The first post


Resident Heiress
Jun 15, 2006
Seven Springs
I've been asked to write the very first post in this forum.

Though their intentions were admirable, I'm not entirely sure I was the best choice. I don't make a habit of hanging around bulletin board systems, and I'm not the most educated as far as the subject is concerned. However, I have done my best in the last few hours to study the basic nuances of the typical message board discussion, and what follows is what I hope will be a welcoming statement scribed in your own native language.


I don't like cats. Therefore, all cats are Nazis, and all people who like cats are Nazis. Anyone who disagrees with me is a library-paste-eating burden on society who will never be loved and will leave this earth the miserable failure he is today. I am just stating an opinion, I am not trolling or flaming. Snakes on a Plane. Chuck Norris.


I can do that with a pancake!
Jun 27, 2006
currently GA
I am a library-paste-eating burden on society who will never be loved and will leave this earth the miserable failure I am today-- who also proclaims "W007!" and "WIN" for your SoaP refrence.


New Member
Jul 14, 2006
Cats are soft and fluffy, but they hate it when you touch them, for the most part. How evil is that?!


I can do that with a pancake!
Jun 27, 2006
currently GA
I5Spiders said:
Cats are soft and fluffy, but they hate it when you touch them, for the most part. How evil is that?!
Depends on the breed, and how it was raised. I know many cats that can not get enough of being petted, to the point it is obnoxious


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