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  1. ThisGuyTony

    "Cartoon of the Week" #4: The Mummy: the Animated Series

    I can somewhat remember watching this cartoon when I was younger. Now, it's not as memorable as some of the other cartoons I saw (I can barely even remember what the plot was) it was just a show I'd watch because well, it was a cartoon. :) I do remember some of the characters though but that's...
  2. ThisGuyTony

    Family Guy - "Stewie, Chris, & Brian's Excellent Adventure" - Talkback [1/4]

    It was an alright episode for me. I was glad we finally got a Stewie and Brian centered episode since it seems like it's been a while since we got one. I agree with some of the above responses about the repetitive-ness of some of the recent episodes.
  3. ThisGuyTony

    The Simpsons - "Opposites-A-Frack" - Talkback (Spoilers)

    I thought the first act was great (Homer vs. Marge's sisters! :D :D ). Can't really say the same about the rest of the episode...:sad:
  4. ThisGuyTony

    Saban Talkback: Saturday Standstill - Saban Talkback V6

    It's bittersweet. For me at least. I don't have cable so this literally marks the end of Saturday morning cartoons for me. I was excited for Vortexx initially and watched every week but I eventually lost interest... I started watching again when Digimon Fusion premiered but I didn't bother...
  5. ThisGuyTony

    Fox is scrapping ADHD

    I've only watched the block a couple of times when there was nothing else to watch. If it's moving online, I wonder if its current shows will stay in production or if they will make new ones...
  6. ThisGuyTony

    Saban Talkback: Saturday Standstill - Saban Talkback V6

    Thanks spidey for the information! I'm kind of excited to see what they have in store. My guess is that Digimon Fusion and an hour of Yu-Gi-Oh! will still be part of the line-up. It will be harder to predict which current shows are leaving and which are staying.
  7. ThisGuyTony

    Stuff your parents banned

    The only thing my parents "banned" were Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. Lol... They thought it was a waste of money to buy them so I would always make my own cards with paper and colored pencils. They were also lenient on cartoons since they thought all animated shows are aimed at kids. Even when...
  8. ThisGuyTony

    Saban Talkback: Saturday Standstill - Saban Talkback V6

    Same. I did start waking up early to watch the block when Digimon Fusion premiered, but I haven't been motivated to wake up early and watch the block as of late... :/
  9. ThisGuyTony

    American Dad - "I Ain't No Holodeck Boy" - Talkback [3/23]

    Errrhh! I really don't like the new time-slot because I keep forgetting to watch the new episodes! >_< I only caught the last few minutes of the episode and I thought the dinner scene was funny, even though I had no idea what the Roger plot was or why Stan and Steve were in that video game...
  10. ThisGuyTony

    Will Marvel ever do another X-Men animated series?

    I hope so! Recently I've been re-watching X-Men Evolution. And I'm making time to re-watch the original 90's series and Wolverine and the X-Men this Summer. If they do decide to make another series, I hope they try to do new story lines, rather than do the Sentinel/anti-mutant story lines and...
  11. ThisGuyTony

    Saban Talkback: Saturday Standstill - Saban Talkback V6

    I think you are right. At the bottom it says: Weekend Adventure is a package of nature shows airing weekends on many ABC stations. Kind of surprised it pulled in over 13 million viewers! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  12. ThisGuyTony

    Happy Birthday, Light Lucario

    Happy late birthday Light Lucario! :D
  13. ThisGuyTony

    Crappy/Worst Cartoons Ever

    When I was a kid, there was a ton of cartoons I thought were terrible. But now I find some of those half decent. Maybe because of nostalgia or something. :bosko: Anyways, here's my list of shows I still think are bad... Allen Gregory: I found the show boring. Nothing made me laugh and all of...
  14. ThisGuyTony

    Flappy Bird selling for ridiculous prices on eBay

    Geez. Those prices are outrageous! I only played the game once and I thought it was hard.
  15. ThisGuyTony

    "Family Guy" bleeps

    Well, when I was younger, I always found the bleeps edgy and funny. :D Now I find it normal.
  16. ThisGuyTony

    Saban Talkback: The Quest For Ratings - Saban Discussion V5

    I've been watching the block since Digimon premiered a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I missed the block this morning. :/ I also want Sonic X to be replaced but I wonder if it's doing well in the ratings. I remember it always did well when it aired on 4Kids/Toonzai.
  17. ThisGuyTony

    Greetings! The AnimeSuperhero Introductions Thread

    Hi! My name is Tony. I used to have an account before but I forgot my password and lost access to the e-mail address associated with that account. :/ Anyways, I hope to be more involved in the community this time around and get to know you guys better! :)
  18. ThisGuyTony

    Massacre at midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises"

    This is scary stuff. A theater is supposed to be a fun and safe place for kids and families and when things like this happens, it makes you wonder if there are truly any safe places left. Especially since it happened in a city not far from where I live (I live in Denver). My prayers will be...
  19. ThisGuyTony

    Did Your Views on Certain Anime Change As You Grew Older?

    When I was a kid, Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z and Yu-Gi-Oh! seemed to be the most popular anime at the time. Of course, I believed that they were American kid shows since I didn't know that they were anime and that they originated in Japan. I always enjoyed watching these shows...
  20. ThisGuyTony

    4Kids Talkback: Endgame - The 4Kids Discussion V11

    Ouch at Sonic X! :o But it's probably due to it being summer... But on the other 4Kids news, I don't know how I feel. For one, they actually tried to program Saturdays with non-educational programming. But on the other hand, they mostly aired full hours of the same shows with the same episodes...
  21. ThisGuyTony

    The Simpsons - "The D'oh-cial Network" - Talkback [1/15]

    I thought it was a good episode. Not the worst but not the best, but it was enjoyable. I liked the "Angry Nerds" joke, the really thin laptop, everyone throwing their phones/computers away and when Lenny said that he didn't know how to use the phone on his phone. I think this is one of my...
  22. ThisGuyTony

    What's Up With You?

    Hi! I live in Colorado. :p Don't know much about the cost of living since I've never bought a house (I'm only 17) but overall I think it's a good state to live in. I mean, if you're an outdoor type of person there's always hiking and skiing in the mountains. The weather is pretty random. I mean...
  23. ThisGuyTony

    The TZ Summer Vacation Thread - 2011 Edition

    I've been out of school since May 20th. I'm really excited because next year will be my last year of high school and then it's off to face the real world!! :eek: Don't have much planned this Summer. I've been submitting several job applications but I've had no luck. And I really want to start...
  24. ThisGuyTony

    Lady Gaga "Born This Way" Talkback

    If you're uncertain about buying the album, you can hear the whole album on Lady Gaga's VEVO account. :) Anyways, I think it's a good album. It certainly sounds different from her other previous work. I really like the different genres that are used in her new album. Like a song starts out...
  25. ThisGuyTony

    So, what are your plans for this weekend's apocalypse? (Now in October)

    I'm assuming he's going to say he made another mathematical mistake! ;)
  26. ThisGuyTony

    What's Up With You?

    Today was the first day of Summer Vacation. I'm really excited! I hope to gets lots of rest this Summer but also to be productive and get a job. ;)
  27. ThisGuyTony

    So, what are your plans for this weekend's apocalypse? (Now in October)

    On Saturday, my family and I will be visiting other family members in Colorado Springs. Nothing out of the ordinary since we go there once a month and we haven't gone this month yet. :) And I agree with everyone else on this subject. He's just some random guy who picked a date based on...
  28. ThisGuyTony

    Lady Gaga "Born This Way" Album Pre-Release Discussion (Spoilers)

    Wow! I thought "Hair" would be a slow song because of the beginning, but it actually turned out to be a fun, pop-song. I'm starting to really enjoy this album based on the singles and promotional singles and each song seems to sound better than the one before it. :)
  29. ThisGuyTony

    Is online dating a good idea?

    I don't know.... I guess it depends on whether both of you are ready to have a commitment to an online relationship. If you're not feeling sure about it, then I don't think it's a great idea. And just this past Monday this girl on Facebook wanted to date me but I kept telling her, "No," until...
  30. ThisGuyTony

    NBC Upfront: Fall 2011-12 Schedule

    I don't watch NBC but the only show that caught my attention was "Awake." I'll try to check it out depending on where they put it on the schedule.
  31. ThisGuyTony

    Happy 23rd Birthday purplehairedwonder!

    Happy Birthday purplehairedwonder! I hope you have an awesome day with lots of cake and presents! :):D
  32. ThisGuyTony

    "V" (2009) Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

    This stinks. I really wanted to see what the new organization would do to fight the Visitors. Lol... But the finale was great. I just kinda wished it wouldn't end on such a big cliffhanger.... -_-
  33. ThisGuyTony

    ABC cancels V, Brothers & Sisters, No Ordinary Family & four more

    I was kind of hopeful V would get renewed since it's ratings weren't great but they were steady throughout the second season. I guess the cut-back of 13 episodes to 10 was a sign that it wouldn't be back. Oh well. Shows get cancelled all the time but I really wanted to see how a third season...
  34. ThisGuyTony

    Fox Cancels Human Target, Breaking In, Lie to Me, Chicago Code & Traffic Light

    Actually, Fringe started out strong on Fridays with a 1.9/6 demo in A18-49. ( But the finale fell to a 1.2/4 in A18-49...
  35. ThisGuyTony

    Lady Gaga "Born This Way" Album Pre-Release Discussion (Spoilers)

    Lady Gaga just released a new promotional single for Born This Way called "Edge of Glory." Pretty good if you ask me. You can listen to it here on her VEVO YouTube account and it's also available in iTunes. :)
  36. ThisGuyTony

    "The Springfield Files"- why couldn't it use the real X-Files theme?

    Wow!! :eek: I wanted to see this episode for a while and my local FOX affiliate aired this episode today! Anyways, the theme kind of sounded like the one from "The X-Files" but it sounded kind of different....
  37. ThisGuyTony

    Lady Gaga "Born This Way" Album Pre-Release Discussion (Spoilers)

    I agree with you about the album artwork. It's eye-catching, I'll give it that, but I'm not digging it. Lol. And if "Born This Way" and "Judas" were good, I can't wait to hear what the rest of the album sounds like. :sweat:
  38. ThisGuyTony

    Lady Gaga "Born This Way" Album Pre-Release Discussion (Spoilers)

    Wow! This was great! I actually like it more than "Born This Way" and it's so catchy! The lyrics at the beginning kind of remind me of "Bad Romance" and "Alejandro". :p I also like how it sounds way different from any of the other songs I've been hearing recently on the radio. Here's the...
  39. ThisGuyTony

    April Fools Day 2011 Graveyard

    IMAGE OVERLOAD!! :eek:
  40. ThisGuyTony

    April Fools Day 2011 Graveyard

    Oh noes!! :eek::eek:

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