Voice Actors Sue AI Company, Claiming It Stole Their Voices


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
From the front page of AnimeSuperhero.com:

"Voice Actors Sue AI Company, Claiming It Stole Their Voices"​


"Voice actors Linnea Sage and Paul Skye Lehrman are suing AI company Lovo for using their voices without their permission. Sage voiced Black Cat in the recent Marvel Snaps video game and Lehrman has done work on shows like Bluebloods and New Amsterdam. Both CNN and the New York Times have reported that Sage and Lehrman have filed suit against Lovo in the Southern District of New York.

Both Sage and Lehrman claim in this suit that they answered ads on the website “Fiverr’’. Sage answered an ad in 2019 that asked for voice samples for “test scripts for radio ads’’. Lehrman answered an ad in 2020 that asked for voice samples ”for research purposes”. Both Sage and Lehrman took their respective jobs, with Sage being paid 400 dollars and Lehrman being paid 1200 dollars. Sage states that the ad indicated that her voice tracks would not be used for other purposes.

Sage and Lehrman later discovered that their voices were used for purposes that they had not agreed to, including narrating YouTube videos they did not create or being used for podcasts they were not involved in."

Read the full article here.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
Little update, I heard SAG-AFTRA may strike against the video game industry over concerns about AI cutting out voice actors:



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