Why did Steve Marmel stop working with Butch Hartman?


Staff member
Aug 10, 2003
East Coast of USA
If they were doing great with FOP and DP, why did they split up?

According to what I heard from Neo Yi (who knows more about DP than anyone else here), that Steve Marmel wanted to make Danny Phantom darker, but Butch Hartman didn't want to, and he got Marmel fired over it.

Neo Yi

Staff member
Sep 11, 2004
Now, now, keep in mind much of what I have heard could count as speculation then it does fact. Most of my Marmel news comes from my time chatting with FireFury who had the time to chat and interview with him on her website. She obviously didn't express any personal insights between Marmel and Hartman, but she did give off that vibe in some of the posts in the site's forum (which I won't link; just dig around, maybe you'll find something).

The general consensus seems to have been creative difficulties. Steve Marmel stated he had different plans for Season Three, but never got the chance due to executive meddling. How large of a fault from Hartman, Nickelodeon, Marmel, or whoever is debatable. Marmel wanted to finish off Season Three, but something prevented him from doing so; whether he was fired or quit. And frankly, I don't think that's a discussion I (or anyone) should talk about in a public forum.

When I e-mailed him, he, too was very mum about the situation and his plans for DP's third season (I know less about his FOP works, so I can't comment on that) out of respect for Hartman, a gesture I completely understand and admire. FireFury apparently got some of his ideas; though she may have been an exception at the time - she was hosting a DP Third Season Fan Project using Marmel's version with his permission; it's largely dead, unfortunately, so don't expect FireFury to suddenly blurt it all out if you contact her; she, too will likely remain mum. In short, there's some bit of truth in there, but due to Marmel's silence over the ordeal, we're not going to know the true answer unless he or someone who witnessed the event confesses.

In short, take it with a grain of salt. :)


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