Hopes and wishes for April, May, and June Duck in future Disney animation appearances


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
Well the future of Huey, Dewey, and Louie thread inspired me for this thread. What would you like to see for April, May, and June Duck should they appear in future Disney animation project.

Like the question asked about HDL, should they have the same voice actress with similar personalities, or separate voice actresses with their own personalities? What roles should they play.

We have yet to see an attempt to really give them their personalities quirks and locks like HDL got in Ducktales 2017 and to a lesser extent Quack Pack. At least obvious ones. . I mean I can argue they are subtle traits in Legends of Three Caballeros. Jessica DiCarloo did her best to give them different voices. One of them had a more gothic sounding voice, (the Lucy Loud voice) Granted the other two have her normal voice. And one of them is more snarky and sarcastic than the others, and another one was more perky than the others.

As for DT 2017, they are clones, May and June are only a month or even younger when we meet them, so they are new to the world, and they just got freedom from locked away in an evil organizations lair, . they need time to develop their own personalities.

Anyway one of them I loved about them in the comics, and ironicly the thing that them in LOTC and DT 17 have in common, is when they play off of Donald Duck, I think it is adorable. They are able to get Donald Duck and even Scrooge MdDuck to show a soft side and be doting over protective uncles. The fact that the Donald Duck relationship is the center piece of LOTC and set up slowly in DT 2017 that post finale it is center piece is like the animators feel the same way about the comics as I do.

Second to that, is their interaction with Dickie Duck and how she is like a big sister to them, I think it is nice.

My wish list.

1) Have their own personalities, and voice actress.

2) Have a close relationship with Donald Duck. Like they are his daughters, I don't want it that Donald is only nice to them to get points with Daisy, I want that not to be factor.

3)If the Mouse universe is also involved, have them be friends with Millie and Melody Mouse

4) If European comic characters are used, have Dickie Duck be in it and be a big sister figure to them.

5) One of them to be interest in fashion, and thus have a close bond with Daisy.

6) I want their parents to be alive, at the very least their mother, I don't like the idea of Daisy having a dead sister.


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