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  1. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Your Favorite Sailormoon episode,season, and transformation

    Best Transformation: Dark Mercury from Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon. That uniform was just awesome.
  2. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Justice League My Little Pony

    ::desperately supresses laughter for 0.3 seconds:: Bwahahahahahaha!!! Oh, they're so CUTE!!! ::snugs the Green Lantern one::
  3. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Enemies in love in anime

    You're forgetting the ultimate CLAMP enemy/lovers: Seishirou Sakurazuka and Subaru Sumeragi! Hell, Subaru's sister even spent most of Tokyo Babylon trying to hook them up! :sweat:
  4. Mackenzie Rainelle

    May Anime o' the Month: Azumanga Daioh

    I remember watching every other girl in anime club CRINGE whenever Kimura went on one of his rants, myself included. We were all like, "God, is this guy serious? Holy ****, he IS! O_O;;;" ::shudder:: No wonder the girls avoid him like the plague.
  5. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Favorite anime female character

    Other, because Sir Integral Wingates Fairbrooks Hellsing is THE anime goddess of war.
  6. Mackenzie Rainelle

    "Constantine" teaser

    He also has an appearance helping Dream in The Sandman. Any other guest shots known of?
  7. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Andy Kaufman to return on Sunday.

    If he is alive, he'd be smarter to stay in hiding. 20 years of tax evasion is not a happy charge. ^^;;;;
  8. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Most Degrading Reality Show

    The Swan nauseates me.... Playing It Straight is absolutely pointless and nasty.
  9. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Any Sailor Moon cosplayers out there?

    If it wasn't for the fact that the shoulder guard would be an absolute pain in the ass to make in such a short time, I might consider dressing as Zoicite from PGSM, cute little Castlevania reject that he is. XD
  10. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Is the Manga better than the Anime?

    You're talking about the novels, yes? Those things are pretty similar to the anime plot up through volume 8, which ends Slayers NEXT. That's where they part ways though. The second half of the novels series continues with more god pieces and Mazoku Lords (and no Zel and Amelia, Noooo!), while...
  11. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Ideal Theme Songs

    Couple songs are perfectly legal! (Dunno why I forgot to mention that before... >_>;;; ) In fact, Char pointed out to me today that 'Tainted Love' (original, not Marilyn Manson) perfectly described the relationship between Tsuzuki and Muraki of Yami no Matsuei.
  12. Mackenzie Rainelle

    ::groan:: Thank you once again, PETA...

    PETA, or People for Ethical Treatment of Animals, is an animal rights organization based in Norfolk, VA that USED to make sense. They'd campaign for people to eat more veggies and less meat, campaign for more humane treatment for animals that DO become food, campaign for less animal testing...
  13. Mackenzie Rainelle

    ::groan:: Thank you once again, PETA...

    Ironically enough, it's not. Their central offices and president are in Norfolk, VA.
  14. Mackenzie Rainelle

    ::groan:: Thank you once again, PETA...

    ::snort:: Nevermind their choice of venue. I'm sorry, but attempting to launch a Got Beer? campaign on the campuses of what were designated the top 20 alcahol-soaked colleges was NOT smart thinking. That could be considered a blow to Knoxville's PETA chapter as well, considering the first...
  15. Mackenzie Rainelle

    "Van Helsing" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Ehhh....that logic doesn't necessarily work, since according to most Christian dogma, Gabriel's a messenger primarily, and it's Michael who's in charge of the heavenly military. My basic opinion of this movie: Shut your brain off before seeing it. Blind yourself to any memories of Vampire...
  16. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Ideal Theme Songs

    Take an anime character, any anime character, and post the song that pops into your head when you think about that character. Examples of mine: Naruto - "I Go to Extremes" by Billy Joel Ken Ichijouji (post-Kaiser) - "Crucify" by Tori Amos Spriggan (any of them) - "Invincible" by Pat Benetar...
  17. Mackenzie Rainelle

    ::groan:: Thank you once again, PETA...

    Anyone remember the Space Warriors from the Cowboy Bebop episode "Gateway Shuffle"? My friends and I have concluded that THAT group will be the eventual evolution of PETA. For those of you who don't know, PETA evolved indeed.
  18. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Rate the lastest anime You've Seen

    A crapload of stuff, but the only one worth ranting over was Hellsing. Hellsing - 3/5 Well executed for the most part, but two points taken off for that crap-ass ending. If the rumours about a Season Two are true, they'd better stick with the manga storyline this time.
  19. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Stories reminding me why I hated school so much just keep coming up...

    Feh...I remember when one of my former French teachers snapped and tried to strangle a student. 'Course, it was found out later that the teacher had a severe mental chemical imbalance. And it didn't help at all that the student was an absolute *******. (constantly called the teacher a fag or a...
  20. Mackenzie Rainelle

    ::groan:: Thank you once again, PETA...

    Yes indeedy. With giant images of animals being lead to a slaughterhouse juxtaposed with death camp survivors. Oh, and this would be funny if it wasn't so hopelessly stupid:
  21. Mackenzie Rainelle

    G-Saviour on Sci-fi

    Nooooo, not G-Saviour!! That...that thing torments my mind! >_< The dialogue.... the pain..... Nooooo!
  22. Mackenzie Rainelle

    ::groan:: Thank you once again, PETA...

    ...For creating very high therapy bills for parents in the city of Knoxville. Got a call from my mom today. Apparently, PETA didn't like the fact that there was going to be a cattle auction down at the fairgrounds (Eh...nevermind the fact that there's animal acutions of all sorts during most...
  23. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Like lambs to the slaughter...

    ::snort:: Unless they're PETA members, then they'll pull shotguns on him.
  24. Mackenzie Rainelle

    What are you all doing this weekend?

    Final projects, with the occasional walk downtown to clear what little is left of my sanity.
  25. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Temari is now my Fav female(Naruto 214)

    You've never read The Bellmaker have you?[/i]. Finbarr Galedeep's an otter missing an eye, and given my druthers, I'd rather take on a ferret than him any day. Back on the subject of Naruto....GO TEMARI!! ::waves fans:: That was so kickass!
  26. Mackenzie Rainelle

    C&C - Wolf's Rain - "Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl" [5/1]

    OP - "Stray" performed by Steve Conte ED - "Gravity" performed by Maaya Sakamoto Heh, I remember seeing this episode at Animazement awhile back ('at's when I caved and bought the soundtrack too. XD). People seemed to get a kick out of Tsume grabbing Toboe and running off after he lost his...
  27. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Kate Winslet Goes After MTV Makeover show

    ::shudders:: I also feel sorry for Ms. Winslet on the grounds that seeing someone actually have themselves altered to look like you is just flat creepy.
  28. Mackenzie Rainelle

    C&C - Wolf's Rain - "Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl" [5/1]

    With Cher commenting on the bite marks in his shoulder? Yeah.
  29. Mackenzie Rainelle

    C&C - Wolf's Rain - "Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl" [5/1]

    Eh, it's more bad translation than misleading. The original title of the episode (which escapes me at the moment) was a play on words based on the fact that 'Toboe' translates to 'Howl' in english.
  30. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Virginia Revokes Gay Rights

    ::sigh:: I've ranted about this in my own lj and in others, and I've finally gotten myself calmed down. No arguements for me right now.
  31. Mackenzie Rainelle

    C&C - Wolf's Rain - "Toboe, Who Doesn't Howl" [5/1]

    I liked Toboe. I mean, I've had dogs of various breeds all my life, both stray and kept from very young ages. I've seen the differences in personality that you get, and Toboe is so much the sheltered puppy. He's dense in the ways of the world because he's only ever had one owner, but he's loyal...
  32. Mackenzie Rainelle

    SF/Fantasy Books that should be an anime

    It just occured to me, but Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett's Good Omens would rock animated. The apocalypse, with STYLE...
  33. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Shonen Jump Cover 18

    :: points at the Dr. Pepper can:: Why are you there? A manga competition can't be THAT important if it's sponsored by Dr. Pepper.
  34. Mackenzie Rainelle

    This Cell Phone thing is getting out of hand!

    Considering my ankle is currently hurting like HELL due to a woman with a cell phone behind the wheel of a Durango, I'm hating cell phones and SUVs right now. I was minding my own business the other day, toodling down to City Market to do some sketches, and as I'm about halfway across one of the...
  35. Mackenzie Rainelle

    "Frankenstein" not who we think.

    The actual full title of Mary Shelley's novel is Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus. Take from that what you will. In terms of what's in the book though, the monster is never given a name.
  36. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Weirdest. Anime. Ever?

    I read a review of that show in which the writer mentioned a press conference in which the ladies of CLAMP were asked how they managed to sleep with all of the projects they had going. Their response in perfect unision was, "...We don't." According to the reviewer, and with which I agree...
  37. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Cartoons that imply wrong things.

    Actually, that's a REALLY old Warner Brothers gag that dates back to 1942's A Tale of Two Kitties The two cats, Babbitt and Catstello are trying to nab what would later become Tweety. After Catstello climbs up to grab the little featherball, Babbitt yells up at him, "Give me the bird!" Catstello...
  38. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Favorite One Hit Wonder Songs?

    "What I Am" ~ Edie Bricknell and the New Bohemians
  39. Mackenzie Rainelle

    Cartoon Theme Songs You Don't Like?!

    I'm so not digging the American opening to Shaman King.

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