Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens Discussion

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this episode was pretty good. The robot girls attacking the Rush Duel Robot seemed pretty underhanded. The other kids uninstalling their programs to help out was nice, but I'm glad that they didn't focus on that scene for too long or make it like this big sacrifice. I still don't remember their names, so making this more like a big deal would have fallen flat. The Goha Siblings showing up to help out was nice. I was hoping that Swirly would have a bigger moment instead of just showing up with his siblings, but he might get some moment in the finale.

I finally realized why I wasn't that invested in Otes vs. Yuga. Despite the grand finale setup of dueling in space, Otes seemingly using his real deck and Yuga dueling with his friends' ace cards, Otes has never won a duel before. I never had a problem with him losing before. All of his other defeats were pretty necessary to set both storylines and character moments in motion. Otes has always been presented as a challenge for the kids to overcome, but losing all the time becomes more of a problem when he's set up as this final villain.

That being said, I think that this episode helped to make this duel more effective. As much as I think that they're trying too hard to make Otes look more imposing and challenging, having a dark Fusion monster for Sevens Road Magician. It was way too busy design wise, but it looked more like a corrupted monster. Otes' true motivation was pretty lackluster though. It kind of fits with how he wanted to return dueling to children in the first place, but the idea that the game had to be decided by the hands of children felt kind of contrived. Part of the problem could be that I was expecting a bigger twist or something expanding on his backstory. We don't even know what his face looks like yet. He wanted to mirror the story from the Sevens book and that's why he's basically acting out the part of the villain, even though he doesn't really seem like much of antagonist. It just seems kind of weak motivation to want to destroy duels and to basically get kids to do it for him.

I also liked how all of the monsters in Yuga's graveyard helped to power up Sevens Road Magician. That was obviously going to happen given its effect, but having them all contribute in this duel, even if their monsters were quickly destroyed, is a nice touch. That was a huge reason why I loved the Zarc battle in Arc V since all of their efforts to reach out to Yuya still mattered at the end. Yuga and Luke's Fusion monster was pretty cool too. It was definitely a callback to Dragon Master Knight given how Rush Duels have so much DM nostalgia, but since it was a pretty cool design, I was fine with that. It really seemed like they were going for a big final attack before Yuo realized what was going to happen.

Otes basically forcing Yuga into a defeat was a bit annoying, if only because it felt more like stretching out the duel for a third episode. They were trying to put Yuga in such a tight spot to create tension, but it just does not work. Sevens really can't pull off tension effectively. The robot girls leaving and forcing Otes to leave also felt a bit odd, but I guess it was the best they could do to both extend the duel and give the ninja kids something to do too. Yuga leaving his friends behind so that he could take on this final challenge alone was kind of sad. I was wondering if the Lukeman would come back into play. Although, I thought it would be in the next series instead for some reason.

I was hoping for Yuga vs. Luke to still happen, but I didn't expect it to happen this way. I've seen people say that this shows how dark Sevens is when Yuga and Luke are dueling to decide who dies. If Yuga wins, he goes on his own and dies in the Rush Duel Robot. If Luke wins, then he goes with Yuga. That might be the intent of their duel and it's possible that the phrases in Japanese makes that clearer, but I don't buy for a second that this means Sevens is dark. They got to space through the power of Romin's explosively bad curry. The only reason they didn't lose earlier was because the robot girls were set for quitting time. I don't know how the show expects the audience to take it that seriously when it has some of the most ridiculous plot points and world building out there. It isn't impossible to have light hearted moments and then become serious, but that is a difficult balancing act and it isn't something Sevens has been interested in. It can be serious and play things straight, but I don't think that they've gone really that far with it and I don't think that they're interested in doing that now.

Besides all that, there still isn't any tension with this setup. Putting aside what we know about Go Rush for the moment, obviously the show isn't going to end with either Yuga or Luke dying or with duels being destroyed. I think that people just want to see Sevens as a darker series than it actually is since its a Yu-Gi-Oh! series.

I do think that there are some nice sentiments to this setup though. Yuga obviously wants to have one more Rush Duel with his friend and Luke doesn't want Yuga to be alone either. It's a good way to showcase their friendship and bond. I kind of expected them to have Yuga vs. Luke starting up in the last scene of the series, but making it the last duel, alongside the incomplete Otes duel, is more interesting.

I said before that I didn't think that this last arc was too rushed, but now I'm reconsidering that. Cramming in Yuga vs. Luke, as well as the conclusion of the Otes duel, definitely sounds like it could be rushed. Not to mention Swirly's subplot really didn't have the payoff to match with his buildup. Honestly, I think that they could have easily kept Sevens going for another year, or at least another couple of arcs. I think that would have given them a bit more time to breathe, flesh out some of the cast members some more and provide more payoff for Swirly. Even though this arc has basically been about undoing the damage Swirly caused, it really doesn't seem he got to do much. After he defeated Otes, he was just on the sidelines, regaining his memories and then joined up with his siblings. While hardly any of the antagonists in Sevens are particularly good, I think Swirly needed to have a full arc as the main antagonist to really make the payoff more worthwhile. I don't think that this last arc is bad. It's had some really great moments and some solid duels. I just think that the show could have benefited from having another arc or two building up to this one instead.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this was a really good finale. Yuga vs. Luke was pretty good. Their duel not even involving holograms was kind of odd. It made the duel look and feel more simplistic or give it more of an old school charm to it. Initially, I thought that they were trying to spare their budget for the last episode, which might have been part of the reason, but given what happened later, they kind of had to duel locally as opposed to with their regular duel disks. I liked how serious Luke was right off the bat. He's normally pretty laid back, but here, he was set on making sure Yuga didn't go off on his own.

I also thought it was a pretty cool twist for Luke to have another Dragias in his deck. Being the representation of his feelings to stop Yuga might tie in with that mirror Luke from earlier in the series, especially when Dragias was a darker shade of blue too. I think that I liked that color scheme for Dragias more so than its original one. It just looks cooler. Luke was pretty confident over his chances of winning, especially with Yuga's best cards being in his deck for his other duel with Otes and he would be familiar with Yuga's cards by this point too.

But he wasn't expecting Yuga to use his ID card to create another copy of Sevens Road Magician. That caught me by surprise too. Admittedly, the duel still seemed a bit too short for my tastes, even for a Rush Duel, and Yuga pushing Luke out of the spaceship before he officially won might have wakened the impact a bit as well, but given everything else they were going for in this episode, they kind of had to make the match short. Plus, like I always suspected, they were saving Luke's first on-screen defeat for a major event and there wouldn't be anything more major than the series finale.

Luke's reaction to the idea that this was Yuga's last Rush Duel was pretty sad. He was so desperate to keep his friend, so set on the idea that they could duel countless time, because he didn't want Yuga to leave. While I didn't believe for a second that Yuga was going to die or that this would really be his last Rush Duel, it was still emotionally effective due to both their bond and the voice acting for both voice actors. Yuga and Luke have had a pretty solid connection from the start, so the idea that they'd be separated would still hit hard for both of them. It was pretty nice that Romin was the one who got Luke back on the ship though.

It was pretty cool that the pieces of the Goha Siblings' headbands created a crown for Yuga. That was already shown in the previous episode, but seeing that again after Yuga defeated Luke and hearing them repeat the legend behind the whole King of Duels made it stand out even more. Yuga becoming the King of Duels not because of his strength, but because of his convictions and determination to do whatever he can to protect his friends, even at his own expense, was kind of nice and honestly, he earned that title. I liked how Yuga still had a Trap card in play that allowed for him to get around Otes' trap, especially when his friends' cards were still effectively what allowed him to win. The whole concern over Yuga automatically losing the duel without an ID card was a bit annoying, but it lead to Yuga and Otes going into hyperspace together somehow. Yuga said that he knew what Otes was feeling or thinking near the end. I don't know if that was just them connecting through the duel or an implication that Otes is Yuga. We never learned who Otes is or what he looks like under that mask.

That two year time skip was a pretty big surprise. Giving the characters new designs or outfits for basically the last ten minutes of the episode isn't really a small feat. I was kind of impressed that they were willing to do that. It does give a good idea on how things were going after their adventure in space. Mimi becoming the Vice President was kind of nice and it was also nice how there was an emphasis on kids dueling first too. Not really into how the Goha siblings looked like with their time skip designs. Swirly dueling to stand up to people bullying kids still feels kind of lackluster. While he isn't the worst antagonist of the series, Swirly definitely didn't have nearly enough payoff to match with all of the buildup for this last sibling reveal. We saw the last few elementary school age kids within the cast too, but I didn't care about either of them, especially Hunt, at this point.

I kind of liked all of the middle school uniforms. The black coats looked pretty cool on Luke, Gakuto and even Roa. Romin, Asana and Tiger looked nice in their school uniforms too. I also thought it was a neat touch how Asana and Tiger switched their hair styles, even though I think Tiger looked better with long blue hair instead. Romin punching Luke for being depressed was kind of funny. On one hand, I kind of liked how Romin could pick up on Luke's feelings and verbalize what he's been going through since losing to Yuga. But on the other hand, it felt like a bit too much of show, don't tell. They were near the end of the episode and this was their quick time skip epilogue, so there wasn't a lot of time to show Luke's thought process and he wouldn't really be the one to vocalize those feelings perfectly either. I just thought it was a bit too quick and easy to explain Luke's state of mind from the past two years. I do like the idea that Luke realized that even with his only strength in dueling, becoming the King of Duels was beyond his grasp. That felt like a fitting realization after seeing what Yuga was willing to do in their duel.

Finding out that their spaceship was coming back after all this time was nice. I honestly forgot that the Space club kids even exist. I think that they showed up only for the third arc and never showed up again until now. I liked how Gakuto was so set on getting them to the beach to reunite with Yuga. Nail getting up a road specifically for Luke, Romin and Gakuto to go after Yuga was pretty nice too. While I do think that Nail, Asana and even Roa developed believable connections with Yuga, the group chemistry between the main four was always one of Sevens' main strengths, so I liked that they wanted to make them be the ones to reunite with Yuga first. Seeing all of the groups of supporting characters on the beach was a nice touch and I'm still impressed that they gave them new designs/outfits, but man I couldn't name more than maybe five or so characters without looking them up.

It's kind of a shame that we didn't see Yuga's time skip design and especially that he didn't reunite with his friends on-screen. As nice as it was for the ending them to be mostly full of clips of the characters throughout the series, I kind of would preferred for them to show the reunion between Yuga and his friends. I think that would have been a more emotionally satisfying note to end on. To be fair, it might not have been enough time to really do a reunion justice either. At least they didn't end it on Yuga lost in space forever or not show any sign of him at all like what happened with the 5D's time skip epilogue. Luke still having that Sevens Road Magician card was a nice touch and it showed that it was indeed Yuga coming back too.

Honestly, this was a better finale than I was expecting. It still feels a bit too jammed back. It was basically two or three episodes merged into one. Making Yuga vs. Luke last longer might have given both the conclusion of Yuga vs. Otes and the time skip epilogue more time to breathe. Even so, it was still emotionally effective and for once, the series did have more long term consequences. Obviously, Yuga wasn't going to die, but he was still separated from his family and friends for two years and Rush Duels were gone for all that time as well. Granted, I never found the threat of losing Rush Duels to be particularly good for tension and getting rid of it for two years might not mean much when they brought it back for the last moments of the finale, but it was still more than I was expecting them to do.

I'll probably get a write up for how I feel about Sevens as a whole later since that would be pretty long. For now, I think that the series was pretty good. It had more pros than cons for me and it was definitely much better than Vrains ever was in my opinion. It had a lot of solid high moments, but also a lot of issues that really hold it back for me. I wouldn't consider Sevens one of the best series in the franchise, but it definitely isn't one of the worst either. It's pretty solid in the middle in my opinion. If it had more consistent high points or I had less issues with it in some areas, I might rank it higher, but I can understand why people would like it more than I do too. The finale ending on a solid note was pretty helpful as well. I'm not sure if the finale alone would drastically change my feelings on the series as a whole, but it probably boosted my opinion on Yuga. I never disliked Yuga. He's one of my favorite characters in the cast, but I always thought that he didn't have a lot going on to make him more interesting. His behavior in the finale isn't new necessarily, but seeing how far he was willing to go was still pretty noteworthy. I'm still not sure what to expect out of Go Rush, but I do hope that we'll get to see and/or learn more about what happens to the Sevens cast. One character looks exactly like Gakuto, has his last name and is even voiced by the same person, so that's pretty telling. I still feel like they could have easily kept Sevens going on for another couple of arcs or even another full year, but the finale being more emotionally effective and satisfying than I was expecting helps to make ending the series here more acceptable too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
I know Yu Gi Oh! franchise does not do clear canon ships confirmation. But can we all agree, that Luke x Romin got real close in the subtle confirmation.

Anyway great way to end it. I thought the Yuga and Luke battle was kind of quick, I preferred if it began last episode.

I love the time skips redesigns of these characters. They all look great.

I am disappointed we didn't get a Go Rush Duels preview.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I know Yu Gi Oh! franchise does not do clear canon ships confirmation. But can we all agree, that Luke x Romin got real close in the subtle confirmation.
There are some exceptions like Priest Seto and Kisara, as well as Jack and Carly, but they do generally prefer to keep pairings more vague or open to interpretation. I kept expecting the finale to confirm that Luke and Romin got together though. A part of me wouldn't be surprised if their kid shows up in Go Rush at some point, but I also wouldn't be shocked if they kept who they ended up with a secret.

I am disappointed we didn't get a Go Rush Duels preview.
There was a Go Rush episode one preview released a few days ago:

The series premiers on April 3rd, so it's just one week after Sevens wrapped up. If it really does feature the kids of the Sevens cast, then we'll probably get to see them eventually in Go Rush, or at least get an idea of what happened to them. Adults barely existed in Sevens and I don't expect the previous cast to get a huge amount of focus either, but it would be nice to learn more about what happened to them between the end of Sevens and the beginning of Go Rush.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
The series premiers on April 3rd, so it's just one week after Sevens wrapped up. If it really does feature the kids of the Sevens cast, then we'll probably get to see them eventually in Go Rush, or at least get an idea of what happened to them.

I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I wouldn't hold my breath on that.
Well I wouldn't say that it's a guarantee, but I think there's a decent possibility for that to happen eventually. The twins have Yuga's last name, there's a character named Manabu Sogetsu who also shares Gakuto's last name, looks exactly like him and even has the same Japanese voice actor. Assuming that they are Yuga and Gakuto's kids, it wouldn't be a stretch for them to be mentioned or shown in Go Rush at some point.

To be clear, I'm not expecting to see them or learn about them right from the start of Go Rush or really anytime soon. They'd naturally want to establish the new cast, the new setting and the new status quo first. The story is going to be about the new characters, not the old ones. Given the lack of adults in Sevens and the emphasis on returning dueling to kids, I wouldn't expect any adult characters, let alone the Sevens cast, to get a huge role in Go Rush either. I just think that there's a pretty good chance of them eventually be shown or mentioned. I don't really see how that's unbelievable or that unlikely when Go Rush is most likely set in the same universe as Sevens.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
Well I wouldn't say that it's a guarantee, but I think there's a decent possibility for that to happen eventually. The twins have Yuga's last name, there's a character named Manabu Sogetsu who also shares Gakuto's last name, looks exactly like him and even has the same Japanese voice actor. Assuming that they are Yuga and Gakuto's kids, it wouldn't be a stretch for them to be mentioned or shown in Go Rush at some point.

To be clear, I'm not expecting to see them or learn about them right from the start of Go Rush or really anytime soon. They'd naturally want to establish the new cast, the new setting and the new status quo first. The story is going to be about the new characters, not the old ones. Given the lack of adults in Sevens and the emphasis on returning dueling to kids, I wouldn't expect any adult characters, let alone the Sevens cast, to get a huge role in Go Rush either. I just think that there's a pretty good chance of them eventually be shown or mentioned. I don't really see how that's unbelievable or that unlikely when Go Rush is most likely set in the same universe as Sevens.

I hope your right. But giving the franchise's track record of not wanting to down play any series taking place the same continuity as another series when that is the case, I am not getting my hopes up. But we will see.

Do we know far in the future? Could these characters not be the kids of the Sevens cast, but generations a part and the Sevens cast might be long dead.
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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I hope your right. But giving the franchise's track record of not wanting to down play any series taking place the same continuity as another series when that is the case, I am not getting my hopes up. But we will see.
To be fair, that really only started with Zexal. DM, GX and 5D's are all set in the same universe. That was clear even before Bonds Beyond Time came out. Personally, I never had a problem with the series after 5D's taking place in their own universe. I thought that gave the gave the production team more creative freedom since they could do whatever they wanted with the world building instead of having to keep in mind what was established in previous series. Plus, it makes a lot more sense than trying to fit each series in the same universe or timeline. I can't imagine Sevens taking place in the same universe as other series when their history of dueling is so different and it's implied that Fusion didn't exist prior to its creation for Rush Duels. Some of the theories I've seen people make to explain the timeline are so strange and convoluted. It just seems so easier to say that they exist in different universe and it would make much more sense too.

With Go Rush, there have been more hints at a connection between it and Sevens based on its preview information, which is something we haven't really gotten with pre-release information on a series since 5D's. It's set within the birthplace of Rush Duels, even though the town has a different name than it does in Sevens, the twins have Yuga's last name and Manabu looks like Gakuto with black hair. I can't say that it's guaranteed to be set in the same universe as Sevens. There could easily be other possibilities to explain some of these connections or nods to Sevens, but I do think that Go Rush being a sequel series is more of a possibility given the information we have thus far.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
With Go Rush, there have been more hints at a connection between it and Sevens based on its preview information, which is something we haven't really gotten with pre-release information on a series since 5D's. It's set within the birthplace of Rush Duels, even though the town has a different name than it does in Sevens, the twins have Yuga's last name and Manabu looks like Gakuto with black hair. I can't say that it's guaranteed to be set in the same universe as Sevens. There could easily be other possibilities to explain some of these connections or nods to Sevens, but I do think that Go Rush being a sequel series is more of a possibility given the information we have thus far.

Okay but like I asked before? Is it possible Go Rush is like a 100 years later or more? Though even if that was the case, time travel and flashbacks are always possible.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Okay but like I asked before? Is it possible Go Rush is like a 100 years later or more? Though even if that was the case, time travel and flashbacks are always possible.
I don't recall you asking that before, but I don't think that Go Rush is set that far ahead in the future. I forgot to mention that they've also showed what looked like adult versions of a couple of minor characters from Sevens, particularly the girl with the sushi deck and one of Asana's followers. If they are the same characters, which they most likely are, then Go Rush might be set only thirty or forty years from the end of Sevens. Again, this isn't confirmed yet and it's more of a theory at the moment, but I don't expect Go Rush to be set far ahead in the future with this in mind.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I've heard rumors that they do have at least the first season of the Sevens dub already done, but Konami Cross Media is having a difficult time getting a streaming platform interested in picking up the series. I believe it since they already have voice actors for most of the main and prominent supporting cast members. They announced their roles, along with their characters' dub names, back when the Sevens Switch game came out last December. I highly doubt that they'd go through the trouble of localizing a video game if they weren't also going to dub the anime. Plus, the idea of streaming services not being interested is also believable given that none of the spin-offs have been successful in the U.S.

As far as I know, there isn't any news on the Rush Duel cards coming to the west. Initially, I thought that's why they weren't doing anything with Sevens, but that explanation doesn't quite work after they released a game that promotes both the show and the new dueling method. I'm sure that a Sevens dub will eventually get released, but it is a shame that Konami Cross Media seems to have no interest in reducing the gap between the English and Japanese versions. This is the second time that the dub will be a full series behind the Japanese version and that's pretty bad.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2010
Hey it IS better than when they outright cancelled the current series to dub the next one like they used to when they were 4kids.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Hey it IS better than when they outright cancelled the current series to dub the next one like they used to when they were 4kids.
I'm not so sure. Getting complete dubs is still good of course, but when the dub is years behind the Japanese version, to the point where it's a full series behind, I'm not sure how much of an advantage it is to get complete dubs. It certainly isn't great for marketing since the Arc V and Vrains dubs were well behind the booster packs and were effectively promoting older cards as a result. Waiting so long to make a dub legally available, or in Sevens' case releasing it to begin with, is just going to hurt KCM in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2010
They should buy a Saturday Morning Block again. With the miserable ratings the cable channels are getting it could be a relatively huge hit nowadays.

Also, I prioritize getting an actual complete dub. I know the show has to promote the cards but I just dont see it as a must.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
They should buy a Saturday Morning Block again. With the miserable ratings the cable channels are getting it could be a relatively huge hit nowadays.
I don't think KCM would be interested in a Saturday morning block just to get Sevens on the air. That would potentially get the series on the air, but it would feel kind of meaningless if no one is watching it. Not to mention they'd have to get other shows to fill a block. It would be spending a lot of money on an outdated model to premiere one show with little to no benefits. It would honestly make much more sense to release the dub on their official YouTube page than to buy up TV slots.

I also highly doubt that Sevens would be a huge hit for a number of reasons. If streaming services aren't interested in picking up the series, then it's hard to imagine a lot of kids watching it on a Saturday morning block. Plus, I remember the ratings for some of the other series on the CW4Kids and Vortexx. Those were pretty bad, especially 5D's, and with TV ratings getting lower, I don't think Sevens would create a new wave of popularity for the franchise.

Also, I prioritize getting an actual complete dub. I know the show has to promote the cards but I just dont see it as a must.
It is a must because the only reason the spin-off series exist in the first place is to promote the cards. It isn't a secondary goal, but the main objective. DM was first and foremost an adaptation of the manga, but every series starting from GX exist as commercials for the newest cards. Getting complete dubs is still good and potentially makes it easier for more people to be interested in a series, even if the dubs are effectively different shows, but if they aren't able to effectively promote the newest cards, which is the main reason why these shows exist, then that's a huge problem.

This has been a big issue since at least the Zexal dub. They take so long to finish a series that they become so far behind the booster packs. I still remember seeing the last Arc V booster packs and the first Vrains starter deck when Nicktoons was still airing season one of the dub. There's really no good excuse for the dub to be this far behind the booster packs.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Well we finally have news for Sevens dub:

I figured that we'd get a dub eventually. They wouldn't localize the Sevens Switch game with voice actors if they weren't going to use those same voice actors for the dub, especially when they pretty much had all of the prominent characters for season one already cast with the game. I just didn't think we'd get it so suddenly. We're already in the middle of May, so we could get the Sevens dub in just a couple of weeks.

I am curious about where the dub will air. I doubt that it will land a TV deal in the U.S. at least. It might be for Pluto TV, but considering that they didn't mention it despite their current deal and that, as far as I know, they still haven't aired the rest of the Vrains dub, that might not be the most ideal. Crunchyroll would be nice, especially if it leads to legal subs, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Hulu instead. They might have different ways to release the dub internationally. It's also weird that there isn't any sign of the Rush Duel cards being released, but I assume that they'll be on the way.

It's still way too late to release the dub of this series and I'm not sure how much attraction it will get for a few reasons, but at least we finally have something on this dub and getting to hear bits of it will be interesting.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Good news, I think - the dub will premiere on Disney XD on June 6. The dub will also stream on Hulu.
Well that's certainly a surprise. I really wasn't expecting any U.S. TV channel to pick up Sevens. All of the kids channels have been moving further away from third party titles for years. With Disney XD, since they didn't keep airing Pokemon and they've been only airing Beyblade, I figured that they wouldn't be interested. I also thought that they wouldn't be into getting more new programs for the channel since they'd be more focused on that sweet Disney+ money.

I was positive that Sevens would exclusive to streaming, especially when they couldn't get a U.S. TV deal for Vrains. I still firmly believe that they took so long to get the Sevens dub started in large part because they were desperately trying to get a TV deal going. KCM definitely seems to value that more so than anything else if what happened to the Vrains dub is any indication. The fact that it was airing in Canada and Australia TV channels way before it was legally available in the U.S. is really telling. Even in this age of streaming, getting a show on traditional TV can still attract attention and audiences, but waiting this long seemingly just for a TV channel to air Sevens is really only going to hurt the series in the long run. It would already have an uphill battle just as a Yu-Gi-Oh! spinoff when none of those have been successful outside of Japan, but the dub not airing until after the series ended in Japan doesn't help matters either.

That being said, Disney XD isn't a bad option. It isn't available in a lot of homes due to being an extra channel and it has become more of a rerun channel over time, but they are definitely a step up from Nicktoons. If Nicktoons had gotten the dub instead, they might as well have thrown episodes in the garbage. If how Disney XD handled Pokemon SM is any indication, then they'll probably give Sevens a consistent timeslot, a decent amount of promotion, won't take long unnecessary breaks and will actually air the entire series, unlike what Nicktoons have done with Arc V and Zexal. The only real downside is that they're probably going to air one episode a week. That normally wouldn't be that bad, especially when they still need to get the Rush Duel cards released here, but considering that we're still a series behind the Japanese version, a part of me was kind of hoping that they'd be able to shorten the gap by releasing more episodes at once. But at this point, it's pretty clear that KCM is not interested in shortening the gap.

It's also smart to have the dub still on a streaming site since that would help give the series more exposure and make it accessible to those in the U.S. that don't have Disney XD. The more I thought about it, the more I thought that Hulu was likely going to stream the dub, so it's kind of funny that I was kind of right about that. Hulu hasn't been that interested in the franchise for awhile, but they did premiere the last chuck of the Zexal dub years ago, so there would be some history for Hulu to premiere a new dub. Crunchyroll would have been more ideal since it would have been a way for the dub to be available internationally. I assume that they're going to be more into dub premieres now that they've merged with Funimation. Hopefully they'll still have legal Sevens subs up there someday. I'm also glad that they aren't sticking with Pluto TV. It isn't one of the biggest streaming sites out there, so how much exposure the series would have gotten there is questionable. Plus, if how they've handled the Vrains dub is any indication, they would have taken a long time to get through Sevens. As far as I know, Pluto TV still hasn't started season three of the Vrains dub and that dub ended months ago.

It's still surprising news, but still all around good news. I doubt that I'll watch much of the dub, but I am curious how the characters will sound in the show as opposed to the Sevens Switch game and what the theme song will be like.
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Aug 21, 2018
Well that's certainly a surprise. I really wasn't expecting any U.S. TV channel to pick up Sevens. All of the kids channels have been moving further away from third party titles for years. With Disney XD, since they didn't keep airing Pokemon and they've been only airing Beyblade, I figured that they wouldn't be interested. I also thought that they wouldn't be into getting more new programs for the channel since they'd be more focused on that sweet Disney+ money.

I was positive that Sevens would exclusive to streaming, especially when they couldn't get a U.S. TV deal for Vrains. I still firmly believe that they took so long to get the Sevens dub started in large part because they were desperately trying to get a TV deal going. KCM definitely seems to value that more so than anything else if what happened to the Vrains dub is any indication. The fact that it was airing in Canada and Australia TV channels way before it was legally available in the U.S. is really telling. Even in this age of streaming, getting a show on traditional TV can still attract attention and audiences, but waiting this long seemingly just for a TV channel to air Sevens is really only going to hurt the series in the long run. It would already have an uphill battle just as a Yu-Gi-Oh! spinoff when none of those have been successful outside of Japan, but the dub not airing until after the series ended in Japan doesn't help matters either.

Disney XD getting Sevens is really interesting because I thought the same thing as you. I initially thought the show would be streaming only on something like Netflix. But still have it on both TV and Streaming is a good move on Konami, since almost all the Yu-Gi-Oh! Dubs excluding Vrains are on Hulu, so good job to them, although It’s weird that they taken this long to find a outlet to premiere the dub, considering they already have the first 52 episodes dubbed already and are probably recording the second half right now. Very Weird all around.

That being said, Disney XD isn't a bad option. It isn't available in a lot of homes due to being an extra channel and it has become more of a rerun channel over time, but they are definitely a step up from Nicktoons. If Nicktoons had gotten the dub instead, they might as well have thrown episodes in the garbage. If how Disney XD handled Pokemon SM is any indication, then they'll probably give Sevens a consistent timeslot, a decent amount of promotion, won't take long unnecessary breaks and will actually air the entire series, unlike what Nicktoons have done with Arc V and Zexal. The only real downside is that they're probably going to air one episode a week. That normally wouldn't be that bad, especially when they still need to get the Rush Duel cards released here, but considering that we're still a series behind the Japanese version, a part of me was kind of hoping that they'd be able to shorten the gap by releasing more episodes at once. But at this point, it's pretty clear that KCM is not interested in shortening the gap.

Considering how good of a job Disney XD did when promoting Pokémon SM, I have high hope that Disney XD will air the whole series and give it a good time slot as well as promotion. Rush Duels still need to be released here in the U.S. so Sevens premiering now Isn’t too bad but disappointing especially as you said Light, we’re a whole series behind the Japanese. I wonder if they would’ve released the dub late last year, would the gap behind the Japanese version be much smaller?

Light, I have to wonder, what kinda gap you would’ve wanted between the Japanese version and the dub? Would you have wanted a similar gap to that of Pokémon Journeys or something like that?

It's still surprising news, but still all around good news. I doubt that I'll watch much of the dub, but I am curious how the characters will sound in the show as opposed to the Sevens Switch game and what the theme song will be like.

Yea I’m very interested to see how the dub turns out and to see the edits, which the way Sevens is, I don’t think there’s much to censor really. I’m also interested to see how the dub opening is, which at least this time is better than Vrains dub opening.

Although I am curious to hear what the characters sound like in the dub, which I hope is the cast from the Switch game because if not I’ll be really disappointed. It wouldn’t really sense for a good cast to be in the game but not the anime and will cause some consistency issues with the dub, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see on June 6th.

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Minor gripe with the otherwise fine Yurikuma Arashi dub: "But also, we loved from the beginning as well." Using "also" and "as well" in the same sentence is redundant.
1 decade, 1 month and 1 fortnight ago, Shrek got a series of shorts titled New Shrek on DreamWorksTV.

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