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Tag: Warner Bros

Earlier this year Warner Bros and DC Comics announced they were adapting the famed Crisis On Infinite Earths comic into an animated movie. Ever since, fans have been wondering how you smash the many events of such a sprawling...
The isekai genre has been dominating the anime market for the last few years, and Amanda Waller must have been watching and thinking "I can exploit this. Assemble the team and let's dump them into Fantasy Land." Suicide Squad ISEKAI...
It almost didn't happen, but we can finally confirm that it will: Batman's biological son WILL suit up in a little outfit and save the day in Merry Little Batman, an animated holiday special first announced years ago, when...
Harley Quinn isn't done smashing up Gotham City yet. Warner Bros has announced a fifth season of the show is now in production for Max. Warners executive VP Peter Girardi is quoted as saying "Harley Quinn has raised the comedic...
Last week the news broke that Warner Bros had shelved another completed movie: Coyote Vs Acme. It was originally meant to be released in theaters July 21, 2023, but that never happened and no one knew where it went...
Last year Warner Bros announced Coyote Vs Acme, a live-action / animated hybrid movie about the often-injured canid who finally decided to strike back against the source of his injuries by suing the Acme corporation. A small-time lawyer agreed...
Back when AT&T briefly owned Warner Bros and was running up their credit like there was no tomorrow, one of the many projects they put into motion was Looney Tunes: The Day The Earth Blew Up, a Daffy-Porky buddy...
HBO Max doesn't have much to offer to entice new viewers this holiday season. Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon has already finished running its first batch of episodes and won't be back for at least two years....
One of the explicitly stated goals of Warner Bros Discovery since its formation, aside from destroying the hopes and dreams of humans everywhere, was to find a leader for the DC Superheroes that could do for them what Kevin...
We've known for a while that WB had hired Mindy Kaling to develop an animated series for adults based around the Scooby Doo franchise. We just didn't know if it was still happening, as no one has job security...