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  1. Last Spider

    "My Adventures With Superman" Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

    Man I really don't like this version of Lex Luthor, it reminds of BvS where I just feel more annoyed by him if anything. Lex's arguments that Superman is actually dangerous should at least to some extent sound convincing, this guy doesn't have that, he was just going against Jimmy who couldn't...
  2. Last Spider

    "My Adventures With Superman" Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

    How are the villain designs in this show so bad? Superman, his friends and the civilians all have perfectly good designs, then you get to the villains and the designs are either boring or just ugly.
  3. Last Spider

    "X-Men '97" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

    Most villains are hypocrites, if they were rational thoughtful people, they wouldn't be villains to begin with. And at no point during the episode were the Sentinels scared of having a bad reputation, I don't even know where you got that from.
  4. Last Spider

    "X-Men '97" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

    Now onto my thoughts on the episode, it was good aside from the Captain America cameo because like all X-Men related media in the last decade they couldn't resist mischaracterizing an Avenger.
  5. Last Spider

    "X-Men '97 (Disney+)" Animated Series News & Discussion, Part 2 (Spoilers)

    It's almost amazing how wrong this post is, I mean even the first few sentences you make it clear you really don't know what you're talking about. Because for one the idea the Boys or Invincible somehow made the MCU lose credibility is hilariously incorrect and then Disney was already having...
  6. Last Spider

    "Thunderbolts*" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Thos is quite literally just getting upset at something you made up for yourself
  7. Last Spider

    "Blade" (MCU) News and Discussion Thread

    Just stating his opinion and then this is what he said. Sure, that's definitely a thoughtful reposnse to what I said.
  8. Last Spider

    "X-Men '97" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

    What character evolution are you talking about? As someone who just got through marathoning the original series, Logan never had this big character development that lead to him acting significantly different. By the end of the series he was still a surly jerk who had issues with Cyclops, and...
  9. Last Spider

    "Blade" (MCU) News and Discussion Thread

    Great to know you can't offer any meaningful discussion at all
  10. Last Spider

    "Blade" (MCU) News and Discussion Thread

    It's posts like this that remind me how little people know and understand of movie development
  11. Last Spider

    "Re-Untitled Avengers 5" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Did you just ignore like everything I said? Because I'm not gonna repeat the same thing I already pointed out like 3 times if you won't acknowledge it. No ignoring facts multiple times is not "stating your opinion". It's just being wrong and refusing to acknowledge it.
  12. Last Spider

    "Re-Untitled Avengers 5" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Again this a Kang who is stripped of his resources and tech and not anywhere near his full capabilities, and these hyper evolved evolved scientifically advanced ants, again Kang's whole motivation is to get out of the Quantum Realm and get back to full strength, so he can go back to destroying...
  13. Last Spider

    "Re-Untitled Avengers 5" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    For one again the ants didn't beat him, he was still alive and in fighting condition 5 minutes later, second they're not even normal ants, they're evolved scientifically advanced ants, third Kang himself wasn't even at full power, he was working with limited resources and his entire motivation...
  14. Last Spider

    "Re-Untitled Avengers 5" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    It's really not, because Kang wasn't even beaten by ants they attacked him, but he was still alive, kicking and beating up Scott like 5 minutes later, and like it's an Ant-Man movie of course he's using ants to win, this isn't even the first time a version of Ant-Man has beaten Kang while using...
  15. Last Spider

    "Re-Untitled Avengers 5" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    This idea that Kang could only be a threat if he killed off the entire Ant-Man family is so boring and cliche and it'd just be the same thing the comics do where they ignore any development or growth the characters have or could have just to make them fodder for the next threat, it's lame. And...
  16. Last Spider

    "Thunderbolts*" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    That didn't say anything at all "Justice like Lightning" is a slogan that comes after the team gets its name so I'm not sure what the point there is. The Suicide Squad is a government Superhero team, so you're asking for a distinction without any difference here. That reasoning only works if...
  17. Last Spider

    "Thunderbolts*" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    I still don't see why, it makes sense for the characters, and let's not pretend the name Thunderbolts ever had any deep reasoning behind it, in the original comics the name came from Nazis, and naming them specifically after Ross doesn't make sense, if they're supposed to be a covert black ops...
  18. Last Spider

    "Thunderbolts*" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Why shouldn't it? Yelena is part of the team, and allegedly one of central protagonists of the movie.
  19. Last Spider

    "Thunderbolts*" Pre-Release News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    Feels like you're trying to be negative about this for the sake of it. Why should the name not be relevant to the movie's actual protagonist? And it is in no way the most goofy thing they could do, especially when you into account Yelena's life of being a child soldier and how the only time she...
  20. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    You know I was enjoying this episode until the reveal that Savage captured all the Kryptonians from the Phantom Zone, they truly just refuse to let one season go by without the Light winning and somehow making the heroes look incompetent, I'm getting sick of it, I've been watching this show for...
  21. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    And? Or just not have it happen at all.
  22. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    What pay off is there supposed to here? Nothing is even slightly set up, Klarion showing up is completely pointless other than adding in a fight scene, he doesn't divulge any new information or say anything that the heroes don't already know so what about anything that happened there was even...
  23. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    The Klarion stuff would be fine if it wasn't a flat out waste of time that added nothing.
  24. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    So all that stuff with Klarion was completely pointless and nothing new was learned, because Zatanna already knew about the bus, and nothing Klarion said even connected the bus to the Phantom Zone.
  25. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    But he wasn't Tomar-Re was actively uninvolved in the fight containing the energy, this is something Lor-Zod knows because Tomar-Re stopped fighting him to do that that
  26. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    What is with these arcs and having awful endings? Rocket's whole thing was rushed after being on the backburner for the last three episodes, like we see no actual progression with her issues with Orion or her son, she's just suddenly over it, and Tomar-Re's death was nothing but stupid, like...
  27. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    None of this makes sense with what's been established about the Phantom Zone. I can't lie, all of this just sounds like bad reasons to drive up the angst.
  28. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    So far they've not done much of a good job of making me care about Rocket, heck after the Mars and Artemis arcs, the main character of the arcs have been the weakest parts of them. Heck, I liked this episode and it was for reasons completely divorced from Rocket and the main plot.
  29. Last Spider

    The Owl House News And Discussion Thread

    Watching the episode I had a realization that while I find Eda's past and relationship with Raine interesting, I don't actually find Raine themselves interesting, in that I only care about them as an extension of Eda's story but not so much outside of that.
  30. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    Ok so why did Zod's son look like a Killmonger ripoff?
  31. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    It wasn't an issue because there wasn't almost a war and revolution before.
  32. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    So who controls 3/4s of the Earth doesn't matter?
  33. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    Because her character is little more than wallpaper throughout most of the arc, and she primarily does nothing but give exposition to Arthur about the prophecy. It wouldn't out of nowhere if she actually had a character arc or did anything of note outside of helping fight the Red Death, but she...
  34. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    Hey the title says spoilers and if you looked at the previous page you'd see everyone talking about the episode in the open.
  35. Last Spider

    "Young Justice: Phantoms" Season Four Talkback, Part II (Spoilers)

    I don't see what everyone is raving about with this episode, it was the weakest episode of the arc by far. Like the only good thing is the fact for once Vandle Savage lost but other than that this episode was rushed and completely unsatisfying. Kaldur like Zatanna didn't really feel like the...
  36. Last Spider

    "Teen Titans Go & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse" News & Discussion (Spoilers)

    This is like the third crossover bwtween these shows and I don't understand why, it doesn't seem like they get all that much attention. And it would kind of suck, if the finale to DCSHG is a TTG crossover, that's just pouring salt in the wound, not only is the show ending it needs to share its...
  37. Last Spider

    "Spider-Man: No Way Home" Feature Talkback (Spoilers)

    They didn't though. The movie never once says these things.
  38. Last Spider

    "DC Super Hero Girls" (Television Series) News & Discussion, Part 4 (Spoilers)

    As I said last thread you can really see how close these designs are to the original Super Best Friends Forever shorts. Like if you weren't convinced this show was basically a reboot of them, these confirm it.
  39. Last Spider

    "DC Super Hero Girls" (Television Series) News & Discussion, Part 3 (Spoilers)

    You can really see how close these designs to the original Super Best Friends Forever shorts.
  40. Last Spider

    "Morbius" News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    It works since the existence of this movie feels like a huge prank.

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