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Tag: Childrens Hospital

Synopsis: It’s the fifth season finale featuring an epiphany-athon as Val delivers a baby, Owen experiences and orgasm, Glenn discovers the meaning of life and Chief and Sy go to the opera. Details: The fifth season finale is an epiphany...
Synopsis: It’s another one of those behind-the-scenes Childrens Hospital episodes as director David Wain explains – sorta – the enigma that is Just Falcon in documentary style. Details: Every once in awhile Childrens Hospital embarks on a behind-the-scenes episode...
Synopsis: It’s the Childrens Hospital Shakespeare play – sort of – as Blake turns into episode narrator and provides backstory on why Derrick Childrens – the long-lost son on hospital founder Arthur Childrens – is not in charge of...
Synopsis: Blake is suddenly kidnapped by mysterious thugs for no apparent reason. Could it be to boost the ratings of Owen’s new TV show or is it just a placeholder scenario until Fart Copter shows up? Details: Things are slow...
Synopsis: Sy decides it is time for a themed day to entertain the kids on the Army base in Osaka, Japan, where Childrens Hospital is temporarily located this season – and he settles on Old Fashioned Day – which...
Synopsis: Owen gets a new hair style, Glenn loses his confidence in his pet mouse and his surgical skills and Blake constantly issues popular phrases and goes to live in the woods. Details: Owen has decided on a new hair...
Synopsis: The Chief and Val have a “momentary interest” in wine so Sy arranges a wine tasting while Owen agrees to pose as Glenn and volunteers to wear a 3D printer-produced mask of Glenn’s face so Glenn can go...
Synopsis: Lola is on her way to sushi night with the staff when she is kidnapped by special ops guy Dr. Brian to employ Lola’s impressionist abilities to save the world…or something. Details: The staff is dropping everything to...
Synopsis: Cat wants to have a child of her own while Childrens hospital closes a smoking lounge and opens an Imaginary Friends ward. Details: A little boy named Dylan is being consoled and soothed by the Chief until she...
Synopsis: Cat and Michael are getting married…along with just about the entire cast at Cat’s parents’ country home which just happens to be located near the hospital at the same Army base in Japan where they are all...