World's Finest Writer's Corner Dreams Are Made Of...


Mar 26, 2002
In the middle of nowhere.
Dreams Are Made Of… By Kali

Author’s Forward: This weird little story was inspired by a strange dream that I had. As well as Gotham Knights #24, Batman #590, Batman Ego, and the little B&W back-up story in Gotham Knights #20, that was written by Julius Schwartz and Dan Raspier. I’m approaching it from a somewhat DID (AKA MPD) angle. Though it’s set in a dreamscape reality.

“How do you explain what is, and what isn’t? When all you see, is but a dream, within a dream?” - some guy

“This could all be a dream. A seriously twisted dream,” commented Matches Malone as he wandered around looking at their somewhat Spartan and confining surroundings. They were seemingly stuck in an enclosed gray area. The ‘they’ being himself, Batman, billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne, and a withdrawn young boy.

“You really believe that?” Bruce Wayne asked hopefully.

“Yes. I mean, the other ‘me’ is dead. I’m not really real. So, either we’re cracking up, or this is just one whacked out dream. Maybe that broad’s death was also part of the dream?”

“No,” Batman responded icily. Rather annoyed at the lot of them. At least the boy had sense of mind to stay quiet.

“No?” Bruce Wayne asked the imposing figure before him. He had been hoping against hope that Matches had been onto something. That maybe things weren’t as bad as they seemed. And they could just wake up, and everything could go back to normal. Well, more or less, anyway. He missed his little outings. He rarely ever got to go out and do things. And if the Batman had his way, which he often did, he might not ever get to go out again. Of course, on the other hand, if this was just a dream. He might not be ‘really real’ himself. Just a subconscious representative of the ‘real’ Bruce Wayne’s fears made ‘real’ in his dream state.

Batman sighed, shaking his head in frustration. Despite how he may have wished it otherwise, the facts were undeniable. “She’s really dead,” Batman stated somberly.

“Really? Truly?” Bruce Wayne asked, as his hopes went down the tubes. He knew it was useless to argue with the Bat. But, what other choice did he have? Besides, he had a reputation as one of the dimmest bulbs around. So why not live up to that expectation?

“Yes! Why do I have to repeat myself to you!? You were there! You saw the body!” Batman shouted angrily. Growing even more frustrated by the second. He knew that the playboy fop Bruce Wayne had been constructed to be an idiot. It had been by dint of design. But now, due to circumstances beyond their control, things had to change. The playboy fop had to go the way of the dodo bird. And if he didn’t like it, tough.

“No. No, he wasn’t. That was me,” the young boy responded quietly, not even lifting his eyes off of his project on the floor. It was the first time he had spoken during their current period of seeming entrapment within the gray void.

“What?” Batman looked at the boy, a bit astonished. He had assumed that the boy had been ’quiet’ just in general. But now… Now he wondered if it was the boy who had been causing his blackouts.

“So the kid can talk after all,” Matches smirked.

“You heard what I said,” the boy responded. Still not looking up from his project.


“It was me, who dated Vesper. Before, and to some degree, just recently. You just tried to suppress me,” the boy responded with a tinge of anger, as he briefly glanced up to look at Batman.

“I did not,” Batman insisted, scowling.

“You did too. Just like you did with him!” The boy exclaimed, pointing at the playboy fop.

“What? He’s not even real. He’s just a façade. An idiot mask we put on to fool people!” Batman exclaimed, as he threw up his hands in disgust.

“I resent that! I have feelings too, you know!” Bruce Wayne growled, as he pointed a finger straight in front of Batman’s nose. “Now, I don’t know about the others. But, I think I deserve a little more respect from you!”

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me! This is just some weird dream that I’m having. I’m the real one. Not you! Never you!” Batman ranted, stomping off in frustration. Only getting a few yards away from his erstwhile companions.

“Jeez, Bats. Do you have to be so all or nothing? Besides, I thought you didn‘t agree with me on the whole dream thingy?” Matches asked in a slightly amused tone.

“About this being a dream? That, I agree on. It’s the part about Vesper’s death being a dream, that I don‘t agree on.”

“Oh. Still no need to rip that poor fella’s head off,” Matches responded, giving the playboy a look of sympathy. “I mean, I’m not exactly mister nice guy myself, and yet, I feel sorry for the poor bloke. ‘Cause of how you treat him. He’s disposable to you!”

“He’s not real. And neither are you!”

“Well, that’s debatable, you know. I could argue that the kid over there is the ‘real’ one, and the rest of us… Well, we three could be just puppets designed by him to protect himself from the outside world.”

“You really believe that?” The boy inquired of Matches.

“Well, it’s a possibility.”

“But, that’s…. that’s insane.”

“As I said, a possibility.”

“But, there is nothing wrong with us. We’re fine!” The boy demanded.

“Um kiddo, the very fact that you keep on mentioning an ‘us’ tends to support the idea that everything is not okay-dokey in our little noggin.”

“But, we don’t have multiple personality disorder!”

“Then why do you keep saying ‘we’?”

“I… I…”

“What’s with this? Huh? First you seem to accept that we four are different personas all together, and now you want to deny it. What’s up with that?”

“You were the one who suggested that this,” the boy began, stressing the last word, “may all be a dream. So, it’s you who seems to flip-flop back and forth on this.”

“Well, I think this situation is a bit complicated. Not to mention confusing. So, I ‘flip-flop’ a little, so sue me!”

“Critics of DID, or MPD as it used to be called, have said that psychiatrists can cause the condition through hypnosis. So maybe, Hugo’s behind this?”

“Aw, jeez! Now you’re sounding like Batman! Ya know, kid, I think I liked you better when you kept your trap shut.”


A short while later, things weren’t going much better. They were still stuck in a quagmire. The seeming dream continuing on indefinitely, much to all their chagrin.

“Where did the gun go? What happened to it?!” The boy begged Batman.

“I don’t know.”

“What?! How can you not know!? You made me buy the damned thing!”

“Um, this is just a suggestion, folks. So, don’t go biting my head off. But, what if we aren’t alone in here? What if there is someone else, in here, as well?” Matches commented.

“Here you go again. With your damned MPD theory!” Batman hissed, giving Matches an angry scowl.

“Well, correct me if I’m wrong but, didn’t you just admit to having blackouts?” Matches retorted, feeling a bit frustrated himself.

“I admitted to no such thing,” Batman insisted through gritted teeth.

“Uh, you just said that you don’t know what happened to the gun. That’s pretty much admitting it right there.”

“Score one for Matches!” The playboy exclaimed with a grin.

“You, shut up!“ Batman yelled, pointing his finger threateningly at the playboy for a brief moment. Then he whirled around to face Matches. “You…. For all I know, the gun could have been stolen.”

This can’t be happening, the boy thought to himself as he sat back down on the cold, hard floor. Their surroundings had changed to reflect the place that had been their home away from the Manor. While it was not a true representation of the cave as it was now, it was pretty darned close. The only thing missing were the bats.

Regardless, he found himself lost in thought, pondering the situation that they were in. As Matches and Batman continued to argue back and forth. With the ‘other’ him piping up on rare occasions.

:::It has to be some sort of dream. Or, one of Scarecrow’s mind tricks. Or… Or…. What? Some diabolical, evil villain’s scheme that has so far gone undetected? Like that guy I mentioned before, Hugo Strange? He held us prisoner not so long ago. And something like this would be right up his alley.

Or, maybe it’s something else. Maybe the reintegration didn’t go so well, after that one JLA case. The one where our identities were split into two. Except, that wouldn’t explain Matches or me.

Or, maybe it’s something I ate. Yeah, that’s a possibility, right? Perhaps, I’ve poisoned myself with my own cooking? I thought that soup tasted a little funny.:::

“Ah, yes. This really is the symbiotic living arrangement from hell, isn‘t it,” Matches commented harshly. Throwing one of his trademarked lit matches to the floor, and stomping on it in an attempt to relieve some of the aggravation that he felt.

“Matches,” Batman growled. But, before he could get any further, the boy stood up between them. Interrupting the heated discussion between him and Matches.

“I’m sick to death of you! I want my life back!” The boy exclaimed, shaking his clenched fist at the cloaked figure before him.

“And what life would that be, perchance? Family, friends, a girlfriend? You remember what happened to your last girlfriend, don’t you?”

“……….” The boy’s eyes opened wide, with horror. Then, just as quickly he clenched his eyes shut. Trying to block out the memories Batman’s comments had stirred up. He failed, and crumpled to the floor in a heap, as tears started to form in his eyes.

“Damn, Bats, you’re cold,” Matches commented, as he watched the young boy quietly crying on the cave floor.

Ignoring Matches, Batman continued on, “This whole mess would have been resolved much quicker, if you hadn’t of moved the body.”

“Damn, you’re really cold,” Matches muttered with disgust.

“I wasn’t created to be warm and fuzzy. I was created to protect,” Batman responded, glaring at Matches.

“So, now you’re admitting it,” Matches commented smugly.

“Yes. Except you failed miserably at protecting those closest to me. The boys…” The boy started, as he wiped away his tears and looked defiantly up at the Batman.

“Will be *fine*. They are better off for this.”

“Are they?” the boy asked, defiance still coloring his voice.

“Yes,” Batman insisted.

“I don’t think so. I really don’t. Protecting them, by hurting them, is not something I care for,” the boy commented sadly, shaking his head in dismay.

“So, you’d rather be selfish? Endanger their lives?” Batman asked, incredulous.

“No. That‘s the last thing that I want.”

“Then what do you suggest?”

“I have a plan. Call it a contingency plan, if you will.”

“Oh?” Batman asked.

“I think you’ll like it. We’ll both get what we want, if it works,” the boy smiled ominously.

“Uh oh, I hate it when he does that,” Matches said, as he nervously touched the matches in his lucky matchbook. Rubbing the head of a match with his thumb.

“But… But, he’s never done that before,” The Playboy stated with confused bewilderment.

“Exactly,” Matches sighed.

“Huh?” The Playboy gave Matches a confused glance.

“Don’t worry, Brucie. You’ll learn soon enough,” Matches confided as he patted the playboy on the back.

Disclaimer: All Batman characters are the property of DC Comics. This little fan fiction is meant as pure, harmless fun, and as such, no profit is being made from it.


Soul meets body
May 2, 2001
climbing up the walls
Welcome, Kali! Just have to say what a great story this're obviously a talented writer. I loved the line about the "symbiotic living arrangement from hell". That was hilarious! It's cool to have someone who's into the comics here; you should read the New Catwoman's stories Perfect Dark and Broken. While her stories are still based in the animated world, they are heavily influenced by the comics.

Again, you've done an incredible job. Hope to see more!


Oh you've got to be kidding me
May 2, 2001
This Good Earth

First and foremost let me comment on just how surprising, and hilarious this was. I unfortunately cannot at the moment remember who Matches Malone is. He sounds sooooo familiar. NEway keep it up! I love younger Bruce confronting Batman.

Oh and wow DoE, thanks soooo much for the praise! yes, it's true, Batman comics do things that the show can't even approach. Their great fun! And it's fun pulling characters out for your own use.


Elizabethan Spy
May 18, 2001
here and there
Welcome to the fanfic board!

Very cool story. Ir remenied me of a play called 'L'enfare est les autres' (hell is other people). Very funny in an incredibley dark way. You have totaly gotten inside his head (heads?) You've hit the nail on the head with the puppet line. I can't wait to see what the contigency plan is.

Good luck!


Didn't you get the memo?
Nov 8, 2001
somewhere else
“I wasn’t created to be warm and fuzzy. I was created to protect,” Batman responded, glaring at Matches.

That line gave me chills! Really interesting piece of work. I like how your mind works.


Mar 26, 2002
In the middle of nowhere.

Hi, glad you liked it. :) So far, I've read all of New Catwoman's Perfect Dark series, that's on these boards. I was sorry to hear that parts 1-3 were lost, though. :( I have started to read her intriguing Broken series as well. As well as some others, by others. It's always enjoyable for me to discover 'new' fan fic sites. I tend to spend hours reading away. :)

I have an idea for another story, which incorporates both the comic and BTAS worlds. Partly because it would be a crossover with Remington Steele. With Remy finding Alfred's voice awfully reminiscent of his late father's. ;) As well as, Remy's past as a former con-artist and thief, might make for interesting fodder. Selina and Remy would know each other, too.


Hi, glad you found it hilarious. :) Matches is one of Batman/Bruce's temporary ID's that he occasionally uses to infiltrate various criminal organizations. A recent Brian K. Vaughan storyline retold the origin of Matches Malone, and Batman's decision to use that ID. It was in Batman #588-#590. Basically, Matches was an arsonist crook who seemingly died, and Batman decided to use that identity for infiltration purposes. Only, the real Matches Malone was still alive. After Matches was killed, Batman vowed revenge. Getting a bit 'lost' in the Matches role in the process. Hence, some of the inspiration for this story.

I really enjoyed the Perfect Dark chapters, as well as Broken. You really put poor Bruce and Selina through the ringer in both those stories. :)

Have you ever thought about posting your stories on fanfictionnet? I think they allow uploading text/word files now.

Now, speaking of ffnet....


Hi, again. :) I've seen your Dark Tower fan fic on ffnet. It's really good. Dark Tower is my favorite of King's work. :) I also enjoyed your Batman Beyond story which featured Bruce's little romantic interlude with Mardi.


Hi, again. I have a thing for dark humor at times.

Anyhow, muchos gracias to all for the feedback. :)


Didn't you get the memo?
Nov 8, 2001
somewhere else
Originally posted by Kali

Now, speaking of ffnet....


Hi, again. :) I've seen your Dark Tower fan fic on ffnet. It's really good. Dark Tower is my favorite of King's work. :) I also enjoyed your Batman Beyond story which featured Bruce's little romantic interlude with Mardi.

*blush* Thanks!

I have an idea for another story, which incorporates both the comic and BTAS worlds. Partly because it would be a crossover with Remington Steele. With Remy finding Alfred's voice awfully reminiscent of his late father's. ;) As well as, Remy's past as a former con-artist and thief, might make for interesting fodder. Selina and Remy would know each other, too.

Oh, please do! I love Remington Steele. This could be a sweet crossover :D


Oh you've got to be kidding me
May 2, 2001
This Good Earth
Originally posted by Kali


Hi, glad you found it hilarious. :) Matches is one of Batman/Bruce's temporary ID's that he occasionally uses to infiltrate various criminal organizations. A recent Brian K. Vaughan storyline retold the origin of Matches Malone, and Batman's decision to use that ID. It was in Batman #588-#590. Basically, Matches was an arsonist crook who seemingly died, and Batman decided to use that identity for infiltration purposes. Only, the real Matches Malone was still alive. After Matches was killed, Batman vowed revenge. Getting a bit 'lost' in the Matches role in the process. Hence, some of the inspiration for this story.

I really enjoyed the Perfect Dark chapters, as well as Broken. You really put poor Bruce and Selina through the ringer in both those stories. :)

Have you ever thought about posting your stories on fanfictionnet? I think they allow uploading text/word files now.

Yes I have, but I'll have to get that worked out at another time.

Glad you're enjoying my stories. Post more soon!


I am always watching.....
May 4, 2001
the good old U. S. of A.

Welcome to the fanfics board! I've enjoyed everything you've posted so far, especially this piece. It's interesting to see inside of the mind of Bruce/ Batman. Your take on it is surprisingly well done. I do hope you'll continue to post stuff here!


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