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  1. JusticeLeagueLegion

    "Batman: The Animated Series - Volume Four" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Thought of that. But I haven't found the reciept yet. Any other ideas?
  2. JusticeLeagueLegion

    "Batman: The Animated Series - Volume Four" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Blast it! I only just got this last Thursday and the disc got all scratched up on my brother-in-law's now ruined DVD player. Anybody know what I should do? I haven't rewatched this DVD yet to see if it works, but I have plugged in the DVD and watched bits and peices of the episodes and they seem...
  3. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Teen Titans "Lightspeed" Talkback (Spoilers)

    That's pretty much what I've been saying. As for DCAU historians, I don't know what they'd think. Or why it would matter. Historians choronicle history, good or bad, whether they like it or not. I can't argue with you there. I can't argue with you there either. But you see, the possibility...
  4. JusticeLeagueLegion

    "Batman: The Animated Series - Volume Four" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    Ah yes, beautiful. The higly anticipated final volume of "Batman: The Animated Series." I picked this up at Suncoast today along with Superman TAS Volume 2 and Thundercats Volume 2, and let me tell you, I'm pleased to have it. One thing I have noticed about these DVD Box sets, is that they...
  5. JusticeLeagueLegion

    "Superman: The Animated Series - Volume Two" DVD Talkback (Spoilers)

    I picked up this little jem today along with Batman: TAS Volume 4 and Thundercats Volume 2. I'm so happy!! One of my favorite episodes is in this set, "The Late Mr. Kent." It's so wonderful to see these shows in DVD quality. Other good episodes in this volume are "Brave New Metropolis," the...
  6. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Teen Titans "Lightspeed" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Again, you misunderstand. I don't watch TT for the "Beleivability," otherwise I would have given up along time ago. I watch it because it's a DC COMICS show mainly. I grew up reading DC COMICS. And despite TT's many blasts into the downright unbeleivable, I've found that I still enjoy the show...
  7. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Teen Titans "Lightspeed" Talkback (Spoilers)

    You say there's been proof "dozens of times." There hasn't been any sort of proof whatsoever. And even if there was something to suggest it's not canon. It doesn't matter, that could still fall into the "cartooniness of Teen Titans." Stylistic differences isn't enough to make a show non-canon in...
  8. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Teen Titans "Lightspeed" Talkback (Spoilers)

    There definitly was a basis for discussing this, as I explained in my post. If you can't see it, that's fine, I'm not trying to force you into looking, but I see it, it's there. My theory is, Teen Titans is canon, and it takes place about 15 years ago. And true, it's only a theory, but I DO have...
  9. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Teen Titans "Lightspeed" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Good episode. A really good episode. Kid Flash has always been one of my favorite characters, and now seeing him in "Teen Titans" is just awesome. All though I do feel it has taken forever for him to finally show up in the show, I'm still glad he's here at last and I feel it was worth the wait...
  10. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Smallville "Arrival" Season Premiere Talkback (Spoilers)

    Kenny Braverman...yes Conduit...he should have been in it when he was in high school. I guess maybe they could meet in college. And Bruce Wayne? Yeah...that would be everything I've wanted...just about.
  11. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Shadow of the Hawk" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Well whatever the case may be, it's not overusing characters that makes the industry decline. It's lack of great stories. That I can beleive. After all, it's hard to compete with comics of the '90s. Those were some of the best comics ever written. The comics in the early '90s were awesome in...
  12. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Chaos at the Earth's Core" Talkback (Spoilers)

    There aren't many I know that don't like it here anymore than any place. Kansas isn't about "country life." See...that's where the misconception is. Sure, there's small towns and cow towns and country. Just like every state. Just like every state. What's Kansas have to do with it? What makes...
  13. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Smallville "Arrival" Season Premiere Talkback (Spoilers)

    I've got mized feelings about this episode...I really liked all the homages to the Superman movies. (Superman II especially) But the episode itself seemed...I don't know...not very special. I enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but it's probably only because I haven't seen Smallville since the...
  14. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Chaos at the Earth's Core" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I can understand her thinking farm chores are boring...I'm not a country boy in the least bit. I go out into the rurals and I yawn at the peacefullness. Supergirl's exact line was (giver or take a few words): "My cousin made me live on a Kansas!" The way she said that...she...
  15. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Shadow of the Hawk" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Um...actually the comic book industry is quite strong. Especially companies like DC and Marvel. They aren't "hurting" at all.
  16. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "To Another Shore" Talkback (Spoilers)

    When I saw Devil Ray in the previews I thought he was Black Manta, gotta admit I'm a little dissapointed. Oh well. Anyway, this episode was cool because we got to see the Hall Of Doom again. And I thought the Viking Prince flashbacks were very beautiful. The art was superb. Anyway, I have to...
  17. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Chaos at the Earth's Core" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I used to read a lot of "Lost World Of The Warlord" comics so this was quite an adventure! Seeing all these characters there. I still have that old action figure of Travis Morgan from Remco. I thought it was awesome they had Shakira in this episode. I didn't expect to see her considering her...
  18. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "I Am Legion" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Yes sir, I did notice him. Being familiar with the comics, Chuck is NOT the BLACKHAWK HIMSELF. He was just one of the other six members. That is the ONLY contrary fact you've listed. Compared to a large list of facts contrary to YOUR opinion. I can't remember if Chuck was in "The Savage...
  19. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "I Am Legion" Talkback (Spoilers)

    His name is Grodd. He's a famous Flash villain in the comics, and he was first seen in season one's "The Brave And The Bold" two parter. The reason he's a talking Gorilla is because he's a member of a species of intelectual apes from Gorilla City, Africa, that were made sentient by unknown...
  20. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "I Am Legion" Talkback (Spoilers)

    That's silly. If the show didn't focus on characters then this show would be less sophistocated. It would come off as very boring if it was just pure action. And how could you say the writing is not on par with last season yet? The first episode of the last season was the Wildcat...
  21. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Shadow of the Hawk" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Hawkman! Holy cow! It took them four years but he finally made it on the show. Shadow Theif was kind of cool too, he's a cool villain. It's great to finally see him in animation. Thanagarian ships remind me of Romulan ships. Sorry, I always have to point something out when it reminds me of Star...
  22. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "I Am Legion" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Wow, that was really cool. Two episodes in one night, I think I can go for that. Half hour is just never enough. Looks like we got the Legion Of Doom in their Hall Of Doom and tons of members within the Legion. I recognized everyone except the guy with the purple helmet. I must be blind...I...
  23. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Divided We Fall" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I'm having a hard time understanding some of the stuff you're saying here, and the Brainiac 7+ as you call him was from the 30th century. Brainiac is Brainiac, the way I see it. In "The Last Son Of Krypton," Brainiac downloaded himself into a satelite, and he met Superman eventually on earth and...
  24. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Teen Titans "The End, Part 3" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I figured I'd chime in here, I don't really usually post on Teen Titans talkbacks but I always watch the show, and I thought this episode was worth talking about. Trigon was really cool in this episode. I really enjoyed all the characters in this episode. They all had good interaction for the...
  25. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Divided We Fall" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I don't know, Hardcastle said there was a file on every Leaguer. So it's possible she knows the others as well as Batman's secret. Where's my magnifying glass when I need it? That's one seriously small font!
  26. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Divided We Fall" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Something else I forgot to mention, but I'm sure someone else already has, but the original seven being the only ones in action this episode was a real tribute I thought. It was totally cool. Dwayne McDuffie rocks! Bruce Timm rocks! The whole crew rocks!!
  27. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Divided We Fall" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Brainiac will be back, bet your reputation on that, he just can't be destroyed...well...he can, but I doubt it will ever happen. Whether or not he'll return as part of Flash or not, who knows. But you're right, Brainiac is a villain that always seems to rebuild himself. By the way, whose...
  28. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Divided We Fall" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Forgot to mention, the Flash and the speed force!! I'm gonna pee my pants! This episode is awesome! I just can't wait for the next episode!
  29. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Divided We Fall" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Things that were awesome in this episode!! Everything! 1. Luthoriac/Brainithor is just awesome, and we see him in two different modes in this episode. 2. The Justice Lords robots rocked, and seeing the Reverse Flash lookalike robot was cool too. 3. Superman says they're gonna build the...
  30. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Panic in the Sky" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I think it would be cool to have her in the series. I wouldn't complain if she wasn't, but if she was, I don't see how it would contradict Batman Beyond at all. After all on Batman Beyond Terry noticed that there were bullet holes in the Batgirl suit. That suggests she got shot and possibly...
  31. JusticeLeagueLegion

    WORLD'S FINEST - Funny Quote #49: "Good lord! It's H.E.R.B.I.E.! Run!"

    2D-Man: I'm the most awesome Mr. Fantistic rip-off ever!!
  32. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Panic in the Sky" Talkback (Spoilers)

    That was awe flippin' some! Perhaps the best episode yet! Crammed with so many heroes! And that part at the end with Luthor/Brainiac or whatever in god's name that thing was, that was weird!! This episode rocks!! "The Adventures Of Superman" episode that was titled "Panic In The Sky" was a...
  33. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Flashpoint" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Hmm. It's funny you say that. Because I thought that
  34. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Flashpoint" Talkback (Spoilers)

    If someone already responded to this, I apologize, I'm reading all the posts as I go along, but Superman can survive in space for about 20 minutes. As for what knocked him out, I doubt it was the beam itself, but more or less the air getting knocked out of him from the force of the blast...
  35. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Question Authority" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Amen brother! I don't know. I think he's just going to try and fight him with his own powers. He might be able to give Superman a rough time for a little while but not for very long. He's nuclear, which can't kill Superman, but he could hurt him. But if Captain Atom's body is peirced during...
  36. JusticeLeagueLegion

    The Batman "Meltdown" Talkback (Spoilers)

    This episode was surprisingly good. I never saw the first Clayface episode until today just before JLU, and let me tell you, "The Batman" is really starting to get a whole lot better.
  37. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Question Authority" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Wow! This was such an awesome episode!! I cannot beleive how awesome that was! And it sounds like Lois knows Superman's Clark now. Or did I misunderstand that entirely? Seeing Mantis was pretty cool. Also the Question was spectular in this episode and we got Steel and Aztek (who even had a line)...
  38. JusticeLeagueLegion

    "Batman Begins" Talkback, Part I (Spoilers)

    I saw this awesome flick last night and I'm here to tell you that it was the best comic book movie I've ever seen. Easily making it the best Batman film. After watching this, you kind of forget all about the least four Batman movies, since this movie has no connection to the others. I don't know...
  39. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Clash" Talkback (Spoilers)

    How does that reinforce your point? And no, that reality started when humans decided that Magog was a better hero because he kills. Then Superman went into exile. And there is no hero in Luthor, and Superman knew that. I think Superman would have been stupid if he would have given him a...
  40. JusticeLeagueLegion

    Justice League Unlimited "Clash" Talkback (Spoilers)

    I disagree. I'm not sure if you ever read "Kindom Come" or not, but Superman certainly didn't beleive in humanity there for a while in that story. And yet that was an awesome story. Superman's humanity is what makes Superman so interesting. Everyone makes mistakes, and Superman should be able to...

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