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  1. Sonic_Eclipse

    I still can't get the job, even with experience...

    Ok, I've kinda been unemployed since around the end of August. My job let me go because they didn't wanna work around my school schedule (of which I've had to drop out). Now I did get this seasonal part time job in October for the Christmas season, its only part time and it ends in the...
  2. Sonic_Eclipse


    Did I miss something? Because when did GoGoRiki become KiKoRiki? I stumbled upon this trailer on YouTube; And I guess with that and the new name its safe to say that 4Kids no longer holds the property... Interestingly enough Mike Pollock is...
  3. Sonic_Eclipse

    Hit SHUFFLE on your Music Player and post the first 10 songs!

    As the title says; Hit Shuffle on your music player and show us the first 10 songs that appear. I'll start: 1. "Who The Hell Am I?" - Hoobastank 2. "Pain" - Three Days Grace 3. "The Fad" - Chevelle 4. "Energy" - Shinedown 5. "Without" - The Exies 6. "Finally Awake" - Hoobastank 7. "As Soon As...
  4. Sonic_Eclipse

    Why is the main color in Batman's costume gray/blue or gray/black?

    Why is Batman's costume gray/blue or gray/black? Ok, I know Batman's costume has always been gray/blue, or gray/black, but why? I've just never really understood this color choice, isn't Batman meant to look threatening, his appearance is suppose to drive fear into his enemies and petty thugs...

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