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  1. peterparker05

    "The West Wing" Season Seven Talkback (Spoilers) - Series Finale

    ***3/4 Oh my West Wing. I was curious as to how they were going to handle Josh and Donna together and, thankfully, I was pleased. Their post-coital interactions seemed spot-on, especially given the circumstances. I do think that having three other campaign hook-ups might have been a bit...
  2. peterparker05

    "The West Wing" Season Seven Talkback (Spoilers) - Series Finale

    Argh! I had rehearsel so I missed this episode tonight, but the season has been amazing and looks like it won't wind down but acutally wind up into a big finish. However, a neighbor of mine from down the hall is taping it for me. I'm going to be so excited to see it! -peterparker05 P.S...
  3. peterparker05

    Is 2006 the end of the DCAU?

    As they will soon be appearing on the JLU, I wouldn't be surprised of the new LOSH show is in DCAU continuity. -peterparker05
  4. peterparker05

    "The West Wing" Season Seven Talkback (Spoilers) - Series Finale

    Was there any mention made of John Spencer's death prior to this episode's beginning? I tuned in during the "last time on the West Wing" bit. I was just curious since this is the first episode to air after his death and it is Leo-centric. -peterparker05
  5. peterparker05

    "The Family Stone" Talkback (Spoilers)

    A question for anyone who has seen "The Family Stone".... I have a question for anyone who has seen the new film "The Family Stone." What was the song that was Sarah Jessica Parker's character had played on the jukebox, the one that she insisted on dancing too? Any answer would be...
  6. peterparker05

    "The West Wing" Season Seven Talkback (Spoilers) - Series Finale

    Now, I have to admit, I've mostly been watching reruns on Bravo and not the new episodes due to being out during those hours and not owning a VCR in my dormitory, but I have been able to catch a few episodes. First off, we need more Vinick. I really enjoy his character and I feel that the...
  7. peterparker05

    "Alias" Season Five Talkback (Spoilers)

    Well, that was quite the interesting episode. I have quite the high hopes for this season and yet I still have so many questions. I'd read that Greg Grunberg (Weiss) was contracted to do eight episodes so maybe this isn't the last we've seen of good ole Eric Weiss and, if that TV Guide...
  8. peterparker05

    "Alias" Season Five Talkback (Spoilers)

    Last night's episode was touching, moving, thrilling, dangerous, emotional, witty, action-packed, suspenseful, and everything a good episode of Alias should be. The death of Vaughn threw me. I have to admit. It made me sad. I started to tingle. I felt as if I had to cry. And I never cry...
  9. peterparker05

    Alias "Before the Flood" (Season Finale) Talkback (Spoilers)

    I thoroughly enjoyed tonight's finale if not for the presence of Irina alone. The only thing that could have made it better is if Katya could have somehow been included, all three Derevko's back one last time. This episode really belonged to Syd and Irina, as it should. For the first time...
  10. peterparker05

    Alias "The Descent"/"Search and Rescue" Talkback (Spoilers)

    These last two episodes were utterly amazing. I can't think of any other words to describe them. Some of the best yet. Also, I didn't realize quite how much this series was missing Lena Olin until she came back and the entire show became ten times better! She just brings a certain...
  11. peterparker05

    Any Wizard Subscribers Here?

    Has anyone else gotten one since the month that we got the Countdown issue and the movie issue because I don't believe I have and my subscription isn't up until December?
  12. peterparker05

    Aquaman/Namor The Submariner Who is the king of the sea?

    If memory serves, Lori Lemaris appeared in the semi-recent "Obsidian Age" storyline in JLA. Superman spoke with her when they found Atlantis marooned in the past or something like that. That's how they knew Atlantis had been there for a while because Lori looked considerably older.
  13. peterparker05

    This Week In Comics: 02/23/2005

    Seven Soldiers of Victory #0 I love Grant Morrison's work. I was first hooked on JLA and I have been ever since. Hearing of Seven Soldiers, I was extremely intrigued. Being how it only consists of 30 issues, I thought that I might just try to collect it in its entirety. To own one of...
  14. peterparker05

    "The Phantom of the Opera" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I just watched the film and came into it rather skeptical, being a big fan of the stage show. However, I was determined to look at it as its own animal. Though it took me one more song to get into it than usual, it was excellent. Gerard Butler was an excellent Phantom, the first one to take...
  15. peterparker05

    "The Manchurian Candidate" Talkback (spoilers)

    This film must be judged on its own merits or at least what it brings to the table. Now it's been a few months since I've seen this film, but one should see it for Meryl Streep's performance alone. She's so deliscously wicked that one can't resist but to just watch her. She's amazing...
  16. peterparker05

    Fresh Question #80: Greatest Love Stories

    I have to totally agree with you. Casablanca is one of my favorite films of all time. The perfect love story that everyone must see. As a guy, you want to be Bogie and fall in love with Bergman. The finest product of the old studio system. It is my ideal romance.
  17. peterparker05

    If you're not excited about SEVEN SOLDIERS or want to be more excited, read this!

    It's been my experience that anything Grant Morrison touches is gold and I doubt this will be any different. Bring on Klarion and Frankenstein!
  18. peterparker05

    Any Shows Coming Mid Season That You're Looking Forward To?

    Come mid-season, my Alias will be back and all will be right in the universe. Sydney Bristow....drools.
  19. peterparker05

    Episodes you loved but everyone else hated

    I loved "This Little Piggy" and, from what I've read, it's gotten mixed reviews at best. Am I blue?
  20. peterparker05

    "Hook" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Dustin Hoffman's portrayal of Hook is excellent. Working on a recent production of Peter Pan in which I was to play Captain Hook, I looked to two people's performances: Cyril Ritchard and Hoffman. On a side note, when Hook comes back to kidnap the children and the hook slowly creeks on the...
  21. peterparker05

    The 17-Issue Rule

    What if Batman Adventures had continued? But what if there was a catch? What if the book had continued with a new creative team who were, themeselves, allowed to only contribute 17 issues? After this new creative team finished up, another creative would take over the book and contribute...
  22. peterparker05

    Batman Adventures #16 Talkback (Spoilers)

    This series has so far been about growth for the characters we know and love. In this issue and the ones past, we've seen Harley Quinn grow into her own as a villainess, not at the Joker's league, but more than just a sidekick. And, I may be wrong, but does this mean that the Poison Ivy...
  23. peterparker05

    "Identity Crisis" Mini-Series Talkback (Spoilers)

    From reading Issue #2, I believe that Identity Crisis is going to explain the overall silliness of the Silver Age and why everyone acted they way they used to. This should be very interesting.
  24. peterparker05

    General Continuity Q&A thread

    Who is the current President in the DCU? After the events of Superman/Batman #6, I thought that Lex Luthor was no longer the President and Pete Ross took his place. However, in JLA #100, it looked like Pete Ross was still the Vice-President as he referred to the President as still being in...
  25. peterparker05

    Who wants to see full runs of the animated comics collected in trades?

    Personally, and I believe this is doable as well, I would like to see the entire new Batman Adventures released as a trade. Think about it. It's only 17 issues. That could very easily be done. They could label it as like Batman's Last Stand or something like that as it is the last real...
  26. peterparker05

    Excalibur #1 Talkback (Spoilers)

    As this book takes the comic's premier character in an entirely new direction, I'm surprised no one has commented upon it. I was thinking about picking up an issue. What's it like?
  27. peterparker05

    Angel Season 7

    The adventures of Angel and the gang finally come to a cinematic end in my elaborate Season 7 episode guide. Reeling from the death of Gunn, the exit of the Powers That Be, and Spike's betrayal, the Angel Investigations crew are left to pick up the pieces and move on. I hope you enjoy it as I...
  28. peterparker05

    "Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I felt that Azkaban was the best of the three movies. For once, it seemed as if they were trying to make a good movie as opposed to just shoving as much of the book onto film as possible. The new Dumbledore is growing on me and I did suffer from lack of Maggie Smith, but Gary Oldman owned...
  29. peterparker05

    Alias "Resurrection" (Season Finale) Talkback (Spoilers)

    Now I went to and they did not mention the bit about Vaughn's father or his knowledge of Nadia. Where did you get your information from?
  30. peterparker05

    "American Idol" Season 3 Talkback (Spoilers)

    Diana can sing beautifully, but she still lacks the experience to carve her into a performer. Fantasia can not only sing with the best of them, but she provides a great show for the audience and what she provides is real. Congratulations Fantasia!
  31. peterparker05

    "American Idol" Season 3 Talkback (Spoilers)

    I think it's rather unfair how people are allowed to vote more than once. One fan said that she was able to get through almost 200 times (stating that she'd called at least 1,000). I tried calling at least twenty times and didn't get through once. That's one less vote for Fantasia.
  32. peterparker05

    "American Idol" Season 3 Talkback (Spoilers)

    With "Summertime," Fantasia won the competition. Now if I could just get throught to vote.
  33. peterparker05

    ANGEL SEASON 6--Episode Guide

    If Angel had survived for another season, here is how I would have done it, episode guide and all. I'm currently putting together a finale Season 7. Please give your thoughts about my ideas, your own, and perhaps share your own Season Sixes. Well here's mine: Season 6 Episode #111-...
  34. peterparker05

    What Movies Have Made You Cry?

    I've never actually cried during a movie, but Casablanca certainly got some lump-in-throat action.
  35. peterparker05

    Sam Register of The Batman Interview

    That sounds a little biased. You're allowed to criticize his work (that no one has seen yet I might add), but he's not allowed to defend it. Granted, his comment wasn't exactly defending his work, but it was a light jab made at the fans. For all of the criticism certain toonzone members have...
  36. peterparker05

    Fictional TV Character Crushes

    Personally, I am in love with Jennifer Garner's Sydney Bristow from Alias!
  37. peterparker05

    Alias "Unveiled" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Oh this episode was so great. Sydney and Vaughn both rocked in their own ways. I hope Jack doesn't let Sloane die because of his affair with Irina. That would dissapoint me. I used to hate Sark, but he is such an awesome villain now. We finally go to see the Telling machine. Cool...
  38. peterparker05

    "Star Trek III: The Search For Spock" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I especially enjoyed all of the bits with the original crew that led up to the hijacking of the Enterprise (Scotty's sabotage of the Excelsior, etc.). However, the moment that really takes the cake is "Get in the closet!" Uhura rocks and I'm definitely glad she's on our side.
  39. peterparker05

    New X-Men #151 - 154 "Here Comes Tomorrow" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I loved this issue. Grant Morrison is, by far, my favorite comic book writer, having won me over in JLA. I liked all of the bits with "Cassandra Nova" in this last arc. Also, Jean really kicked butt in this final issue of Morrison's run. I now know what he meant by saying that this would be...
  40. peterparker05

    Alias "Blowback" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Ahhh---the continued adventures of the Alias talkback. I'm loving Lauren and Sark as a team. They're awesome as a villainous couple. Also, evil Lauren is so much better than good Lauren. Well hello Dr. Barnett. That was quite the outfit now wasn't it? The Ford F150 was a moot point...

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