Trouble Chocolate


agent provocateur
Sep 14, 2002
Don't slap me. I'm just curious. A local discount shop I was in the other day had a few dvd volumes of random anime for $3.99 a piece.

I can't pick up a dvd of some series half way through, so I'm only going to ask about the one series that they had a decent amount of the series, including the first eps. Which is one called Trouble Chocolate.

I know nothing about this series and can't really make a call based on the cover. Though I did find it cute that the DVDs come with chocolate, or just have some fakie nutrition info on the back.

Sooooo... anyone know this series? Is it terrible?

Ultra Mike

1000 Posts = Woot Or Something
Mar 3, 2005
East Northport
Here's a review I found of it

Welcome to 'Cranky' Sakai Town, a place where you can raise a family. Most of its kids go to Micro-Grand Academy. Population one hundred thousand, with hundreds of classes and thousands of after school activities. Micro-Grand students like sports and collecting cards with chocolates in them. Nothing too special, nothing too dull. Just your average school and your average town where this anime love comedy takes place."
[size=-1]As if! Trouble Chocolate is a series in which reality and logic are left at the front door and anything and everything under the sun is bound to happen! Think of the craziest, most zany of anime you've ever watched, like Ranma 1/2, Excel Saga, Dragonball, Shinesmen and so on, throw them all into a blender and set it on high. A lot of it doesn't make much sense, but hey, who needs a comprehensive plot to have fun?[/size]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-1]Meet Cacao, a student of Micro Grand Academy with a bottomless pit for a stomach and a very special allergic reaction to chocolate, (which is really ironic since chocolate comes from the cacao bean, hence his name). During a very complicated summoning spell being cast by his sorcery teacher, (yes, they teach magic here too), Cacao once again thinks with his stomach and eats a bar of 200-year-old choclate. The result is that he gets drunk, (from chocolate?), and sneezes, thereby causing the teacher's spell to go haywire. The spirit he summons possesses a wooden puppet and becomes the female lead of the show. Her name is Hinano. (Actually her name is a lot longer, but Cacao couldn't say it at the time, so he just calls her Hinano).[/size][/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=-1]The entire series is like Ranma 1/2 with heaping dashes of Excel Saga thrown in. Cacao may seem like a total goofball, but make no mistake. He's got a heart of gold and the potential to become the most powerful magic user in the world. He obliterated an entire air force by himself. (Then again he was drunk on chocolate at the time and thought it all to be a video game). Hinano is a tree spirit that's packing some serious power as well. The series also has the standard supporting cast of wacky characters, such as the teaching staff that looks like a knockoff of the Munsters, the standard spoiled rich guy after Hinano's heart, two love-starved characters who just keep on saying each other's names like in the Whirlwind of Love (Hand Maid May), two Chun Li clones who follow a four-eyed pig in search of monster cards that were wrapped in chocolate bars, a generic Power Rangers team, an alien named Ham Ham that runs the candy store that Cacao lives in, a boy who acts like Warner Bros. Tasmanian Devil, several students who are named after various food items and of course, the standard bad guys who are pretty much incompetent. Any of this make any sense? No? Well, don't worry, it's still a LOT of fun!

Go interrept that and see if it's the show for you or something.

Dark Fact

Preaching evil since '04
Dec 5, 2004
Tower of Dharm
From what I've heard, Trouble Chocolate is a blatant ripoff of Urusei Yatsura. The main girl in the show seems to have a personality similar to Lum's! :sad:


Jan 16, 2005
LordByronius said:
Trouble Chocolate sucks. Dunno where you found that review, but it was terribly innacurate.

Dull, dull, lifeless show.
Not to mention the first episodes makes no sense at all. The enviornment is confusing, the characters you could care less about and everything feels forced.

Avoid it like the plague.


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