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  1. BatKid

    The Official "The Dark Knight" Speculation Thread, Part 2 (Possible Spoilers)

    Part 2 of the Official "The Dark Knight" Speculation Thread (Possible Spoilers) -- (View Part 1) Let's see what ya'll make of this: :shrug: :eek: :confused: :sweat:
  2. BatKid

    '007: Casino Royale' New Official Trailer Released

    Couldn't seem to find the old CR thread, so here's a new one with a link to the new theatrical trailer that just came out: Thoughts on Craig now that we have more footage?
  3. BatKid

    Sneak-A-Peak Game (very fun)

    Sneak-A-Peek Game (very fun) A friend of mine's gave me this link today. I thought it was pretty funny and is a pretty cool time waster: Basically you have to peek at your friend's "hot sister" for a certain amount of time before the...
  4. BatKid

    Something Hilarious Regarding FFXII

    Found this in another board: You 'Family Guy' fans should notice this. ;)
  5. BatKid

    Full-Length King Kong Trailer now ONLINE Greatness, just pure greatness.....:eek:
  6. BatKid

    Leaked PD0 Pic

    Our Colony has leaked a concept pic for the new PD game. This is most likely what she'll look like (meaning realistic graphics...YES):
  7. BatKid

    NEW Star Wars Ep. III now Online...

    I never thought it would happen, but this looks like it could be really, really good after seeing this... [Link Removed]
  8. BatKid

    It's OFFICIAL: WB Confirms Brandon Routh Is The NEW Superman
  9. BatKid

    Hollywood Reporter CONFIRMS It! McG is OFF Superman!

    Hollywood Reporter says:
  10. BatKid

    Help Superman Get Off The Ground

    ***Help Superman Get Off The Ground*** As you know the Superman film has been in development hell for the past decade. Currently, we are very close to actually get this film into production. But the problem is the director and producer sucks. As far as we know, the director is still MCG with...
  11. BatKid

    What Batman:Year One Could Have Been (Newly Released Designs)

    I was surfing through SuperheroHype! and I found an interesting article. Since Batman: Year One has been cancelled, they recieved some new designs of what the movie could've looked like if it went into production. Here are just 2 examples of the many pics there on the site: Batman...
  12. BatKid

    Can anyone help me out on a Video Game Site Subscription?

    I've been wanting to get a subscription on one of the game sites for a while now, and I'm finally getting one soon. But I need help on finding the best site to get a subscription to. I've been looking at IGN and Gamespot for my subscription. So, can someone tell me a comparison between those 2...
  13. BatKid

    RE Remakes Petition

    For all the RE Fans, there is a petition going on now that's been up for a little while, requesting Capcom to remake RE: 2, 3, and Code Veronica. You can find the petition by clicking here. For anyone that hasn't signed this petition yet, please do. There are a lot of RE Fans, and some new...
  14. BatKid

    Would you give Clooney another chance?

    I feel that Clooney deserves another chance. He definitely didn't have a good director, or a good script, heck, nothing in the movie was really that good for a Batman movie. Clooney in my opinion is a great actor and can prove he can be serious (Batman) and charming (Bruce) if he really needs...
  15. BatKid

    Some Questions About Spidey's Spider-Sense (PLEASE R&R)

    I've always wondered what exactly it was suppose to do,and since I've seen the movie, I have even more questions. I know the movie doesn't really have anything to do with the comic version of Spidey, but I'll make references from the movie about how they handled the spider-sense at the bottom of...
  16. BatKid

    CGI: How advanced do you think CGI will be in the next 20 years?

    I watched Spider-Man opening day, and all I could say about the CGI was, AMAZING! It represented Spider-Man very well on the big screen, especially when he was swinging and crawling around in NYC. The CGI looked nearly perfect, and it just made me wonder, if CGI can be this good, how far do...
  17. BatKid

    Sweepstakes for a Customized 'Spider-Man' Dodge Viper!

    I just checked out, and I found a cool piece of info. On this site, you could enter to win a customized Spider-Man Dodge Viper! :D And I must say, the car looks awesome! I wish I could win that car, or at least have enough money to make a customized Batman car! :cool...
  18. BatKid

    Do you think anyone could replace the Batman Voice Cast?

    I just watched "Over the Edge" about 3 times already, and the voice-casting there was PERFECT! :) Now I was wondering, could anyone really replace these great voice actors? In my mind, there's really only 2 people that I think no one can replace. And those 2 people are Kevin Conroy (Batman)...
  19. BatKid

    Which utility belt do you like the most?

    There have been many variations to the utility belt, going back to when Batman and his characters were created. Considering what all the utility belts had, the design, etc, which is the best fit for Batman and his characters, and why do you like it? Here are some of the belts, just in case...
  20. BatKid

    Movie Remakes: Good or Bad???

    There have been hundreds of remakes of films, and Hollywood is still doing remakes of old classics to this day. I think the recent remake right now is the film, "Time Machine". Another pretty recent one that just came out last year was "Planet of the Apes". So, are these remakes necessary...
  21. BatKid

    Do you think Bats will ever go "Over the Edge"?

    As was stated in MOTP, Alfred says: "Vengeance blackens the soul, Bruce. I've always feared that you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night, but you haven't fallen in and I thank heaven for that." So, do you think that if a someone does...
  22. BatKid

    Does anyone kow of a good storage item that I can use to store my comics?

    I have a lot of comics right now, and I need a new item to put my comics in. I need an item that can store up to 200-400 comics. If anyone can post a link or a place where I can order it, It would be greatly appreciated.
  23. BatKid

    Some Batman/Superman Questions (Please R&R)

    These questions are in the category of animated and comics. So, please if you know the answers, please post it here. Some of these questions are in both these categories, so please, if necessary, answer in 2 diff. ways, so it answers both categories. Superman (Ani and Comics) If he can...
  24. BatKid

    How did you first discover Batman?

    I'm pretty sure that everyone on this board has been a Batfan for their whole lives, or for just a short time. Either way, you were a fan. What I'm asking is, when was the first time you ever heard of Batman, and what made you a fan? This is my story: I was young...about 4 or 5. And by...
  25. BatKid

    Do you think it's smart for Marvel to reveal Wolverine's Origin?

    Wolverine's origin has been a mystery ever since he first appeared with in the Hulk comic. Whether or not we want the origin to be revealed is the question. Sure, it might be good for sales, but do you think that it will kinda decrease Wolverine's history of being mysterious? I admit, I am...
  26. BatKid

    What future would you give to the Batman characters?

    I'm sure most of us here would like to know what happened to all those Bat-characters if they were in Batman Beyond time. Well, since there won't likely to be a story of that kind, if DC gave you the chance to write a story about Bat-characters, what future would you give them? This should be a...
  27. BatKid

    What's your dream Batman/Superman episode?

    In the animated series, we've had plenty of great episodes, but every episode had at least one flaw. I don't think any of us can agree that there ever was a PERFECT Batman/Superman episode. If you would get a chance to make THE Perfect Batman/Superman episode, what would it be like? What...
  28. BatKid

    Smallville: Leech Talkback

    Smallville's on right now, and it seems it's going to be a good episode. Be right back after the show ends! :)
  29. BatKid

    What are some of your fav. Video Game Cutscenes?

    I was playing FFX the other day for PS2, and it had the most awesome cutscenes I've ever seen, and I just wanted to know what your fav. cutscene(s) was. Here's one of mine: In the beginning of FFX, where there's a cutscene of all the players playing Blitzball in the water was so awesome...
  30. BatKid

    Some comic questions that I need to be answered (Please R&R)

    There have been some questions I've been wondering about for a while, so here it is: What does the "S" on Superman's chest stand for? In the animated show, it's on his ship too, so what does it stand for in both the animated and comic worlds? Does Nightwing have those "wings" in the comics...
  31. BatKid

    What Characters From The Comics Would u Like 2 see in Da Next Animated Batman Series?

    We all know that we want to see another animated Batman series, but who would you like to see in the series from the comics besides the Bat-Crew from TNBA? Since there are too many characters in the comics, I put the "other" category. You can put anyone there, even characters that you would...
  32. BatKid

    What were your fav. movie trailers during the Superbowl?

    I assume a lot of people here have seen the Superbowl and seen the movie trailers during commercial break. What were your fav. trailers? Mines were the Spider-Man and Blade II. Spider-Man was really awesome with all those action scenes and Blade II had very cool scenes also.
  33. BatKid

    What is your favorite version of Batman?

    When voting, please note that all these options have to do with how well it handles the origins, stories, and the character interaction of Batman and it's other characters. For other, please mention what that thing is, although I think I mentioned all the possible options. This poll will...
  34. BatKid

    Would you change any of the Animated Batman/Superman/Beyond/JL Voice Casts?

    Since we've gotten to see the Batman/Superman episodes this week, would you change anything in the Batman/Superman/Beyond/JL voice cast? Batman Everyone here seems to be perfect in the voice casting area, and I don't think I would change a thing. Superman Same thing here, the...
  35. BatKid

    What are the things that you would like to change in the Batman's History

    I've been wondering about this for a long time. Granted that DC has made many good choices for Batman in the past years, but they've also made many mistakes. What would you change in Batman's history? Here are mine: Comics -I think I wouldn't have added so many sidekicks into...
  36. BatKid

    Are there any Animated Sites out there with DC and Marvel Art?

    I already know about Bruce Timms Art Gallery site and Craig. R's site, but those are all that I could find :( . I really like a lot of art so maybe it would help if the site has a lot of galleries or pics. Anyone find one that's really good so far?
  37. BatKid

    PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE....Can someone do some coloring for me in Photohsop?

    I know you've seen a similar thread like this before, and sorry if this seems like spamming, but I'm really desperate for a Photoshop colorist. I need someone that has really good skills, and can color like the colorists that do the other words, like a professional. The pics I want...

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