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Anime RPG: Top 5 Games That You Should Play

Anime RPG

If you are looking for Anime RPG, you are going to find some good options on this listing. In the list, you are going to find anime video games, apps, MMORPG, and MUDs. There will be also some small reviews about these games. If you would like to make any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Top 5 Anime RPG Games

Imperian – MUD RPG Game

This is a MUD Game that is very relevant to a real RPG (text role-playing). You can play the game for free. However, this game doesn’t include any graphics. MUD Games can be complicated for you at the start but then it is going to be very interesting. You will find a large world to discover. You will find libraries to read the epic history of the world which is written by other users like you. You will able to fish, eat, cook, sell goods that you produce, open a shop, etc. The game also includes martial arts inside. You can improve your skills in martial arts and beat your enemies. There are cities and councils which are managed by other players in the game. If you would like to play an online text game that includes anime MUD scenarios, this will be a perfect option for you.

Imperian Gameplay


The fantasy world’s name is Aetherius in the Imperian. We will mention about the world as Aetherius in this article. When you start to game, you can be citizen of one of cities or councils in Aetherius. There are 2 cities and 3 councils in the game. These are:

Kinsarmar: A city located in the middle of Aetherius.

Ithaqua: A council of savages in the north.

Antioch: A desert city located in south

Celidon: Council of magick and druids.

Khandava: Demonic council of Aetherius.


There are three circles in the game. Magick, Anti-Magick and Demonic. Kinsarmar and Celidon are representing the magick circle. Ithaqua and Antioch is anti-magick. Khandava is demonic. There are always a war between those three circles.

Class Selection

Class selection will be the key for your circle choice on the game. You will able to select where you live by the choose of your class. You won’t able to select any class out of your circle in the game. You will need to leave all organizations you joined for getting a class from another circle. Professions can be unlimited if you prefer to be rouge though. Being rogue is not fun at all because you have less communication with other players in the game. There are also some neutral classes that released recently. These neutral classes can be learned from any circles. There is no limit about them.


The other important selection of the game is the race for you. There are 12 unique races of the game. You will need to select one of those races. You will have a reincarnation chance later if you want to change your race later. Races and their advantages in Aetherius:

  • Akrabi:Rattling gives you to special skill to contact other Akrabis in the game. Sight gives you ability to cure blindless immediately. Sting will help you to hit your foe with formaldehyde toxin.
  • Kohdon: Bask will help you to gain HP and MP in a sunny day. Tailsweep skill is for knockdown other players. You can also Fear other players in the game as a Kohdon.
  • Sidhe: As a Sidhe elf, you will able to see in darkness with infravision skill and you will be alerted to movements near you with alertness skill.
  • Sylayan: Sylayan elves can move in the forest fast with landstriding skill. They can also harvest more plants.
  • Tanari: Tanaris are kind of human. They can find foods in cities and urbans with their scavenge skill. They also have a special reserve bonus.
  • Muamrite: Muamrites can move quite fast through a direction with the dash skill. If they are in desert they can use their burrow skill to hide underground.
  • Dwarf: Dwarves can smith armours and weapons with long durability. Their fury ability also gives them extra STR for a short time. The fury can be quite handy for knight and other STR based classes.
  • Lamira: Lamiras can breathe underwater and they can regenerate health in the water.
  • Lycaean:Lycaeans can dig underground without a shovel. They can also scent other players on Aetherius.
  • Ssylsin: Ssylsins have the same bask skills as same as in the Kohdon. They have also Lycaean’s scent skill too.
  • Norrjin: Norrjins can swing up to treetops and they can move between trees. They can also see in blizzard with the help of whitesight ability.
  • Xiur: They can eat corpses and clot their wounds naturally.

There is not any limitation in race selection. Each races have different advantages. You can see those advantages in the list above.

Quests and Experience

After you pick your class and organization, you will need to start to hunt in the game. By hunting monsters in the game, you will collect XP points and level up. This will make you stronger. Because when you level up, you will earn lessons and you will able to improve your skills. It will also contribute your HP and MP.

Quests are the most fun part of MUD games. Imperian has also many quests. Completing by those quests, you can earn experience points, gold coins, honors. Honors in the game is a special reward. When people check about your character on the game, they can see those honors in your profile.

Economy and Politics

Imperian is also Politic Mud with a free economy system. Every city and council has a leader in the game. These leaders are selected by a voting system in the game. Other players like you vote for candidates and choose their leaders. There are also ministries of cities and councils that led by players. Ministry of War, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Security, Ministry of Cultural Affairs are some of those ministries.


PvP is very restricted on the game. You need to have a good role-play reason to kill another player. Otherwise you are going to have a penalty for some time. PvP on the game based on the conflict between anti-magick, magick and demonic circles. Each circle is hostile to each other.

You can also play the game through MUD clients on PC, MAC, iOS, and Android.

Imperian MUD Game

Naruto Online – Browser Anime RPG

Naruto Online is a game where you can play on your browser. It is free to play. There is also a mini client of the game that you can download. If you don’t want to download anything and want to play the game through your browser, you can do it on the website. However, this game won’t be available for Android or iOS.


If you would like to play it on Android or iOS devices, you can still try browsers like Puffin. Puffin Browser is available in the Play Store and App Store. It helps you to run a flash app on your mobile phone. You will need to visit the website in desktop view. The game will run but it will be very hard to manage your character on the game.

Naruto Online - Anime RPG Browser Game

Blade & Wings: 3D Fantasy Anime of Fate & Legends – Android App

Blade & Wings is one of the leading Anime RPG apps on the Play Store. It has been downloaded 1 million times and got more than 200000 reviews on Play Store. The overall review point for the app is 4.6/5 at the moment which is very high. You can watch the trailer video of the 1st anniversary of Blade & Wings. You can download the app from Play Store for free. There are some bug problems with the game recently. However, it is still the most popular Anime RPG application for Android devices at the moment. It is free to play the game but still, you will need to pay for the game to play it effectively.

Another Eden – iOS App

Another Eden is an iOS Anime RPG game that you can play on your iPhone and iPad devices. You need to have iOS 8.0 to play this game. You can download the app from the App Store for free. The size of the application is 4GB and it got about 17500 reviews from iOS users. The overall rating of reviews is 4.8 which is very high for an iOS app. You can play the game in English, French, German, Japanese, and Chinese languages. This is the highest-rated popular Anime RPG on App Store at the moment.

Tales of Symphonia – Video Game

This video game has been selected best anime video game by many authorities. It is also ranked first in the ranker as well. Tales of Symphonia can be also obtained from steam. You can download the game from steam. The game got about 2500 reviews on the website and overall thoughts about the game are very positive. Besides the minimum requirements of the game is currently very good. You can download this game for $15 only. (Nowadays there is a discount for it. Don’t miss it until the 1 December. 75% Off)

If you like anime video games, this game should be on your list certainly.

You can mention about your favorite Anime RPG game by commenting this page and also request us to add them to the list.