Interview With Dan Norton: The Rest of ThunderCats (2011) Detailed


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
United States
A podcast interview with Dan Norton, the art director for ThunderCats (2011), was posted a few days ago where he explained how the rest of the series would have turned out. The interview can be found here, it is almost 3 hours long. I'll mention some of the highlights of the interview in this post.

*It sounds like Season 2 would have started with a time skip with the power balance in Mumm-Ra's favor and he would tempt rebels to join his side or die if they stayed on Lion-O's side. They also planned to have Lion-O come up with the Code of Thundera from the 1985 Series and they planned for the symbols on the red crests of the armor "to be earned". They also planned to rebuild Thundera to include all who oppose Mumm-Ra.

*The 2nd episode would have been about the Berbils makeing the New Thundera technologically more advanced than the old one. Panthro plans to steal Mumm-Ra's technology to give them an advantage and the Berbils would follow him. This episode is also the one that would reveal Snarf's species' origins and show Flashbacks of when Panthro was trapped in the pyramid after Grune's betrayal (this was a detail that was mentioned a few years ago at a convention). Ro-Bear Bill would have sacrificed himself to save Panthro and ensure the heroes would have the advantage Panthro planned.

*The 3rd episode would have been about other details that was revealed at a convention, Slithe's motives for siding with Mumm-Ra, Lynx-O's spotlight appearance, Slithe's grudge against Lynx-O and Slithe killing Lynx-O. There would be hints of Pumyra wanting more power too.

*The 4th episode would have given the spotlight to Cheetara and her status as the last Cleric. We would have met an old rival of Cheetara's from her Cleric training days (a fat snow leopard) and we would have learned that Cheetara blames herself for her grandma's death because of her speed to deliver medicine. It turns out that Cheetara was wearing weights and they would have been destroyed when she forgave herself. Like her 1985 Series Counterpart, Cheetara would gain the ability to see into the future in this episode.

*An episode would have focused on Jaga and confirmed that the Astral Plane is where Jaga's spirit resides. This episode also confirmed that Grune is still trapped in the Astral Plane and he has been trandformed into a more monstrous version of himself (with Panthro's arms attached to him). Grune would also steal the Blue Power Stone (known as the "Soul Stone").

*An episode would have shown some flashbacks to explain how the Kittens acquired their items (the Flink and the Flupe), they were in the maze of Baron Karnor (a nod to the Tower of Baron Karnor from the 1985 Series).

*An episode would have involved islands and a nautical vibe. The Tiger Sharks would have made an appearance and the Bolkins from the 1985 Series would have appeared and been made into a community of fishermen. They would also have to deal with the Berserkers lead by Hammerhand (a group of cybernetic pirates that appeared in the 1985 Series). The ThunderCats would also have to ring an enchanted bell guarded by a blind troll to remove the fog surrounding these islands.

*These episodes would have shown Mumm-Ra uses the Power Stones to power-up his pyramid and one of these episodes revealed one of these power-ups to be turning sand into a black mist and releasing it within a chamber that turns whom ever breaths it into a more powerful but more monstrous form. This ties into something that was revealed at a convention, Pumyra would transform into a mutant-bug monstrosity. Pumyra would be in this form for a few episodes and Tygra would kill Pumyra when it became clear she is beyond the point of redemption.

*The first batch of 13 episodes from this set of 26 episodes would end with Lion-O entering the Book of Omens to train some more.

*Another major point from these episodes would be the Kittens splitting up on somewhat bitter terms during the time skip. WilyKit went to live with the Elephants at one point and became their queen while WilyKat still focuses on finding El Dara and becomes a King of Thieves.

*Hachiman (the samurai from the 1985 Series) was planned to appear, learned how to fight from a group of roach people and have a sword created by the Drifter. The Conquedor would have been revealed to be Safari Joe from the 1985 Series. The Lunataks (a group of aliens that also became main villains alongside Mumm-Ra and the animal villains in Season 2 of the 1985 Series) were planned to appear too.

*One of the concepts they had in mind for the show was Lion-O going from boy to man, from man to king and from king to kingdom. Lion-O would emerge from the Book of Omens 10 years later (looking like the ThunderCat equivalent of Conan The Barbarian) and WilyKit would eventually become the Queen to Lion-O's King. Bengali would appear as Tygra & Cheetara's son in this series (an example of "Related In The Adaptation").

*After Lion-O returns from the Book of Omens, Mumm-Ra's pyramid would have enough power to float again and he plans to use it to attack the ThunderCats but it takes over the course of this next batch of 13 episodes to reach the Cat's Lair. The ThunderCats would face off against Grune again to reclaim the Soul Stone and Panthro would reclaim his arms from Grune, which now have an ability known as an "Astral Punch".

*After this last confrontation with Grune, Mumm-Ra would steal the Soul Stone but Slithe would betray him and give the stone to Lion-O and be killed by Mumm-Ra in retaliation (Slithe betraying Mumm-Ra and being killed by him were revealed at a convention a few years ago). Tygra would also die before the final battle when he takes a hit from the Sword of Plun-Darr intended for Lion-O.

*The final battle would show all of the ThunderCats' allies answering Lion-O's battle cry/battle call, the Drifter would return with all the Swordsmen who regained their swords taken by the Duelist and Ponzi would return with Lucy. When Lion-O defeats Mumm-Ra a bandage would fly off into the wind.

*The epilogue would show peace has returned to Third Earth but the final scene would show the bandage from the final batle landing on the face of an innocent animal herder in the desert, forcibly mummify him and bury him under ground in the desert.

*There were two different ideas for whether Tygra could be brought back to life or if he stayed dead; the gauntlet combined with all the Power Stones would have the power to restore things (the debate was whether it could restore life or not). If they went with the Tygra stays dead route, there would have been a scene where Lion-O shows Bengali statues of previous kings and there would be a statue dedicated to Tygra.

*Some ideas for new abilities and weapons the ThunderCats would obtain were also brought up and a few other episode ideas were brought up. There were some toy designs for some of these characters and forms from these episodes and Dan Norton did mention the possibility of showing some concept art relating to these episodes to the public to help give fans closure.

*It turns out the series was renewed for Season 2 at some point which is how they were able to start rough drafts for the scripts of the first 5 or 6 episodes of the season. Dan Norton explains this in greater detail during the interview and also talks about the viewer ratings as well as the situation regarding Lego Chima.

*The end of the interview has Dan Norton mention he is currently working at Riot Games and has hopes to make a movie in the future.

Overall, I can say I am grateful for this interview. ThunderCats (2011) was a series I really enjoyed and many of my relatives also enjoyed it; it was really nice how my relatives and I looked forward to watching each episode and talking about them together and we still speculate about it to this day. Since the show wasn't going to get renewed, this interview (and the concept art Dan Norton is thinking about sharing) was the next best way to give fans proper closure (Dan Norton sounded very enthusiastic in this interview, showing his passion working on the show) and this could help inspire fan works to fill in the blanks. It was cool hearing about how Grune would play a significant role after he was trapped in the Astral Plane and the many returning characters (both in the 1985 Series and the earlier episodes of the 2011 Series) that we could have seen; I admit I am curious about if there were plans to bring Ratar-O back after "Curse of Ratilla" (he was one of my favorite villains in the 2011 Series). I also agree with Dan Norton about how there is no such thing as an original idea but the important thing is the execution of these ideas and good execution can put a unique spin on an idea even if it isn't original.

I recall my times in the talkbacks for the episodes on this series when it was on the air and I thought it would be a good idea to share the link to this interview so fellow fans can receive closure on the series and share their thoughts on these details. Happy listening and thought sharing to all!
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Long Live the Fighter!
Staff member
Mar 11, 2005
California, USA
Dan Norton (and a few other of the show's staff) already detailed the potential second season four years ago at Power-Con.

It is nice to hear an auditory account, though, and I think it captures far more than that old article. Thanks for the link!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
United States
Yes, that is the convention I acknowledged revealed some of the details mentioned in the podcast interview (such as Snarf's origins, Punyra's death and Slithe's major parts). As you said, the podcast interview goes into greater specifics about those details and does reveal details that haven't been brought up before (such as Grune's return, Cheetara's rival in Cleric training and the possibility of the Lunataks returning) which is why I felt it would be wise to share the link to this interview.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
Sounds like there was plans for a possible third season.
I still don't like how Pumyra was never getting redeemed. Especially since Mumm-Ra implied that she isn't fully in control of her actions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
In any case, this version was clearly too revisionist for its own good. I've said this before, but there's a difference between different and too different, and this show is definitely confirmed to be too different from the 1985 original. I guess this is what happens when any show, let alone a(n ultimately in-name-only) remake of an older show tries too hard to be anime-like (from what I understand), or otherwise tries too hard to please the older fans who saw the original show (or other older shows like it) when it/they first aired. Thundera as just one part of Third Earth? Pumyra suddenly turning out... have been working form Mumm-Ra all along?

...along with the overall plot being serialized? Clearly, the writers thought the original 1985 series wasn't realistic (or otherwise good) enough, and felt that their version was what the original should have been. Either that, or this version was written the way it was because that's how they felt "cartoons" were being made in the "modern" age (or thought that's what the older fans thought), or maybe they thought it was because anime (or western productions like it) was "in" at that point. It may have even been two or more of the above. TV-PG or not, I was right to avoid this show at any rate (for this reason, please don't give me the "watch before you judge" explanation; I read synopses* of all the episodes on Wikipedia, which I felt was good enough). I can't speak for anyone else, but I was hoping to watch a new version of Thundercats, not one person/group/entity's personal vision of/view of/opinion on the original show that (ultimately) resorts to dark melodrama (or otherwise threatening tragedy) in order to make the show interesting, exciting, or otherwise create dramatic tension in the short term, all for the sake of the older viewers who the writers figure otherwise wouldn't give this "cartoon" series the time of day (at least, from what I can see). Furthermore, and no offense to the writers, but considering that the show ended on a cilffhanger in the first place, I think they may have been at least a little overconfident, especially if there were in fact plans for a third season. I mean at least the 2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe remake ended with most, if not all of its major plot points resolved, even if that show did have more to talk about.

At any rate, you know how Aesop said that you shouldn't count your chickens before they're hatched? I think it kind of applies here...

*"Synopses" is the plural form of "synopsis".


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
United States
Dan Norton recently mention on his Facebook that the podcast interview was originally over 4 hours long and there were some parts of it that weren't recorded. At the moment, he doesn't know if the one who hosted the interview will eventually post the rest of the recorded parts of the interview or not but I intend to keep a look out for any possible updates. He also mentioned that some other parts of this interview that weren't posted talked about how Third Earth ended up in its current state and Mumm-Ra's connection to Third Earth.


Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Sounds like there was plans for a possible third season.
I still don't like how Pumyra was never getting redeemed. Especially since Mumm-Ra implied that she isn't fully in control of her actions.
Especially that I didn't like the idea of Tygra killing her because I feel that she should've turned against Mumm-Ra after realising his true actions. When I incorporated the elements of the scrapped second season into my fanfic continuation of the reboot (as in the ones that were mentioned in the previous interview), I intentionally didn't incorporate this element as I felt that was a moral event horizon for Tygra as in it could've caused more confrontation between him and Lion-O plus I felt that Pumyra should've gotten a redemption arc had the show continued instead of being turned into an insectoid monster and eventually being killed by Tygra. I also didn't incorporate the idea of Lynx-O killing Slithe's family as I felt that Mumm-Ra should've been the one who did that by framing Lynx-O instead plus I feel Bengali should've been Tygra's cousin from his mother's side than being his and Cheetara's son as I feel that he wasn't the last of the tiger Thunderians nor am I a fan of Tygra and Cheetara as a couple (Lion-O/Cheetara shipper here) but I am happy that Hachiman, the Lunataks and the TigerSharks were planning to appear. That being said, I'd love to see this being adapted as a comic book series from DC in order to bring closure to it.

I am well aware that the reboot was criticised for being too dark and revisionist but I found it a better reboot from CN than the recent three reboots from them and that had it never existed, then we wouldn't have Voltron: Legendary Defender, which is considered to be a spiritual successor to this reboot (given that both are reimaginings of well regarded Eighties animated shows with an animesque art style and rather than be straightforward retellings, they take on a more science fantasy tone with characters given different interpretations and backstories) and also a spiritual successor to both Avatar series (given that most of the crew worked on those shows).

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Red Arrow

ça va nog wel
Oct 22, 2012
In any case, this version was clearly too revisionist for its own good. I've said this before, but there's a difference between different and too different, and this show is definitely confirmed to be too different from the 1985 original. I guess this is what happens when any show, let alone a(n ultimately in-name-only) remake of an older show tries too hard to be anime-like (from what I understand), or otherwise tries too hard to please the older fans who saw the original show (or other older shows like it) when it/they first aired. Thundera as just one part of Third Earth? Pumyra suddenly turning out... have been working form Mumm-Ra all along?

...along with the overall plot being serialized? Clearly, the writers thought the original 1985 series wasn't realistic (or otherwise good) enough, and felt that their version was what the original should have been. Either that, or this version was written the way it was because that's how they felt "cartoons" were being made in the "modern" age (or thought that's what the older fans thought), or maybe they thought it was because anime (or western productions like it) was "in" at that point. It may have even been two or more of the above. TV-PG or not, I was right to avoid this show at any rate (for this reason, please don't give me the "watch before you judge" explanation; I read synopses* of all the episodes on Wikipedia, which I felt was good enough). I can't speak for anyone else, but I was hoping to watch a new version of Thundercats, not one person/group/entity's personal vision of/view of/opinion on the original show that (ultimately) resorts to dark melodrama (or otherwise threatening tragedy) in order to make the show interesting, exciting, or otherwise create dramatic tension in the short term, all for the sake of the older viewers who the writers figure otherwise wouldn't give this "cartoon" series the time of day (at least, from what I can see). Furthermore, and no offense to the writers, but considering that the show ended on a cilffhanger in the first place, I think they may have been at least a little overconfident, especially if there were in fact plans for a third season. I mean at least the 2002 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe remake ended with most, if not all of its major plot points resolved, even if that show did have more to talk about.

At any rate, you know how Aesop said that you shouldn't count your chickens before they're hatched? I think it kind of applies here...

*"Synopses" is the plural form of "synopsis".
This entire opinion is based on wild guesses and assumptions. You don't want people to say "Watch before you judge" but that is exactly the answer you should get.

You say you were right to avoid this show, but how do you even know that? Because of a Wikipedia page and the fact that the show ended on a cliffhanger?

AFAIK the show didn't try to please adult viewers any more than the average CN / WB show.

You hoped for a new version of ThunderCats? That is exactly what you got. This show isn't dark at all. This show isn't even close to being melodramatic.

As usual, you judge a reboot/revival before you have seen it and you won't change your opinion no matter what. You searched for reasons not to watch this show, afraid of having to admit you could be wrong.


Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
This entire opinion is based on wild guesses and assumptions. You don't want people to say "Watch before you judge" but that is exactly the answer you should get.

You say you were right to avoid this show, but how do you even know that? Because of a Wikipedia page and the fact that the show ended on a cliffhanger?

AFAIK the show didn't try to please adult viewers any more than the average CN / WB show.

You hoped for a new version of ThunderCats? That is exactly what you got. This show isn't dark at all. This show isn't even close to being melodramatic.

As usual, you judge a reboot/revival before you have seen it and you won't change your opinion no matter what. You searched for reasons not to watch this show, afraid of having to admit you could be wrong.
He probably did see the show, given his comment.

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
I am well aware that the reboot was criticised for being too dark and revisionist but I found it a better reboot from CN than the recent three reboots from them and that had it never existed, then we wouldn't have Voltron: Legendary Defender, which is considered to be a spiritual successor to this reboot (given that both are reimaginings of well regarded Eighties animated shows with an animesque art style and rather than be straightforward retellings, they take on a more science fantasy tone with characters given different interpretations and backstories) and also a spiritual successor to both Avatar series (given that most of the crew worked on those shows).
I think if they didn't kill off characters from left and right, I think the show would've been far more well received.
The designs were far better than the original series, which was a huge plus, since the original characters were just so ugly. Especially Snarf.

He probably did see the show, given his comment.

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He said that he avoided the show and read synopses of all the episodes on Wikipedia instead.


Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
I think if they didn't kill off characters from left and right, I think the show would've been far more well received.

If it weren't for the show, we wouldn't have Voltron: Legendary Defender, which has been considered as a spiritual successor to the show plus I felt that the Tygra/Cheetara romance was shoehorned as I actually preferred Cheetara ending up with Lion-O and that Pumyra should've gotten a redemption arc than a senseless and meaningless fate for her as in being turned into a insect monster and being killed by Tygra when it became clear that there was no chance of her redeeming, along with that it should've been Mumm-Ra who killed Slithe's family by disguising himself as Lynx-O along with Bengali being Tygra's cousin than his and Cheetara's son in order to reveal that not all tiger Thunderians were wiped out by the plague.

The designs were far better than the original series, which was a huge plus, since the original characters were just so ugly. Especially Snarf.

Well, those character designs from the original series were good for its time, but now it feels dated after all and yes, the animeesque character designs looked very interesting as if it came out from a comic book.

Given the more details about the scrapped season, I'd love to see it being adapted into a comic book series or maybe if WB decides to do their own streaming service should DC Digital become a success, a revival series though there could be recasts for the Thunderkittens, given the voice actors (who were kids during the show) are now teenagers/young adults.

He said that he avoided the show and read synopses of all the episodes on Wikipedia instead.

Oh, darn.

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
If it weren't for the show, we wouldn't have Voltron: Legendary Defender, which has been considered as a spiritual successor to the show plus I felt that the Tygra/Cheetara romance was shoehorned as I actually preferred Cheetara ending up with Lion-O and that Pumyra should've gotten a redemption arc than a senseless and meaningless fate for her as in being turned into a insect monster and being killed by Tygra when it became clear that there was no chance of her redeeming, along with that it should've been Mumm-Ra who killed Slithe's family by disguising himself as Lynx-O along with Bengali being Tygra's cousin than his and Cheetara's son in order to reveal that not all tiger Thunderians were wiped out by the plague.
I never watched Voltron, and I'm not a big fan of shipping, but I agree that Pumyra should've been redeemed instead of becoming another character that dies. The idea of Tygra being the last of his people was also bad since it's too close what real life Tigers are going through.
I think the show could've been a fantastic series like that He-man reboot if it wasn't so negative.

Well, those character designs from the original series were good for its time, but now it feels dated after all and yes, the animeesque character designs looked very interesting as if it came out from a comic book.

Dated or not, those old designs were ugly:ack:

Given the more details about the scrapped season, I'd love to see it being adapted into a comic book series or maybe if WB decides to do their own streaming service should DC Digital become a success, a revival series though there could be recasts for the Thunderkittens, given the voice actors (who were kids during the show) are now teenagers/young adults.
Unfortunately, like Wolverine and the X-Men and Green Lantern the Animated Series, I don't think we'll Thundercats will get a revival :(


Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
I never watched Voltron.

If you have Netflix, then I recommend the show plus the team behind both Avatar series are involved in it.

I agree that Pumyra should've been redeemed instead of becoming another character that dies.

I honestly don't get why the creators planned her to be killed off in the second season, given that many fans found her to be a villainous woobie and had the Draco in Leather Pants treatment.

The idea of Tygra being the last of his people was also bad since it's too close what real life Tigers are going through.


I think the show could've been a fantastic series like that He-man reboot if it wasn't so negative.

I think the dark tone upset younger fans, which explains why the toy sales were poor. Had it been toned down during the break between episode 13 and 14, then it could've improved the show.

Dated or not, those old designs were ugly.

Well, they fit under "narm", to say the least.

Unfortunately, like Wolverine and the X-Men and Green Lantern the Animated Series, I don't think ThunderCats will get a revival :(

Well this year, Samurai Jack managed to get a revival miniseries in order to wrap up the show and Hey Arnold managed to get a TV film finale along with Batman: The Brave and the Bold getting a new DTV film and Young Justice returning for a third series, so anything is possible but yes, it will probably not happen.

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
If you have Netflix, then I recommend the show plus the team behind both Avatar series are involved in it.
I do not have Netflix. While the team who worked on the original Avatar gives this Voltron credibility to watch. The fact that Korra was such a disaster however loses some of that credibility.

I honestly don't get why the creators planned her to be killed off in the second season, given that many fans found her to be a villainous woobie and had the Draco in Leather Pants treatment.
Maybe the creators hated the character? Or maybe the creators simply enjoy killing off characters? They were planning on killing off Tygra after all.

I think the dark tone upset younger fans, which explains why the toy sales were poor. Had it been toned down during the break between episode 13 and 14, then it could've improved the show.
I agree.

Well this year, Samurai Jack managed to get a revival miniseries in order to wrap up the show and Hey Arnold managed to get a TV film finale along with Batman: The Brave and the Bold getting a new DTV film and Young Justice returning for a third series, so anything is possible but yes, it will probably not happen.
Samurai Jack had the popularity along with Hey Arnold and Batman: TBatB. Unfortunately Wolverine and the X-Men, Green Lantern the Animated Series, and Thundercats have mostly been forgotten.


Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
I do not have Netflix. While the team who worked on the original Avatar gives this Voltron credibility to watch. The fact that Korra was such a disaster however loses some of that credibility.

Korra wasn't really a disaster. Book 1 and 2 wasn't that great, mainly due to the latter responsible for the show moving from Saturdays to Fridays and that wasn't a great season aside from "Beginnings" and the retcon of the Avatar State, both of which I liked. Book 3 and 4 were better than those two, though the former had the worst ratings for the show due to Nickelodeon airing it earlier and screwing it after the first six episodes were accidentally leaked online in Nick Video's Mexican feed before moving the remaining episodes and the latter season online plus it did gain a huge LGBTQ fanbase after all, especially the ship tease of Korra and Asami becoming a couple and the final scene of the series confirming them to be in a relationship.

Maybe the creators hated the character? Or maybe the creators simply enjoy killing off characters? They were planning on killing off Tygra after all.

Most likely the latter, in order to give the show a more dramatic feel and to show that it wasn't the same series as it was in the Eighties.

Samurai Jack had the popularity along with Hey Arnold and Batman: TBatB. Unfortunately Wolverine and the X-Men, Green Lantern the Animated Series and ThunderCats have mostly been forgotten.

You're right that they've been ignored but I don't think that they're mostly forgotten. If the Young Justice revival on DC Digital becomes a success, then it could be possible for GL: TAS to be revived plus instead of reviving WATXM (though it could be given closure in a miniseries), I'd love to see a new X-Men animated series on Disney XD but not like Avengers Assemble. I would love a revival of this reboot in 2019, a year before the 35th anniversary of the original series but it's quite sad that it didn't have the same popularity for shows that got revived.

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
Korra wasn't really a disaster. Book 1 and 2 wasn't that great, mainly due to the latter responsible for the show moving from Saturdays to Fridays and that wasn't a great season aside from "Beginnings" and the retcon of the Avatar State, both of which I liked. Book 3 and 4 were better than those two, though the former had the worst ratings for the show due to Nickelodeon airing it earlier and screwing it after the first six episodes were accidentally leaked online in Nick Video's Mexican feed before moving the remaining episodes and the latter season online plus it did gain a huge LGBTQ fanbase after all, especially the ship tease of Korra and Asami becoming a couple and the final scene of the series confirming them to be in a relationship.
While the writing got better in season 3, the series was still a mess. The romance was too much focused on and very forced. Korra showed to be one of the worst Avatars by losing her connection with her past lives. And just because it hints at LGBTQ, doesn't make the show instantly good.

Most likely the latter, in order to give the show a more dramatic feel and to show that it wasn't the same series as it was in the Eighties.
They could've done that without overdoing the dramatics.

You're right that they've been ignored but I don't think that they're mostly forgotten. If the Young Justice revival on DC Digital becomes a success, then it could be possible for GL: TAS to be revived
Unfortunately, the reason for GL:TAS's cancellation was because they couldn't make any toys for it because of the film's failure.

plus instead of reviving WATXM (though it could be given closure in a miniseries), I'd love to see a new X-Men animated series on Disney XD but not like Avengers Assemble. I would love a revival of this reboot in 2019, a year before the 35th anniversary of the original series but it's quite sad that it didn't have the same popularity for shows that got revived.
I'd rather see WATXM revived. For one thing, marvel series has been focusing on making shows like their films, hence why A:EMH was canned to make way for AA. Another reason is, because how the series was left off with so many cliffhangers. Besides, FOX still owns the X-Men rights. So even if a new series is made, I doubt it would be made by Disney.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
While the writing got better in season 3, the series was still a mess. The romance was too much focused on and very forced. Korra showed to be one of the worst Avatars by losing her connection with her past lives. And just because it hints at LGBTQ, doesn't make the show instantly good.

They could've done that without overdoing the dramatics.

Unfortunately, the reason for GL:TAS's cancellation was because they couldn't make any toys for it because of the film's failure.

I'd rather see WATXM revived. For one thing, marvel series has been focusing on making shows like their films, hence why A:EMH was canned to make way for AA. Another reason is, because how the series was left off with so many cliffhangers. Besides, FOX still owns the X-Men rights. So even if a new series is made, I doubt it would be made by Disney.
Disney owns the cartoon rights to X-Men. They won't make another animated X-Men series simply to spite Fox. They could if they wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
United States
The one who hosted the interview recently mentioned that there won't be another post but the original interview will be edited to remove the repeated part and some of the recorded parts will be added into this edited version. I will keep a look out for when the revised interview has been released to the public.

Since some were asking about it, I suppose I should mention that Dan Norton does reveal the reason for why many characters were planned to be killed off in this podcast interview. He explains that their intention was to present "a sharp edged show" where anyone could die (good or bad, cute or ugly, etc.) to highlight the danger of the conflict.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
Since some were asking about it, I suppose I should mention that Dan Norton does reveal the reason for why many characters were planned to be killed off in this podcast interview. He explains that their intention was to present "a sharp edged show" where anyone could die (good or bad, cute or ugly, etc.) to highlight the danger of the conflict.
The fact that the show was suppose to sell toys to kids, "edge" kind of helped doomed the show.


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I guess Nick is officially done with this franchise for now.
Happy 20th Birthday to the Cartoon Network City Era!

Watching this clip from the Princess Power special "Princess Royal Wedding", where Queen Ryung & Queen Olivia get married, makes me glad that the show was picked up by a streaming service. If it was picked up by the Junior 3 (Disney Jr, Nick Jr , & PBS Kids), an episode like this either wouldn't be made or if it,would come when the show was went to a less available channel

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