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Adult Swim Announces Five New Cartoons

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Yesterday Adult Swim announced renewals for some of its most popular shows, but they’re not just relying on what they’ve already established. Five brand-new cartoon projects were unveiled at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival this week.

We glossed over the first two yesterday, but we have a bit more detail about them now (including screens). Adele “Supreme” Williams may have just lost a cartoon on Netflix (My Dad The Bounty Hunter will not be renewed), but she’ll rebound with Oh My God, Yes! A Series of Extremely Relatable Circumstances, a quarter-hour comedy about “three best friends navigating the wild and dicey dating misadventures in South Central L.A., circa 2102.” The pilot is currently viewable on adultswim.com.

Created by Joe Cappa, Ha Ha You Clowns is another quarter-hour comedy about three sweet natured brothers who come together in the wake of their mother’s passing to have weird adventures. The show is meant to be a parody of classic family sitcoms with a blend of Adult Swim brand surreal humor.

Perhaps the most promising announcement was Super Mutant Magic Academy, based on the comics by Jillian Tamaki and adapted for television by Regular Show’s J.G. Quintel. It takes place at a high school where the student body is a mix of mutants and humans. “Through the eyes of Marsha, a sardonic new transfer student with a mysterious past, the series follows the awkward high school struggles and occasional triumphs of a diverse cast of teens as they stumble through romance, friendships and growing mutant powers.” This sounds not only atypical to what Adult Swim usually makes, but pretty intriguing as a premise. We’re in.

Another Adult Swim show based on a comic is Get Jiro, which is adapted from the Vertigo GN and sounds like a criminally insane version of The Bear. In a world ruled by master chefs, where people literally kill for the best seats at top restaurants, the mysterious sushi master Jiro appears out of nowhere and begins his bloody climb to the top. Ayo Edibiri is not in it, which feels like a missed opportunity.

Finally there’s Common Side Effects, a “half-hour serialized comedic thriller” about two former high school lab partners who have discovered a miracle cure to every affliction, but now the drug companies want to kill them to stop the cure from getting out and ruining their business. The show was co-created by Joe Bennett and Steve Hely, with Mike Judge and Greg Daniels serving as producers.

There is no word yet on when we could be seeing any of these programs on Adult Swim. Hopefully soon…

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