"X-Men '97" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

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Ed Nygma

Active Member
Apr 27, 2021
Avengers: United They Stand, Spider-Man Unlimited and Silver Surfer are not canon to the first five 90s Animated shows they just don’t fit.
Do you really think that about Silver Surfer not fitting with the other five? On one hand the animation style does seem to fit better with the latter two, on the other I really liked that show (the other two were awful and clearly not in continuity) and it was also the last one to be done by the Marvel Animation division under Brad if I'm not mistaken. I kind of want to absorb it into XM, Spidey, FF Iron Man and Hulk's cartoon universe, but it's the only one of those not for sale on iTunes or on DVD so it would help my OCD to not consider it canon lolol.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location

X-Men '97 - "Tolerance is Extinction, Part 1"
Debut: May 1, 2024 on Disney+

"The X-Men must unite to face a new threat."


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Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Some interesting cameos. Dr Doom seems much more like the 80s version to me than the 90s version. Him and Zemo in league with Bastion feels very much like "The Light". Wasserman's store in the mall is a neat reference. Cable's future story featured the DOFP couple that felt like Franklin and Rachel but we see a much more explicit version of Rachel. Probably her animation debut. Val is a disappointment. Spidey! The fight in the mansion reminded me of Kingsman. Bastion's actions are so creepy.
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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Tolerance Is Extinction, Part One" - Okay a lot of this episode is fairly good and I do like how though there are all of these various different threads going around it does tie into the X-Men trying to find and stop Bastion as we find out the full extent of his plan. And honestly there are a lot of very cool action scenes from how Jean takes the wheel of the car as Cyclops blasts forward and Cable behind and the cool action pose they land in at the end (like Deadpool may mock the superhero landing all he wants but it's still a thing 8 years later because when done well it still looks cool) Wolverine and Nightcrawler with his three blades teaming up (Like as cool as "i've got six" is a response with the claws Kurt going "make that nein" just amps it up so much more) and heck even Roberto flying away with Jubilee (who I do feel probably has the best comedy bits to her annoyance at Roberto's mom and wanting to shop, being so tired of the mall when this is probably the at least 4th time she was attacked in one and trying to fly with her powers and only getting like a few feet off the ground) was all cool and very well shown. And you know I also liked the talks we got as well getting to see Bastion's past and Jean admitting you can't just teach being a parent and her own frustrations having those memories and Nightcrawler talking about his own issues being abandoned with Mystique but connecting with Rogue and even harsh truth bombs like Roberto's mom asking him to turn himself in against those sentienls AFTER they had just spent so long being chased down by them just for the sake of press. Like again I am really glad this presses back on the politics which was obviously there in the second episode and then with the aftermath of Genosha but how they are using that here talking about Bastion's future and plan and the utopia he creates that enslaves mutants is really interesting stuff.

But you know it's the ending that really sticks. I guess the attack on Genosha probably is the topper ending of this entire season so far in terms of stakes and horror but in terms of getting you pumped and desperate to watch what comes next it'd have to be this one. Like it was already cool seeing Bastion talk to the various other villains (I recognized Doom and Zemo but who was that other lady on the screens covered by shadow? I'm like not the biggest Marvel fan but I do feel bad I didn't recognize her) but the reveal that "Val Cooper" let Magneto go (like if it wasn't obvious before that's Mystique pretty obvious now) and then her speech about how it wasn't the horrors of Genosha that shocked everyone but the thought that at the end of the day it just utterly proves that Magneto was right. Like due to being either thought of as dead or held hostage we haven't really been getting focus on Mag's evolution but I did feel he wouldn't actually be dead in episode 5 because to me it felt like that just showed how much of his story there is to tell. And yeah this episode just double triple downs on that. With him pretty much reenacting an EMP (which at first I thought "oh man is he going to pull an Ultimatium and screw with the poles and like frag the entire world?" but not going THAT far) to take down all of those people sentienels and pretty much declaring war on the entire world. And yeah you totally get where he's coming from as honestly he was really trying to live up to Charles's dream albeit in sort of his own way and not give into this hatred but like yeah then the attack then being held up and tortured and then hearing this psycho go on about his own dream will pretty much change that. So I like how though it seemed like the 3 parter would be this big take down of Bastion now there's also dealing with Magneto who even more then the original finale probably has the support of near every mutant to wage war on humanity. And then getting Xaiver showing up and regathering the X-Men which I guess the big reunions will have to be in the next chapter of everyone reuniting with him (and Storm) but you know also having to deal with these threats as well again really makes me super invested in what happened next so well done there. So as much as this is a solid episode that ending alone raises it up a lot of points into being one of the best if not best of this run so far.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Great episode this week, and a fine first act for the season finale.

Bastion's plan is diabolical enough. His background is complicated and confusing enough but this is all based on the comics so I'm not complaining. Nice cameos from other villains. Zemo makes some sense given Cap's appearance last time. A Latverian OZT member, according to the credits, wonder why they called him that.

The action scenes were intense but there was some humor sprinkled throughout. I chuckled at Cable's "Quit bossing me around". Cyclops' group probably had the best action scenes this time, followed by the big battle at the mansion (featuring a swashbuckling Nightcrawler) as a close second, and last but not least Jubilee and Roberto. Their scene was probably the least exciting but still had a pretty big dramatic impact thanks to his mother.

Magneto's declaration of war, should lead to some interesting developments. Where's Professor X when you need him? Oh, there he is.

The Spider-Man cameo was welcome. Looked great and it would be nice if he showed up some more. I'm not even talking about a full continuation or whatever of his 90s animated series, just more scenes on this show or a full episode dedicated to him would be a real treat. It's so cool how yesterday we had a tease of Batman TAS coming back in animated form, and now Spider-Man TAS.

According to Beau DeMayo, Bastion's parents are two minor characters introduced in "One Man's Worth" from the original series.
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Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Dr Doom seems much more like the 80s version to me than the 90s version.
I had to do a comparison to see...

Dr Doom Comparisons.jpg

Yeah, I think it's definitely based on the 90s FF Doom design now. It seemed as though they had Ross Marquand do the voice. It would have been awesome to hear Simon Templeman chewing up some Latverian scenery again.
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Staff member
Nov 9, 2016
Not surprised the cameos are a huge topic, although I found the main plot the big exciting thing. Looks like people have been turned into sentinels and all hell breaks loose. Loads of action as we approach the climax.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Opening update! Once again...no changes, really! Just light rearranging of scenes. I wonder if they've run out of new scenes to do...I guess they could have thrown in a shot of Spider-Man and the X-Men together, but that probably would have given away the surprise cameo ;).

The X-Men sure know about complicated family drama. Scott has to grapple with the son that was sent to a future and has had to survive on his own but is still living and breathing right in front of him, the son he was never able to be there for through much of his formative years. Jean has to grapple with the lingering memories and feelings from Maddie that cause her to view Cable as hero own flesh and blood (like in the comics). Cable is...Cable, only focused on the mission and preventing another screwed up timeline! But at least Scott and Jean's relationship seems like it's improving :).

I'm kind of mixed on Jean going back to the ponytail. I love ponytails, but hair down Jean just looks so much better :(.

Oh hey, Polaris! And Rachel Grey! How very DoFP. Though does that imply that Rachel is the kid Scott and Jean will end up having together since Cable was Maddie's o_O?

Bishop is lost in the timestream? Then where the heck is he :oops:?

Sinister probably shouldn't be mentioning Nazi's in Magneto's presence :ack:.

I'm sure there was a good portion of the audience probably enjoyed seeing Magneto in his undies for basically the entire episode :rolleyes2:.

Seriously, are there ANY humans the X-Men can count on? Moira's dead, Val Cooper turns out to have been working with Bastion the whole time (and even gets her own Bastion-styled dress because why not?) even if she had no idea about the Genosha attack until it was too late. Trish seemed to be trying her best to overcome her own prejudice and make things work with Hank but she and Roberto's butler turn into Prime Sentinels. Which, granted, isn't their fault, but still :eek:.

It's kind of tragically ironic that Bastion, in his own way, mimicked Mutants. Born from a hybrid of human, Master Mold, and Nimrod, he had to grapple with being different and living with powers he couldn't quite understand. He was probably torn for years between being a normal person and following his Sentinel programming that crafted into him on a genetic level (if he really did an art piece on the Genosha attack when he was 16...yikes). It's just the difference between him and the X-Men is that instead of embracing his humanity, he embraced being a Sentinel. To the point where he would erase any trace of his humanity by turning his own loving mother and hometown into Prime Sentinels :sad:

"Latverian OZT Representative" - That's not a Latverian representative, that was DOCTOR FRIKKIN' DOOM! Like you could credit Baron Zemo and not Doom? Though I love how Doom is just there as a courtesy and doesn't really jive with Operation Zero Tolerance. Doom is better than that :evil:.

Also what was with some characters being credited who weren't in the episode? Bishop wasn't in the episode, and neither was Sebastian Shaw. Actually, Travis Willingham was credited as Shaw even though Todd Haberkon was credited in the episode he appeared in. Shaw sounded more like Willingham anyways so has somebody been screwing up the credits :confused:?

I guess it really sums up a genetic evolutionary war where humans, feeling like they're going to be replaced and put at the bottom of the food chain, are willing to or conditioned into abandoning their humanity to overtake Mutants and retake their "rightful place." All the while Bastion coldly and efficiently weaponizes genocide and PR to carry out his function :(.

Roebrto's mom really sums up those rich types in their safe spaces who act like they care about causes and hold fundraisers but ultimately are only invested in as far as the bubble they live in and their bottom line :rolleyes:.

Nothing says Jubilee is not a kid any more like ditching her pink shirt and blue shorts for a skintight catsuit! Finally donning her Oliver Coipel redesign and embracing the modern era! Of course some things never change like Sentinels attacking when she's at the mall. Girl can't even shop for five minutes :sweat:.

Poor Jubilee. Even her boyfriend can fly! But good way to debut Sunspot's flight ability, and it's cute how he's been practicing in the Danger Room to impress her :).

Morph transforms into Juggernaut! And proceeds to accomplish nothing but destroying the mansion! He really WAS Juggernaut :proud:!

It's kind of funny how Wolverine finally gets to cut loose and slice and dice in a cartoon...but they're STILL robots. But hey, Nightcrawler has his swords too! Watching the two of them back to back cutting through Prime Sentinels was amazing, and that scene of Wolverine Bamfing with Kurt was absolutely breathtaking :D!

"Put your seat-belt on!" Oh man, Jean IS his mom :p.

Scott looks way too smug about driving a porche. And I love seeing him so confident in action with his family. The Summers' are an effective team :anime:.


When your mom sells you and your girlfriend out to Sentinels because it's better for her publically...poor 'Berto :crying:.

I kept expecting Val to morph into Mystique when she started talking as if SHE were a Mutant herself at the end there :confused:.

"Magneto was right" and now seems re-radicalized back into declaring war against all humanity once again. Bastion didn't seem too concerned, just slightly annoyed, but Magneto can shut down all Prime Sentinels so what can Bastion do? Bring out another Tri-Sentinel? Either way, humans and Mutants are about to blow up in a big way :eek:.

The Mansion is destroyed, the dream is slowly dying in its embers, but when the world may need him the most...Charles Xavier, the one person who might be able to stop Magneto and chart a path in the middle, finally returns to Earth to rally his Children of Atom to save the day...finally uttering his iconic phrase "To Me, My X-Men" :birdman:.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I'm kind of mixed on Jean going back to the ponytail. I love ponytails, but hair down Jean just looks so much better :(.

Oh hey, Polaris! And Rachel Grey! How very DoFP. Though does that imply that Rachel is the kid Scott and Jean will end up having together since Cable was Maddie's o_O?

Bishop is lost in the timestream? Then where the heck is he :oops:?

Sinister probably shouldn't be mentioning Nazi's in Magneto's presence :ack:.

I'm sure there was a good portion of the audience probably enjoyed seeing Magneto in his undies for basically the entire episode :rolleyes2:.

Seriously, are there ANY humans the X-Men can count on? Moira's dead, Val Cooper turns out to have been working with Bastion the whole time (and even gets her own Bastion-styled dress because why not?) even if she had no idea about the Genosha attack until it was too late. Trish seemed to be trying her best to overcome her own prejudice and make things work with Hank but she and Roberto's butler turn into Prime Sentinels. Which, granted, isn't their fault, but still :eek:.

It's kind of tragically ironic that Bastion, in his own way, mimicked Mutants. Born from a hybrid of human, Master Mold, and Nimrod, he had to grapple with being different and living with powers he couldn't quite understand. He was probably torn for years between being a normal person and following his Sentinel programming that crafted into him on a genetic level (if he really did an art piece on the Genosha attack when he was 16...yikes). It's just the difference between him and the X-Men is that instead of embracing his humanity, he embraced being a Sentinel. To the point where he would erase any trace of his humanity by turning his own loving mother and hometown into Prime Sentinels :sad:

"Latverian OZT Representative" - That's not a Latverian representative, that was DOCTOR FRIKKIN' DOOM! Like you could credit Baron Zemo and not Doom? Though I love how Doom is just there as a courtesy and doesn't really jive with Operation Zero Tolerance. Doom is better than that :evil:.

Also what was with some characters being credited who weren't in the episode? Bishop wasn't in the episode, and neither was Sebastian Shaw. Actually, Travis Willingham was credited as Shaw even though Todd Haberkon was credited in the episode he appeared in. Shaw sounded more like Willingham anyways so has somebody been screwing up the credits :confused:?

I guess it really sums up a genetic evolutionary war where humans, feeling like they're going to be replaced and put at the bottom of the food chain, are willing to or conditioned into abandoning their humanity to overtake Mutants and retake their "rightful place." All the while Bastion coldly and efficiently weaponizes genocide and PR to carry out his function :(.

Nothing says Jubilee is not a kid any more like ditching her pink shirt and blue shorts for a skintight catsuit! Finally donning her Oliver Coipel redesign and embracing the modern era! Of course some things never change like Sentinels attacking when she's at the mall. Girl can't even shop for five minutes :sweat:.

It's kind of funny how Wolverine finally gets to cut loose and slice and dice in a cartoon...but they're STILL robots. But hey, Nightcrawler has his swords too! Watching the two of them back to back cutting through Prime Sentinels was amazing, and that scene of Wolverine Bamfing with Kurt was absolutely breathtaking :D!

Scott looks way too smug about driving a porche. And I love seeing him so confident in action with his family. The Summers' are an effective team :anime:.

I was never the biggest fan of the ponytail, and I liked that this series was replacing it, before knowing about Maddie. I wouldn't mind if Jean just keeps the hair down.

I would love to see a version of Rachel actually in the regular timeline but I think she's supposed to be one of those characters that is the only version of herself existing in the multiverse or something like that. I don't know too much of that specific detail. I don't remember it from the comics I read that featured Rachel.

The obscuring of Doom's name just reminds me of how they might have addressed him on a TAS script. Now instead of Armored Latverian Mutant, it's Latverian OZT Representative.

The lack of value Bastion has for any life is startling. Even his own mother.

It felt regressive before that Jubes went back to her 13 yo look after changing up after becoming 16 in Season 5 but it's cool to see her change up again. It's a little funny how it was written in.

It's nice to see Kurt get a new standout sequence after Wolverine and the X-Men.

The talk around Scott's Porsche had me thinking of his candy red convertible from X-Men Evolution. I love that car.

The Omega Red situation surprised me after how Deal With The Devil ended.
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Yeah, the end credits seem a bit off. I would have said they might have lumped the voices for all 3 parts together for this finale and as such spoiled some roles, but I imagine Storm and Forge at the very least would have been included in that case. Then the Latverian OZT member is more like a weird choice of words than an actual mistake.

Bastion's childhood drawing was another thing Maddie saw when reading Gyrich's mind in the series premiere. Pretty cool how everything seems to tie together (we already had the foggy Cable saying he's too late, and the Sentinel bringing death).


Master of MAGnets
Staff member
Dec 31, 2013
What a dumb episode the Sentinal Hybrids were afraid of having a bad reputation despite clearly causing collateral damage and transforming in front of numerous witnesses they still thought they needed to cover up for their reputation. It's an awful confusing 90's comic plan that makes no sense and requires the villain to be a massive hypocrite.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
What a dumb episode the Sentinal Hybrids were afraid of having a bad reputation despite clearly causing collateral damage and transforming in front of numerous witnesses they still thought they needed to cover up for their reputation. It's an awful confusing 90's comic plan that makes no sense and requires the villain to be a massive hypocrite.
I think in this setting people can rationalize a lot when it comes to going after Mutants.

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
What a dumb episode the Sentinal Hybrids were afraid of having a bad reputation despite clearly causing collateral damage and transforming in front of numerous witnesses they still thought they needed to cover up for their reputation. It's an awful confusing 90's comic plan that makes no sense and requires the villain to be a massive hypocrite.
Most villains are hypocrites, if they were rational thoughtful people, they wouldn't be villains to begin with.
And at no point during the episode were the Sentinels scared of having a bad reputation, I don't even know where you got that from.
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
My weekly review is now up on the front page of AnimeSuperhero.com.


X-Men ’97: “Tolerance Is Extinction, Part 1” Episode Recap

Previously, on X-Men! Bastion is revealed to be the true mastermind behind the Genosha massacre. Trask is transformed into a Prime Sentinel. Magneto is revealed to still be alive. Cable is back.

The first part of this season finale trilogy raises the stakes even more than before, as Bastion’s plan unfolds (the mysterious “OZT” which stands for Operation Zero Tolerance), resulting in normal humans transformed into a new, upgraded breed of Sentinels. All of them doing his bidding, hunting down mutants starting with the X-Men being their first targets. We also learn a bit more about Bastion himself, see more family dynamics in regards to the Summers, some exciting action scenes and more cameos than expected. And all this is only the beginning of the “Tolerance is Extinction” arc.

Click here to read the full article.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
I originally thought Magneto's time with the X-Men was too short. But I get why we needed to get to this moment towards the end of the season. Before this moment, we needed Magneto to try Charles' way initially. I'm going to love seeing Xavier reunited with his students, but he and Magneto are going to have a lot to talk about.

Cable's future story featured the DOFP couple that felt like Franklin and Rachel but we see a much more explicit version of Rachel. Probably her animation debut.

I wonder if they will expand on the Rachel we saw in "Beyond Good and Evil".

Like it was already cool seeing Bastion talk to the various other villains (I recognized Doom and Zemo but who was that other lady on the screens covered by shadow? I'm like not the biggest Marvel fan but I do feel bad I didn't recognize her)

I'm not sure either. My only guesses are Silver Sable or one of the Madame Hydras.

Whoa! I love stuff like that.

Bishop is lost in the timestream? Then where the heck is he :oops:?

Maybe he's due for another visit with Bender (aka Immortus).


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location

X-Men '97 - "Tolerance is Extinction, Part 2"
Debut: May 8, 2024 on Disney+

"The X-Men work to settle the score before it is too late."


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I don't know where to post this...
but Alvin and the Chipmunks movie is in development of Disney.

I guess Nick is officially done with this franchise for now.
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Happy 20th anniversary to my favorite CN logo and CN City.
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