COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
If the mods believe this link is too political I want them to delete it. However I'm offering it because I believe the information in it is an essential understanding of what is going on in America, and how we can keep each other safe. I will refrain from adding additional commentary.



Walrus Toy Store owner
Dec 30, 2012
Braga, Portugal
Jamuna Group's chairman Nurul Islam Babul died at the age of 74. He was tested positive for the virus. The group's companies include malls and a news channel.


Staff member
Jan 5, 2014

This article, which mentions Tenet possibly being delayed again, mentions how drive in theaters are still going on. It got me thinking this: What if, just for the time being, any upcoming movies (Connected, Soul, etcetera) would be screened in drive in movie theaters? You would be isolated from other people and only be with your family since you're in the car. There's still the matter of weather and how many drive in theaters there are, but I think it's a good, short term solution.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA

This article, which mentions Tenet possibly being delayed again, mentions how drive in theaters are still going on. It got me thinking this: What if, just for the time being, any upcoming movies (Connected, Soul, etcetera) would be screened in drive in movie theaters? You would be isolated from other people and only be with your family since you're in the car. There's still the matter of weather and how many drive in theaters there are, but I think it's a good, short term solution.
And what about people who don't own or have access to cars? That's hardly a fair solution.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
My family and I were just wondering if this might lead to the return of the Drive In movie theaters. My last experience at a drive-in movie theater a few years back, there was areas for people to pull out lawn chairs and sit around and watch the big screen (the audio came out over a public speaker for those people).

Of course, drive in movie screens are much bigger than normal theaters, and you usually don't have multiple movies being broadcast at the same time.

I'm not sure how feasible it is for drive-in theaters to truly return.

What we need is movie theater rooms designed to hold no more than 20 people, and those people are spread out across a spacious room, maybe sitting around tables. And maybe entrances to each "theater room" from the outside, so that all these people are not huddled together in a lobby or in line waiting for a movie to start. Maybe you have to order your tickets (reserve the room) in advance, you pull up in your car (outside your specific room, "Room #12" or whatever) and are granted access to the room where you sit back in a recliner, have a popcorn bin and sodas available on each table (left for you in advance), the lights go dim and you're enjoying your room and your semi-private movie theater experience.

....something like that sounds like the future of movie theaters, honestly. One problem with that, if you can't sit 200 people at a time around a big screen, how does such a movie theater company stay in business? Most movie theater locations have 8 to 16 theater rooms. Do they remodel and have 30 to 50 smaller rooms? Again, they'd have to be largely accessible from the outside, to avoid lobby overcrowding.

Unless they find a way to divide up lobby crowds appropriately. Maybe space out the movie times? Maybe with just 20 people showing up for Room #1 with a 7 pm showing, and 20 people showing up for Room #2 with a 7:15 showing, Room #3 with a 7:30 showing, Room #4 with a 7:45 showing....but you couldn't be allowed into the building until 5 minutes before you movie starts or something. Maybe that'd take care of overcrowding.
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Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
^ I actually went to an in-theater movie for the first time in months two weeks ago- I was getting cabin fever (in the summer) and just had to get out of the house for a bit. The showing only had about 20 of us, spread out so nobody was sitting near anybody. Worked pretty well. I did still wear my mask, though.

(the movie I went to was Jaws, in case anyone is curious. First time seeing that movie on the big screen!)

EDIT: So it doesn't get lost from the previous page:
A man from Maryland may have been the first person to be successfully vaccinated against Coronavirus...
Fingers crossed...


Active Member
Apr 19, 2020
I saw my first movie at a drive-in theater a few weeks ago. Cars were spaced out, masks were required around concessions and restrooms, and people generally stayed six feet away. I don't usually like watching movies, but it was a fun experience. If the coronavirus continues to affect theaters I wouldn't mind visiting another drive-in theater.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2015
Well, drive in movies can be interesting, but right now, I’m very upset and hopeless that we’ll never get rid of this virus, unless we have the vaccines to end this crisis. I miss Disneyland. I miss my friends. I miss doing musical theater. Now we’ll never know when this will ever end. I hate 2020.:crying: I’m sorry, but this is getting too depressing. And my family told me not to worried about it. I need to visit my psychiatrist.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
Like I said, hopeless!

Well, 81% of Canadians want the border to remain closed:

Canada has done okay during this pandemic (except for the nursing homes and it was a disgrace that virus went rampant in the nursing homes) and I think many Canadians are worried about the situation in the US:

Also, Disney World is getting criticized for reopening:



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2015
I’ve meant hopeless, because there’s never going to be hope anymore. The virus will live on forever. :crying:


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2016
Glendale, California
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