 was bad. This show being awesome was an actual process here. *****.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Harley Quinn "Batman Begins Forever"

Honestly? That was one of the best premises for a Batman story I have EVER seen. I think of "Almost Got 'Im" and "Legends Of The Dark Night", and that's pretty much it for high-concept premises as can't miss as this. And don't insult me with the ludicrous idea that "Over The Edge" qualifies as one of those. I'm not a tourist. Don't treat me like I am.

Why did this show suck for so long if it had THIS in it? Man.

The villains have the whole store the entire episode and don't even realize it. That's the irresistible hook. But Harley is going to keep the secret out of patient confidentiality. And it's because Bruce lives in that one memory that it's such an arduous process for Harley to even get THAT much, and the rest of the villains are already out of his head by that point. I love the idea that Batman's secret is protected when villains enter Bruce Wayne's mind, because Batman is not the thing that matters to Bruce. And the realization for why he wanted Frank says two extra things. First, Bruce is not the Big Bad of the season after all. Second, he is definitely crazy and delusional. I can't see why Harley got attached to him. She can relate to a person this damaged and wounded.

I love her making fun of the accent in the dream. I feel like one of the reasons Tara Strong is such a horrible Harley Quinn is because she can't do the accent. Hynden Walch can't do the accent either. Margot Robbie ESPECIALLY can't do it. Hell, Kaley Cuoco can't do it either (as she proved here). The only person who can do it is Arlene Sorkin. Why does every Harley actress save Cuoco ape the one thing about Harley they'll never get right? And them failing that specific thing makes Harley sound WRONG, no matter who is voicing her when they attempt it, and utterly fail at it. It's probably why Cuoco is the only other acceptable Harley besides Sorkin. Because she doesn't even TRY to do the part of Harley no-one but Sorkin can. I loved the joke about the accent for that reason. I felt it was a bit of a shot across the bow at Strong, Walch, and yeah, Robbie for having the nerve to try to mimic the only thing about the character Sorkin brought to it that cannot be replicated. And it's super frustrating.

I don't trust Dr. Psycho, but it's a decent place for him to end up. And we get a Frasier parody out of it too.

This is the best episode of the series so far. I ragged mercilessly on this show in season 1. I could almost say my judgment is now suspect, but I genuinely think Season 1 was bad. This show being awesome was an actual process here. *****.
I think Robbie and Walch can do the accent just fine. I think Strong's issue isn't so much the accent but just the pitch of her Harley voice. Laura Post also did a solid job of it in the Telltale Batman games.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
I think Robbie and Walch can do the accent just fine. I think Strong's issue isn't so much the accent but just the pitch of her Harley voice. Laura Post also did a solid job of it in the Telltale Batman games.
It sounds forced and fake with the both of them. That's the problem. It doesn't feel real or genuine with either and it feels like they are putting on a façade when doing the voice. That's why I liked this episode suggesting the accent itself was a façade. Sort of addressed that idea head-on.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
It sounds forced and fake with the both of them. That's the problem. It doesn't feel real or genuine with either and it feels like they are putting on a façade when doing the voice. That's why I liked this episode suggesting the accent itself was a façade. Sort of addressed that idea head-on.
It sounded pretty natural to me from Walch, Robbie, and Post. Melissa Rauch...maybe a little less so.

I don't think many could really pull off a Harley voice without the accent like Cuoco has, but I think that's partially because of what the show is like.

But the accent wasn't a facade. In-universe she grew up with it, her family has a similar accent, she just seems kind of embarrassed by it.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
It sounded pretty natural to me from Walch, Robbie, and Post. Melissa Rauch...maybe a little less so.

Melissa Rauch may be the WORST voice I have ever heard for Harley Quinn ever. Like all of her deliveries of even simply lines like "phew" felt forced and cringy. Felt like they only got her just to have a name not because of her talent. I'm certainly glade Robbie proved there is at least one lady from The Big Bang Theory who could voice HQ because it sure wasn't Rauch.

I don't think many could really pull off a Harley voice without the accent like Cuoco has, but I think that's partially because of what the show is like.

I feel it works with Tara Strong and to a lesser degree Hynden Walch is because those two are also very talented VAs know how to do a lot of voices and inflections and can also put a lot of energy and charm into their performances. Though yeah those are also for series and even movies that require a lot more energy and don't have low key moments like this show has. Like Robbie the first one I've seen even from Arlee Sorkin where the normal regular Harley voice, not Dr. Harleen Quinzel can work in just having normal conversations without coming across as obnoxious or anything so major props in that regard alone. But you don't really need those kind of roles in say the Suicide Squad DTV movies or DC Super Hero Girls show where Harley's is more on the side so can be more on point without having to carry more normal moments.

But the accent wasn't a facade. In-universe she grew up with it, her family has a similar accent, she just seems kind of embarrassed by it.

Fone Bone's point though is that with the ACTRESSES who are playing Harley the accent feels like a facade and fake when it shouldn't feel that way when we are listening to the character. And though I feel with Walch and Strong it's fine, Robbie to me yeah will never be a definite Harley Quinn because her voice can just grate on your nerves but not in a good or amusing way either. It's fine in shorter doses when surrounded by other people which is why The Suicide Squad and even Suicide Squad it wasn't that noticeable, but then you had Harley Quinn; Birds Of Prey (not going to use the super long name for that movie) that gave her a lot of narration and solo dialogue which man does not sell you on the character at all whenever she gives these long bits of narration. Which in that movie is all the time and really takes you out of it. Robbie's really good at the psychiality and look of the character but Cuoco works much more on someone you want to just listen to play the character.


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