Miles Morales to headline "Spider-Man" title after Secret Wars


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
Looks like Mile Morales is becoming Marvel's new Spider-Man with Peter Parker taking the mentor role. I wonder if these means "Renew Your Vows" will be kept in continuity after the reboot.

The Ultimate Universe may be going away, but Miles Morales is here to stay. The latest proof: He's the star of Marvel's relaunched "Spider-Man" series set to debut this fall post-"Secret Wars", as revealed late Saturday night by the New York Daily News. The "Spider-Man" creative team will be writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Sara Pichelli, who first introduced the character in 2011.

Bendis stated that Miles Morales won't be "Spider-Man with an asterisk," but rather "the real Spider-Man."

"Our message has to be it's not Spider-Man with an asterisk, it's the real Spider-Man for kids of color, for adults of color and everybody else," Bendis told the New York Daily News.

The New York Daily News article states that Peter Parker will serve as a mentor to Miles Morales in the series, but it's unclear at this point whether or not the original Spider-Man will still be an active superhero. An "All-New, All Different Marvel" teaser image released earlier this month showed both Miles Morales in his Ultimate Spider-Man costume, along with a more traditional Spidey.

Miles Morales to Star in Bendis & Pichelli's "Spider-Man" Post-"Secret Wars" - Comic Book Resources


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
I think Peter will get his own book, too. There's no way Marvel would sideline him, especially not for any extended amount of time. Miles will have "adjectiveless Spider-Man" and Peter will have "Amazing Spider-Man" or whatever they end up calling it. So far this "All New All Different" line will have Old Man Captain America and Falcon-Cap, Old Man Wolverine and X-23 Wolverine, so two different Spider-Men isn't that much of a stretch.

I won't be buying it in anyway, I've read too much Bendis Spider-Man and am really bored of the same old stuff happening over and over again with Bendis' same old tropes and beats he keeps hitting. So as much as I like Miles and I hope this does well, I don't want to read it with Bendis writing it.


Active Member
Dec 5, 2014
So? We all know by now that Marvel has made the decision to get ride of all its white male heroes. The purpose of Secret Wars is to take all the race lifting and gender flipping of the Ultimate universe and impose it on the main universe.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
Yup, at the end of Secret Wars there won't be a single straight white man left in Marvel. They'll all be gone, shipped up to a farm never to be seen or heard from again.

All to be replaced with the entire non-white cast of the Ultimate Universe, like Miles Morales, and Nick Fury, wait he was already black in Marvel U. The Wasp was Asian, maybe? Though isn't she dead or something? And.... ummm that's about it. 616 Marvel will be 3 whole characters.



Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Well, it was pretty obvious that Miles would have a new book post-Secret War and in the new 616, and I was expecting Bendis would be sticking with the title, though Sarah Pichelli on art is an awesome surprise :D.

Granted, Bendis' last Ultimate volume was kinda a dud, so hopefully he can do better this time around :sweat:.

Though my biggest question right now is what Miles' status means for Peter. Will Peter have his own book in "Amazing Spider-Man" while Miles gets his own book without an adjective? Two Spider-Man's in 616 NYC worked with Miguel who didn't need to replace Peter, and he's earned being Spider-Man and honored Peter's legacy just as much as Miles has. Not to mention we have a red and blue Spider-Man, with a slightly redesigned costume, on the ANAD promo poster, which would seem pointless if Peter doesn't have his own book :shrug:.

Alternatively, and not my ideal, Peter could just serve a mentor role in Miles' own book. I could only live with this scenario if it means we finally get a married Spider-Man again out of it, since Marvel now has their hip and young single Spider-Man and don't have to shove that role on Peter. Why keep him single if he's not the main Spider-Man anymore? Though this being Marvel, I doubt that would be the case :sad:.

Oh, and Parker Industries is still a thing apparently. I was hoping we would be done with that post-Secret War :mad:.

So I expect Miles' supporting cast (Ganke, Jefferson, maybe Bombshell and Judge) to make it into 616, though they'll probably need an expansion since the rest are made up of characters with 616 equivalents unless they end up replacing the ones from 616. I also wonder if he'll now tussle with Peter's classic Rogues Gallery or if Bendis will lift the Ultimate versions :ack:?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2010
The Tardis
So? We all know by now that Marvel has made the decision to get ride of all its white male heroes. The purpose of Secret Wars is to take all the race lifting and gender flipping of the Ultimate universe and impose it on the main universe.

That's pretty surprising given that the teaser posters alone show Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Star-Lord, Old Man Logan, Hyperion, the Thing (well, he's white ethnically even though he's organge!) and Phil Coulson.



And in fact Spider-Man is an especially bad example to use for that since they've now confirmed several times that Peter Parker is still alive and in the new book.
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Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
Citizen V and Doctor Doom are now heroes?
Is that Zemo in the Citizen V outfit?

The idea of having two separate Spider-Men in one world will be similar to having two heroic Flashes in one world, and sometimes three. It will be a good thing.
Oh, and Parker Industries is still a thing apparently. I was hoping we would be done with that post-Secret War :mad:.
I like the idea of Parker Industries, he deserves to grow and gain more things, we might see his Edge of Time version happen, not to the level of becoming a semi-immortal villain, but being the C.E.O of Alchemax.
Tony Stark rebuilt his company twice, or maybe three times.

kid rabbit

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2007
st,louis mo.
one of the coolest things about spider man was that he was poor
he had money trouble it was relatable something spider writers have forgotten lately


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