"Drawn Together"-Episode 2-Talkback!


Just put an X here and here...
Feb 19, 2002
Washington D.C.
A more in-depth review:

After liking the premiere, this was definitely a letdown. It seemed that for every great gag there were not 5, but 10 grossouts (As opposed to the pilot). The naked couple was a good jab at bizarre Sex Ed. videos, but you could still tell that it was thrown in just to be gross. The whole idea of the Octopusoir is just silly (My initial guess, that Clara was pregnant with a hentai demon, sounded a lot funnier.). Wooldor was still barely used. The Scooby-Doo door chase parody stopped being funny a half-decade ago. The scene with the rejected bachelors started out funny, then resorted to gay sex for shock value. The nonstop vomiting was idiotic, except for when Toot was kissed. And oddly enough, Spanky did nothing really sick in this one. Maybe he was just outclassed.

I'm willing to let this one slide, because last week was good and next week, with Xandir coming out of the closet, sounds interesting. But to the writers- Your jokes are great. You should make the same decision the South Park guys did and rely on them instead of toilet humor.

Week 1: B
Week 2: C-


the race wars had begun
Sep 23, 2001
Behonkiss said:
A 12-year-old writing this explains a lot, but it's still plenty stupid. If there's a second season, he should be dumped so we can focus on the good humor more.
Geez, and people thought -I- was mean to cartoon employees. :I

Master Moron

Active Member
Aug 5, 2002
Merrick Bill said:
Perhaps I wasn't clear earlier, he wasn't a staff writer on the show. He co-wrote the script the wheelchair episode (which you'll probably have to buy the DVD to enjoy).

"The good humor?" The entire creative team behind this show feels that it's all the "The good humor." We are quite happy with it. I know some have written that it's not as satirical as "Gargoyles" but we feel it is at least as satirical as "Gargoyles." Maybe even more so. I will admit that it's probably not as well written as Mark Twain, but I'm also fairly certain no one here reads Mark Twain anyway, so what's the point in comparing the two.

And, as a side note to some of the others here, the musical number was a satire of "Josie and the Pussycats," not Scooby Doo. You never see the cast playing instruments in Scooby Doo.

Your pal,

It's great to have one of the writers of the show on these boards. But, I'm pretty sure everyone was required to read Mark Twain in elementary school...

Anyway, I really like Drawn Together, though I have to wonder why Ling Ling's animation looks worse than the rest of the housemates. Pokemon really doesn't have animation that bad. Anyway, do you know what the ratings have been like for Drawn Together so far?


Active Member
Aug 14, 2003
31 Spooner Street, RI
I have a feeling the creator's are saving Wooldor until a BIG FINALE! Where it appears he is some evil psycho or something. (Don't you remember the "I AM GOD!", and him shooting himself in the neck with a pistle!)


Art Imitates Life
Staff member
Mar 9, 2002
Victoria, Canada
Ok, the NKOTB shot might have been excessive... for the moment

What is with caustic reviews bringing producers of the show out of the woodwork? Strikes me as weird. Granted, if some was dissing on my music on some board I wasn't previously registered on, I might sign up and defend my work too.

Anyway, welcome to Toon Zone, Bill. I'm the [explictive of your choosing] who panned, panned and repanned the first episode Drawn Together on the news page. Since you're here, I guess I'll give Drawn Together another chance at the re-airing. Keep in mind though, I was hoping for more animation parody than reality tv parody, as I pretty much gave up on reality tv back when the Real World was in Seattle.

Admittedly, expecting Twain was overkill (and I do read it, as the dogeared copy of a "Pen Warmed Up in Hell" on bookshelf can attest to,) but I've seen parody and satire in animation that's worked even when you're not familar with the source work (Clerks: The Animated Series being a classic case, as I didn't even get the Bad News Bears shot until I listened to the commentary) and I've seen "objectionable content" that was used to great comedic effect (Venture Brothers, Puni Puni Poemy, ATHF pre-season 4, Clerks:TAS, South Park.) I saw none of that with the Drawn Together pilot, but I guess I'll have to give a second shot, because I know someone involved with the show might actually acknowledge what I say. Got me to watch more Atomic Betty (thanks Ridd,) so I ought to give your show the same second shot.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2004
Dr. Manhattan's New World
Merrick Bill said:
Perhaps I wasn't clear earlier, he wasn't a staff writer on the show. He co-wrote the script the wheelchair episode (which you'll probably have to buy the DVD to enjoy).

"The good humor?" The entire creative team behind this show feels that it's all the "The good humor." We are quite happy with it. I know some have written that it's not as satirical as "Gargoyles" but we feel it is at least as satirical as "Gargoyles." Maybe even more so. I will admit that it's probably not as well written as Mark Twain, but I'm also fairly certain no one here reads Mark Twain anyway, so what's the point in comparing the two.

And, as a side note to some of the others here, the musical number was a satire of "Josie and the Pussycats," not Scooby Doo. You never see the cast playing instruments in Scooby Doo.

Your pal,
DVD release?! YES!!!

Once again, good ep. Nice to have you here, you awesome-ness person of awesome. I really like this show, and am extremely glad it's airing in the timespan that I am alive in.

For the next ep...I don't know whether I should be offended as a homosexual...or extremely happy as a Link-hater :anime:


I'll Never Forget You Two!
Mar 16, 2002
My thoughts on 2nd ep:

Some parts were ok, some weren't.

1. I thought the H-B musical number wasn't too bad, much better than Clara's song that she did last week.

2. The take-off on "The Bachelorette", totally weird!:eek: :ack:

3. I hated the sex-ed sequence; I'm sorry but I just can't watch that--animated nor live!:mad:

4. The part with Clara talking to her stepmom was mildly amusing.:rolleyes:

Well, that my opinion for this ep. I thought it was a little better but not by much.:sad:

Space Kitty

Always right
Jul 10, 2003
outer space
Merrick Bill said:
I know some have written that it's not as satirical as "Gargoyles" but we feel it is at least as satirical as "Gargoyles." Maybe even more so. I will admit that it's probably not as well written as Mark Twain, but I'm also fairly certain no one here reads Mark Twain anyway, so what's the point in comparing the two.
Way to alienate your audience, Shakespeare. :rolleyes: Clemens is spinning in his grave right now after the mention of his pen name and your dreck mentioned in the same sentence. :ack:

Hell, Kid Notorious was Mark Twain by comparison to Drawn Together.


Spooned to death
Jan 8, 2002
Burlington, VT
Space Kitty said:
Way to alienate your audience, Shakespeare. :rolleyes: Clemens is spinning in his grave right now after the mention of his pen name and your dreck mentioned in the same sentence. :ack:

Hell, Kid Notorious was Mark Twain by comparison to Drawn Together.
You know...there's such a thing called backing up your argument. Explain why you dislike the show rather then taking advantage of one of it's creator's posting here to out right bash it...:rolleyes:

Such a hostile attitude could very well ensure that other creators of other shows decide against signing up and posting here, and I for one, enjoy the fact that they do.


Active Member
Apr 10, 2004
Dr. Manhattan's New World
Space Kitty said:
Way to alienate your audience, Shakespeare. :rolleyes: Clemens is spinning in his grave right now after the mention of his pen name and your dreck mentioned in the same sentence. :ack:

Hell, Kid Notorious was Mark Twain by comparison to Drawn Together.
Mark Twain was a wacky guy. Maybe he'd like his name being mentioned to this. Of course we don't know that because your defending a dead man.


Crime and ghosts beware!
Aug 9, 2004
C'mon now, I bet twain was a fan of toilet humor. He was one of the first victims of the brown noise, afterall...


Jun 29, 2001
I'm just terrified at the fact a 12/13 year old is writing material like this. And not terrified in a "wow it's amazing a 12 year old is writing for a show! Talent!" sort of way, it's more of a "holy crap, kids are writing such smut? I'm frightened." sort of way.

I honestly feel sorrow that such a young kid has this kind of material on his mind. I'm feeling disturbed by it.


Active Member
Aug 14, 2003
31 Spooner Street, RI
Delia97 said:
I honestly feel sorrow that such a young kid has this kind of material on his mind. I'm feeling disturbed by it.
Oh believe me, the stuff I hear 12 year olds talking about these days makes South Park seem like a tame preschooler show:eek:


Active Member
Apr 10, 2004
Dr. Manhattan's New World
Spongebrain2.0 said:
Oh believe me, the stuff I hear 12 year olds talking about these days makes South Park seem like a tame preschooler show:eek:
No kidding, one time I heard this little kid say "You guys are f***ing weird!" or something to my friends and me after we played pool.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Space Kitty said:
Way to alienate your audience, Shakespeare. :rolleyes: Clemens is spinning in his grave right now after the mention of his pen name and your dreck mentioned in the same sentence. :ack:

Hell, Kid Notorious was Mark Twain by comparison to Drawn Together.
Now, now. I think this show is really bad too. But as was mentioned he was nice enough to sign up here so a little respect might be in order. Luckily for him I will not be here next week to trash his creation.


Never go see Dr. Acula
Dec 27, 2003
Space Kitty said:
Way to alienate your audience, Shakespeare. :rolleyes: Clemens is spinning in his grave right now after the mention of his pen name and your dreck mentioned in the same sentence. :ack:

Hell, Kid Notorious was Mark Twain by comparison to Drawn Together.
Well to be fair, people on the internet often, and are sometimes even encouraged to inorder to earn respect of their peers, talk alot about crap they can't back up knowing fully well that no one will ever call them on it because they know full well they can't prove you wrong.

Someone needs to explain to me what they are expecting becuse I don't see it. Did you guys honestly think to yourself "Hey a show with the premise of parodying reality shows and cartoon cliches on Comedy Central, I bet it will be sharp, witty, sarcastic and will try to subtly point out things that are wrong with society and hey, maybe just maybe, it will be a step better than Sportsnight and I won't fall asleep 20 seconds in"?

The only fault in the show is that it tries too hard to be over the top when it clearly doesn't need to. It's funny, why do the writers feel the need to carry something as inane as a tentacle vagina for 22 minutes.


Active Member
Apr 13, 2002
Delia97 said:
I'm just terrified at the fact a 12/13 year old is writing material like this. And not terrified in a "wow it's amazing a 12 year old is writing for a show! Talent!" sort of way, it's more of a "holy crap, kids are writing such smut? I'm frightened." sort of way.

I honestly feel sorrow that such a young kid has this kind of material on his mind. I'm feeling disturbed by it.

I'm guessing you don't know too many 12/13 year olds.

Oh yeah, the octopusoir owns you all. :D


Time to get my "Game face" on
Jul 20, 2003
Tucson, Arizona
Delia97 said:
I'm just terrified at the fact a 12/13 year old is writing material like this. And not terrified in a "wow it's amazing a 12 year old is writing for a show! Talent!" sort of way, it's more of a "holy crap, kids are writing such smut? I'm frightened." sort of way.

I honestly feel sorrow that such a young kid has this kind of material on his mind. I'm feeling disturbed by it.
I have to agree with you here Delia97, after all this is really why I wonder why this kid isn't writing for more decent shows Like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..or Maybe Kim Possible.. But this? Oh man..

but as for Drawn Together.. Might catch it tonight.. might not... depends.. after all I might go take in something a little more wholesome..(Like the Incredibles..)

but if I do catch it.. I'll put my two cents in..

as for the 12 year old.. I'm like you Delia... Disturbed..



Kaijudo Mi! Kaijudo Yu!
Jan 6, 2002
Some of you people really need to pay closer attention to the posts. The kid didn't write this episode.


Time to get my "Game face" on
Jul 20, 2003
Tucson, Arizona
Wilco911 said:
Some of you people really need to pay closer attention to the posts. The kid didn't write this episode.
Granted Wilco911, but the point is this and here is my counter to your comment..

Why would a 12 year old be watching or commenting on a Show that is Rated for Adults or persons over The age of 17? After all if you look at the Rating of the show which is TV-MA, he should be really in bed at the time.. and this also brings up another question.. are the Parents really Bothering to Monitor what their Child or Children are watching on Television? After all, A lot of things on Television are usually emulated by children. If this is the case, then it makes me wonder why a 12 year old is sitting up on a School night to watch a show that is Rated for Adults.. of course then probably a lot of times when you were younger you watched all those "Scrambled" Cable Channels" that were of an adult nature.. so it could be a phase.. but also it could be just as disturbing if the child emulated all that was shown in this 30 minutes..

(BTW I did see this episode and While Ling Ling was funny, the rest of the show was lame and dull in nature.. I would have to say that this particular episode while having its' funny moment was rather unappealing.. so I give this one only 2 out of 5 stars.) After all Too much Hentai Tentaclism was in this particular episode..



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