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  1. Wounded_Dragon

    "Masters of the Universe: Revolution" Series Talkback (Spoilers)

    Felt a bit rushed, needed maybe 2 or 3 more episodes. Hordak's conquest through Skeletor's downfall happened too fast, though I appreciated them not dancing around Keldor being Skeletor for too long. Final transformation scene was top notch and the soundtrack is bangers as usual for this show...
  2. Wounded_Dragon

    WarnerMedia sold to Discovery Networks, renamed Warner Bros. Discovery

    I don't know, it feels like Zaslav is trying to make WB radioactive. David Zaslav Open to Deal with JK Rowling This comes within days of Radcliffe pushing back against her anti-trans crap again.
  3. Wounded_Dragon

    "Max (Warner Bros. Discovery Streaming Service)" News & Discussion (Spoilers)

    Well, I've been considering unsubbing from HBO Max for a while now, what with all the crap Discovery's been pulling. Still, there was some content I was rooting for. But this, this was the last straw.
  4. Wounded_Dragon

    "Masters of the Universe: Revelation" Series Talkback (Spoilers)

    Most MotU material over the years has had Adam be physically different. It usually isn't all "just an act," he's not Superman hiding in Clark Kent's clothes. Skeletor's obsession is also something that's been very prevalent over the years, first noticed by fans and doubled down on over the...
  5. Wounded_Dragon

    Babylon 5 reboot News & Discussion Thread

    Have you seen the remastered version or were you watching the old DVDs?
  6. Wounded_Dragon

    Babylon 5 reboot News & Discussion Thread

    My interest was raised until I got to the part that it will be for the CW. I just remember when TNT wanted to sex up B5 Crusade and feel like CW will want the same for this reboot.
  7. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Yep. Hordes of bored teens that love spending time at Walmart now that school is done for the year. Not to mention with the slowdown in people getting vaccinated a lot of the 20-30 crowd are also probably not vaccinated either. Meanwhile, pretty sure some of the elderly that were still masked...
  8. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    So they just did a mass vaccination clinic in my county within a 90 minute walk of where I live(close by Indiana standards). Out of 1000 J&J doses they were ready to administer, only 277 were used. The last mass clinic they did a month previous(Moderna) they administered 924. We're just...
  9. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    There's an internal email circulating the net that Walmart will pay their employees $75 upon proof of vaccination so I guess that will be voluntary disclosure. Still, enforcement is going to be difficult. Walmart underwent a management restructure in the middle of the pandemic and a lot of...
  10. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    It's sadly not about the employees' health; they're worried about employees infecting customers. If they cared about employees' health they would actually have enforced mask mandates instead of just posting signs and doing nothing.
  11. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    So I had my second shot and dear Lord yes it hit me way harder than the first one. My shoulder was a lot more sore, then came general body aches, then came the chills and low-grade fever. When my fever finally started coming down it was replaced with a headache. Sadly, I can't be sure of the...
  12. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    As a retail worker, thank you. I can't tell you how many customers blatantly lied about not being able to wear a mask. At least when they lied about their support animals I usually didn't need to fear disease and/or death. I'm rather annoyed that they used BMI as the basis for their story...
  13. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Well excellent...just as the slowdown in demand starts, the covid19 variants have arrived in my county. Only 7 so far, but they're not testing every positive to check if it's a variant.
  14. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    My locality only has around 38% vaccinated to 1 shot, a little over 27% fully vaccinated, and they're already predicting drop-offs in demand from mid-May onwards. From a neighboring county: “We were prepared to administer 700 doses, but the response was not what we anticipated, and so we ended...
  15. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    That doesn't happen in Indiana. Too many wing-nuts with guns whining about "their rights" to do whatever they want whenever they way to whoever they want. Couldn't even pass a real mask mandate in the first place because the police were publicly stating they were against it (governor did pass...
  16. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    I got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine yesterday. Only side-effect so far is a bit of soreness around the shot site which might be more from the needle than anything else. Never had a shot bruise me before but I've lost a lot of weight in the past year so a lot less padding in the arm than...
  17. Wounded_Dragon

    Things in media that scared you as a kid.

    I never saw the whole movie until I was an adult (and I actually saw the sequel before the original) but as a kid (couldn't have been older than 10 at the max)I did see the scene from The Terminator where the T-800 is in a room working on repairs and covering up his damaged "eye." Until my...
  18. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    I probably should have clarified it as "essential" workers rather than essential workers. Healthcare and police obviously are essential and got put at the head of the line. It's just frustrating that grocery/retail workers, who bore the brunt of a lot of idiot super spreaders, who couldn't apply...
  19. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    I finally became eligible and registered for a shot, the first of which will be three weeks from now, only to discover next week they'll open up eligibility to all ages the vaccines are tested for (16 and up). Got to love how I was considered an essential worker (basically making it impossible...
  20. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    His argument relies on the idea that the recent drop in cases can be attributed to most people already having had it and that there are always more cases than are reported. The problem is testing in the US has never been comprehensive enough to make such suggestions.
  21. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    If you wanted a bit of evidence of how clueless my fellow employees at work are about mask wearing, corporate required the stores to put up these fliers for employees: I'd say about 80% of my coworkers do off the nose, 10% do off the face and/or hanging from ear, and 5% not even bothering to...
  22. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Essential business doesn't mean you have to let them in. Online Grocery/Curbside Pickup is available in many stores (meaning you don't actually have to enter the store to shop) but that doesn't stop customers who don't wear masks from coming in anyway. I wasn't exaggerating when I said they're...
  23. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Walmart does not enforce mask mandates. I want that abundantly clear. Individual stores may somewhat enforce them, but even there that's usually because the local health department got sicced on them. Corporate sent out a memo stating that if a customer refuses to wear a mask, period, they can...
  24. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    My county has a per capita rate of around 100, the hospital is full up, exceeding how bad it was back in March. The primary school corporation is on eLearning until next year. There was an article on the first local medical worker to die from covid19. It was covered less than the K9 dog that...
  25. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    The latest most aggravating thing I've heard from my coworkers about covid: "Guess we're going back into pandemic mode." Back, we never left!? :mad:
  26. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Local school district moving to eLearning next week for at least a month. Highest number of new daily cases since they started tracking back in March. But yeah, the people in charge are doing everything correctly...:mad: And it kills me that I'm an "essential" worker so it's either work or go...
  27. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    To the surprise of no one with a brain, the local task force is recommending against residential Trick or Treating this year, suggesting virtual events and events within a household. We're not ticking up as fast as other parts of the state or country, but we are ticking up. I wish they could...
  28. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    There was a push years ago to shift school calendars to early August in some areas to either accommodate for year round schooling and/or winter weather. When you're legally mandated to have kids in school for a certain number of hours, you have to schedule ahead. What I find odd is that a...
  29. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    One day...a school couldn't even get through its first day back before a covid19 case turned up. Indiana student tests positive for Covid-19 on first day of school Trying to "reopen" without any clear idea of what's going on is ridiculous.
  30. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    I "love" how Indiana has finally opened up testing to everyone (you needed to be really sick or in contact with someone you were certain was really sick) after we reached "Stage 4" of reopening the state. Doing things backwards again Indiana.
  31. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Take time off. Unfortunately, the two things I want to do may not be possible. There was a new Dave and Busters opening that I was hoping to go to and considering everything going on, not sure if it will actually ever open. And as for going to the movies, again not sure if it will manage to reopen.
  32. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Here's my fear of these fast tracked vaccines: with all the panic surrounding covid19, I suspect vaccines will almost be mandatory for a lot of people. So, hello essential workers, you're now the essential guinea pigs as well.
  33. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    For the US: I hate that people are treating the low numbers on reopening as good data. We still can't just go out and get a test. Most of us are still in areas where we have to be showing symptoms to get a test. There's not even a consistent agreement on what counts as a Covid19 death...
  34. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Do you remember when Tide Pods and Cascade Pods were introduced? Stores had to put up several warnings to tell people that they weren't candy. Heck, customers have asked which laundry detergent tasted better. This does not surprise me at all.
  35. Wounded_Dragon

    AMC (AND Regal) is DONE with Universal

    Those of you cheering, hope you all enjoy paying $50 for a temporary rental (you're delusional if you think blockbusters will stick to $20 dollars).
  36. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    I'm a bit irritated with masks in general since my work now "requires" employees to wear them at all times, even when no customers are present. Only problem is at the pace they demand of us, most of us will get woozy and be in danger of passing out within a hour, maybe less. But hey, gotta get...
  37. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic realize out in the open air most of the need for a mask is negated...
  38. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    When people were ransacking shelves for anything to sanitize with since hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes were (and still are for the most part) sold out, I joked to a co-worker that people could use bleach to cure themselves. It would definitely kill the virus...along with the rest of you...
  39. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    Considering we have some tests that are still ringing up false positives, I find vaccines being ready so soon a bit questionable too. Moreover, the articles I could find on these admit that they may not work but they're already making batches just in case they actually do work. This rush is...
  40. Wounded_Dragon

    COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic

    I feel like all these protestors in the US are volunteering for herd immunity trials. They think it's no big thing, time for them to visit the ERs and get some exposure going.

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