Smallville: Leech Talkback

Bruce Wayne

Comin' at ya!
Nov 2, 2001
Has to be one of my favorite eps. Clark gets a chance to expierence being human and not super. Shawn Ashmore played a great villian. I'm glad it wasn't exactly a kryptonite villian. At the end, when Lex sees pictures of his dad and Victoria.... do I see a soap opera coming on? How'd the guy get the pictures anyways? Smallville gets better and better.


Badass Cyborg
Nov 19, 2001

Tonight's episode was great. They took a silly premise and made it more epic than I expected.

Lex is gonna be really pissed when he finds out about Clark. He wasn't too thrilled at the prospect of an enemy like Victoria deceiving him, think of what will happen when it's his only true friend.

Chloe is gaining all of Lois' qualities. She's a spunky reporter AND she came up with "Super Boy". I don't know how they expected anyone to recognize the newspaper photo of Eric, though; he was wearing the trademark Clark Kent glasses.

And hey, Clark finally got to fly when Eric threw him on top of that car. Even I felt the distance.

The music was nicely chosen. The lyrics to "Fat Lip" fit the basketball game well and "Elevation" was a natural for having just gained super powers. The colors played a major role in the show too (and I'm not just talking about the all-blue Smallville crow with a red and yellow "S" shield and red cape in the school hallway). Once Eric got Clark's powers, he started wearing red. Then when he set out to do evil (after smacking his dad around), he put on a black cape-like coat over the red. Nothing is accidental on a show like this. And of course, in the end, when Clark got his powers back and his shoulders reassumed the weight of the world, he was wearing red.



Warriors.. Come Out To Play!
Apr 27, 2001
I thought the show was really great. I am feeling the Lana and Clark situation getting tighter. i think the finale will envolve them asking eachother out or something

Did anyone else enjoy the father son moments tonight? They were really heartfelt. And made you feel like part of the Kent family.


Entertainment Mod
May 1, 2001
I thought it was a very good ep. I thought Ashmore did a good job of portraying a guy who didn't want to do bad originally, but couldn't handle the power that he got. And his dad was a jerk to boot.

I can now see how Lex and Clark can "break up." If Lex finds out what Clark's been hiding from him then he's going to be mucho pissed off. But technically, Lex will never find out right? Hmm, makes you think.

I also loved Lex's double-crossing of Victoria's dad. Man, what an annoying guy! And what was up with the pictures of his dad and Vic at the end? That should definitely turn out interesting.

Palin Dromos

The Abyss Stares Back
Feb 1, 2002
Los Angeles, CA
In the beginning I had been worried...

But no longer, this ep eliminated any and all doubt I had about this series.

So much character develpoment. All the cinematic and editing choices. And the acting was top notch.

The scene where Ashmore was throwing around that truck was just awsome! And he looked so Bad*****.

I'm really enjoying the development of Lex as opposed to Clark. I knew that he had an ace up his sleeve in the CADMUS thing.

Things are really getting better. IMO

Apache Chief

That's one big Indian!
Dec 11, 2001
The Hall of Justice
Ok, I really love this show, including this ep., and I hate to be a nit-picky fanboy but

Clark's has his powers because he's a Kryptonian under a yellow sun. His abilities can't just be sucked out of him like that. They're a part of him.

Lex was awesome.


I'm weird. You wanna doubt it?
May 4, 2001
Ontario, Canada
Awesome, Awesome Episode! I loved it! The part where Ahmore throws the crook away 30 feet was just amazing. I loved the part where he totally freaked out at school and threw over that car and Clark.

I felt sorry for the Eric character though.. :( He didn't deserve it. He was trying to be nice and everything at the start. I really hated his Dad. He definitely deserved what came to him from the start. Felt nice to see him shake a bit ;)

This has to be my favorite episode yet. Really cool. Music was great. The special effects were top notch. The acting was great once more, especially Shawn Ashmore. The end was kinda simple and predictable, but they made it look totally great. Awesome Episode, and I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet. :)


Ruling with strength
Aug 30, 2001
Metropolis, OH
Originally posted by Apache Chief
Ok, I really love this show, including this ep., and I hate to be a nit-picky fanboy but

Clark's has his powers because he's a Kryptonian under a yellow sun. His abilities can't just be sucked out of him like that. They're a part of him.
AC, I was thinking the same thing. This kind of story has happened in so many incarnations of Superman and I've always wondered the same thing...HOW?
His powers are part of his physiological being. They are not a seperate entity residing within him. It seems to me that taking his powers would be taking HIM. Oh well.
The episode was great. It was awesome seeing the way Clark was portrayed while powerless. The scene with his family were also very well done. His questions about if they were scared of himand if they loved him any less were very logical things (seemingly) to be questioning at a time like that.
The flipping of the truck and the scene at the parents house after his tantrum were really cool. There was a police car sticking out of the roof for gosh sakes!
I must say that the writers have a good knowledge of at least modern Superman mythology. The parrallels drawn and comments made are very clever. I believe Terminatah stated that Chloe has become a Lois Lane of sorts. Being a reporter, her obvious amazement and swooning after seeing "super boy" do his thing, her naming him super boy in the first place...all Lois Lane traits.
One thing I wondered about. When (I can't remember his name...was it Josh?) jumped off the bridge to "test" himself, I wonder what happened. I thought for sure he'd say something like "I was flying" or "I felt like I was flying." That would have been interesting. Imagine Clark testing that out in future eps.
The black trenchcoat over the red sweater was a classic villian sign. It was very cape-like.
An aside about kryptonite. Notice when Clark came to the conclusion that he might also have his weaknesses and his mom said they don't have any meteor rocks lying around? With those darn rocks seeminly everywhere in Smallville, I found that comment funny (althougth it could have been a tongue-in-cheek comment about the overabundance of kryptonite in pre-crisis Superman...or maybe I'm putting too much thought into it :rolleyes:


Entertainment Mod
May 1, 2001
Originally posted by Kal-el
An aside about kryptonite. Notice when Clark came to the conclusion that he might also have his weaknesses and his mom said they don't have any meteor rocks lying around? With those darn rocks seeminly everywhere in Smallville, I found that comment funny (althougth it could have been a tongue-in-cheek comment about the overabundance of kryptonite in pre-crisis Superman...or maybe I'm putting too much thought into it :rolleyes:

At first I thought he was going to go back to that woodside area they showed in the Bugboy ep, where it was literally carpeted with Kryptonite. Then I remebered about Lana's necklace, how obvious!


Bringer of Darkness
May 1, 2001
Rochester, NY
Best line of the episode...

Lex to Victoria: "Sleeping with me was business? I'd hate to think what that makes you."



Oct 9, 2001
Wild Blue Yonder
Another good line:

Victoria: "We could have been great together."
Lex: "I'm going to be great by myself."

Great eppy! Chloe naming Eric Super Boy was classic Lois/Superman. I think that the krypnonite combined with the lightning might have had a red kryptonite effect, so that the powers were not transferred, but given and lost. :D


WF Old Man
Apr 24, 2001
Gotham, New York
LOL! I said the same thing! I brought up two exchanges that I loved in a personal chat I was in with a couple friends. This was the other one:

Eric the Superboy: "If you had these type of powers and abilities, what would YOU do!?"

Clark: "I'd stop people like you."

Being as big a Superman fan as our other buds up above in this thread, I also thought of that Kryptonian body thing, but I just took it that Clark's body was temporarily set back to the way it was in square one when his ship first landed on Earth. So he was absorbing the sunlight, it was just at a much slower recovery process because of the unnatural circumstances he was put in by the lighting acting on that wacko Kryptonite.
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Corran Horn

Rogue Squadron
Jan 3, 2002
Wood Dale, IL
I enjoyed it. I liked how they showed how much Clark's family meant to him, and how his upbringing led to him making the correct choices about his powers and stuff.

I also liked how Clark 'changed' when he was without his powers. It was nice to see him as a regular guy for a while, and I liked that he was able to play basketball with his friends and actually enjoy it without having to worry about hurting anyone.


The Manhunter from Mars
May 1, 2001
Well, great characterization, great lines, and a great Lex part made this an okay ep. It was just the whole "Smallville cliche" things that bugged me.

Lucky for Clark that Lana hadn't decided to wear the necklace that she always wears since Morph-Girl, or something close to that. Also... i guess i feel they sometimes overdo the Superman references. I guess it's not a big deal, but it's just something that's starting to bother me.

Finally, the whole science of this ep irked me. Not very much of what happened made very much sense. I don't know why, out of everything else, a single lightning bolt decided to hit Clark. And i'm not sure how the Kryptonite is a reasonable explination of the transfer of powers. And, like some others here, i'm not sure if it's even possible for Clark to loose his powers like that. But i guess it's not really possible for an alien teenager to fight wacked-out teen villians, so i guess i'll live :p .


Entertainment Mod
May 1, 2001
Originally posted by optimal321
Finally, the whole science of this ep irked me. Not very much of what happened made very much sense. I don't know why, out of everything else, a single lightning bolt decided to hit Clark. And i'm not sure how the Kryptonite is a reasonable explination of the transfer of powers. And, like some others here, i'm not sure if it's even possible for Clark to loose his powers like that. But i guess it's not really possible for an alien teenager to fight wacked-out teen villians, so i guess i'll live :p .

I kinda thought the same. It didn't make sense for lightning to cause Clark's powers to be transferred to that kid, even with kryptonite influence. And even if it was possible, shouldn't Clark been able to recharge his power after enough time in the sun? But I guess some things you just gotta suspend your belief for. At least it was a cool ep. :)

Barb Gordon

Nov 9, 2001
Whether the power transfer made sense...which it didn't to me,lol, I totally loved this ep! I wasn't exactly sure how it would go with it's basic storyline of, lose powers/get powers, but I was very well satisfied. It was awesome to see Clark just be normal without his powers, but even better when he get's them back. Whenever Lex is on, it's always great, they are developing his character quite well. The ending, with the pics of his father and Victoria freaked me out. I was like, that's Victoria...who is that...?...ewww! :p
I loved the part when Victoria is all upset with Lex about him getting her father's company and she remarks about them being something. Like, them having sex wasn't just for business reasons...even though it was. Lex's response was so awesome! They seem to focus more on Pa Kent and Clark, then Ma Kent. Not a problem with me though, I really enjoy seeing them interact together. When they were talking at the end, with Pa saying that, after seeing someone else with Clark's abilities, he realizes just how amazing Clark is, was very good. Maybe a bit sappy, but I loved it.



Dec 18, 2001
Very cool ep, its just too bad that its seems so easy for clark to lose his powers, what if lex knew about that, or livewire. :p

this series has made me a total lex fan. I mean, i root for him as much as clark. Lex's character is so awesome, and he is cool as hell!! its weird, but i want them to be friends forever.

James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
Eric the Superboy: "If you had these type of powers and abilities, what would YOU do!?"

Clark: "I'd stop people like you."

Finally got to see this episode, and it was by far one of my favorites, right up there with Jitters. I am really, really liking Micheal Rosenbaum's Luthor. He is becoming the Luthor. He was awesome in this episode. I also wouldn't mind seeing Eric's character return in the series. He should be able to put two and two perhaps. I thought he'd have it figured once the accident happened. I am really enjoying this series, without a doubt.

The music was picked perfectly in this episode, as was the wardrobe. As Terminath pointed out, red was the dominant color in the episode, and you could tell that the colors are picked by accident, but for a purpose.

Alright..bring on Kinetic...the promo looks killer for that episode...


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I just watched an episode of RBUK for the first time in years. It's still as fun as I remember it. That's yet another show treated poorly by Nickelodeon. It deserved so much better.

Hand In Hand is the best song in Princess Power.
@kanc What were the episodes in the "Secret Agent Loud" compilation?
I think that Regular Show and Phineas and Ferb should both stay gone. Both shows ended in a high note and bringing them back would likely negate the impact that the finales had. Although I was never a fan of P&F myself.
What's going on with the members? Everyone went out for a break? In the last like 30-40 minutes there are either 2-5 members online, or only myself.

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