Home Channels Adult Swim Boasts All The Space Ghost Coast To Coast You Can...

Adult Swim Boasts All The Space Ghost Coast To Coast You Can Toast

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You have likely heard by now that Clay Martin Croker, the animator and voices behind Cartoon Network’s groundbreaking late-night series Space Ghost Coast to Coast (which wound up giving birth to an entire network’s worth of irreverent, quirky programming), has passed on at the unfair age of 54. And if you hadn’t heard that yet, uh….surprise!

What would be the best way to honor Croker’s contributions? Adult Swim already rebroadcasted the first SGC2C episode two nights ago when you didn’t have your TV on, but he deserved more than that. That’s why [as] has also gone to their website and uploaded as many Space Ghost Coast To Coast episodes as they can legally give you right now. No barriers, not logins, just go. It’s not the complete run, but it’s close enough, and not everybody has access to the out-of-print DVD sets.

Today, to honor Mr. Croker, seclude yourself in a dark room with only a laptop and have yourself a SGC2C marathon for the ages. If you don’t have the time, MAKE the time. Nothing is more important. Your kids will fully understand why you didn’t pick them up from school once they’re old enough to get it.

And remember, a shark on whiskey is mighty risky, but a shark on beer is a beer engineer.