What are the Storm Hawks -- anime or aliens?

Bones Justice

Bring on the noise!
Dec 29, 2003
Lots of places
I know characters like Junko and Stork are different, um, species, but what about Aerro, Piper, and Finn? Are they humans done in anime style or just humanoid aliens? Obviously, this is not Earth past or present but I guess it could be future-Earth, alternate dimension -Earth, or another planet altogether.

The ship designs are great in Storm Hawks but the character designs take some getting used to. Almost all of them are way too skinny and there isn't much difference in the design of the males and the females. The males are too scrawny and the females have almost no curves at all.

Master Toon

Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
I don't think anime has anything to do with it. Haven't you seen Dragon Booster before? The characters look the same. I think the skinnyness is to show people that the Storm Hawks are young, notice how Snipe is considerably thicker? That's because he's older and stronger than most of the other characters. Then again, I could be wrong. Maybe, just maybe, that's just the design the creator decided to go with.


May 9, 2004
Most are human, except for the obvious ones. They're only 14 except for Stork. Probably why Ravis is the most endowed in the show. But even the older people on the Terra's don't seem to get alot to eat and aren't any more fleshed out. I'd say it's just how the basic character designs came out.

Master Toon

Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Well, the setting doesn’t even take place on Earth, so it seems that there is a better chance that some characters are ‘aliens’.

But he's referring to the humans. We know the non-human looking characters are monsters and aliens.


May 9, 2004
It was an action show designed around flying motorcycles.
Srorm-Surge Transcript from Ace interview by LittleGeever said:
Little_geever: Alright, let's start out with some backgrounds of the show, like what gave you the idea for Storm Hawks.
Ace: It sorta came from some design ideas that I had from when I was thinking I wanted to develop a show that had something that had been missing from the action realm, that was a really cool kinda flying adventure, that wasn't space related, so ultimately, ya know, it came from that, a concept of two very cool things, biplanes and motorcycles, and a transformation in-between, and a concept of battling in the skies; a sky knight. I think it was of kinda the concept of a sky knight, of sky rides, which is what sparked, what came up in my imagination, something that was really cool. From there, I started creating a cast of characters, and that's where it ended up. It was a couple of years ago, about two years ago, that I came with the original concept, which my team a Nerd Corps then began developing with designers and writers, and we managed to finance the show, and we're 52 episodes later.
Much beyond that and you're over thinking at this point. but run with it if you like, we did with CL so why not. lol

BTW, Storks a Merb,,, from Terra Merb,,, hence not even Junko can stomach merb Cabage. No space travel, so they're all from Atmose, so no one is really an alien.

Bones Justice

Bring on the noise!
Dec 29, 2003
Lots of places
I don't think anime has anything to do with it. Haven't you seen Dragon Booster before? The characters look the same. I think the skinnyness is to show people that the Storm Hawks are young, notice how Snipe is considerably thicker? That's because he's older and stronger than most of the other characters. Then again, I could be wrong. Maybe, just maybe, that's just the design the creator decided to go with.

I suppose I shouldn't have used the word "anime" but it fit the title-bar space so much better than "characters with exaggerated body parts". :p

I have seen Dragon Booster but presumably, that's a different world.

I understand that the Storm Hawks are just kids but even a lot of the adults with beards look skinny, like the Cyclonian guards. Snipe is "thicker" because he's a big bruiser. Dark Ace and Ravis (adults) are fairly scrawny themselves.

BTW, Storks a Merb,,, from Terra Merb,,, hence not even Junko can stomach merb Cabage. No space travel, so they're all from Atmose, so no one is really an alien.

Well, not alien to Atmos but alien to Earth, I meant. Unless Atmos is Earth in the future (or past).

Wow, I didn't think my question was so unclear. Let me clarify:

Are the Storm Hawks like Aerrow, Piper, and Finn supposed to be human beings? Do we credit their unusually large eyes and disproportionate bodies to an artistic choice?

Or are these characters, in fact, a humanoid species distinct from human beings, much as Stork and Junko are humanoids but not human beings?

It's not anime. It's computer animation done by the Nerd Corporation.

I am definitely not asking if Storm Hawks is anime. Sorry for the misunderstanding!

By the way, Webster's definition of "anime" ("a style of animation originating in Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in action-filled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes") could apply to Storm Hawks but I don't really care. :shrug:

The Irishman

Tall. Irish. Animation Anomaly
Dec 8, 2007
Baile an Tí Mhóir, MD
Are the Storm Hawks like Aerrow, Piper, and Finn supposed to be human beings? Do we credit their unusually large eyes and disproportionate bodies to an artistic choice?

Artistic choice is my understanding of it as there appears to be an overall design scheme for the characters, e.g. they all have similar retinal features and hair styles.

It's fairly obvious that Junko and Stork aren't the same as the rest of the team but other Sky Knights could be considered to be of the same species as Aerrow et al, due to the similarity in physical features whereas the presence of other types of creatures that are physically distinct from each other suggests that they are not. Consequently I believe that Aerrow, etc. are humans and Junko, Stork, etc. are intelligent creatures with anthromorphic traits.

Well, not alien to Atmos but alien to Earth, I meant. Unless Atmos is Earth in the future (or past).

Hard to say, but Aerrow does mention the "World of Atmos" at the start of each episode. It could be similar to Sonic the Hedgehog. He lives on Mobius (a planet distinct from Earth) but humans are present there too (Dr. Robotnik/Eggman).

Bones Justice

Bring on the noise!
Dec 29, 2003
Lots of places
Hard to say, but Aerrow does mention the "World of Atmos" at the start of each episode. It could be similar to Sonic the Hedgehog. He lives on Mobius (a planet distinct from Earth) but humans are present there too (Dr. Robotnik/Eggman).

I guess it doesn't matter if it's Earth or not but my curiosity gets the better of me at times. As far as I can tell, Atmos is made up of a bunch of islands floating in the sky ("terras", with Terra being another name for Earth as well) but not much else has been said. Could this be Earth in the distant future after some world-changing event? Or is it, in fact, another planet altogether, perhaps also in another dimension?


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