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Zack Snyder & Bruce Timm to Collaborate on Animated Short for Superman 75th Anniversary


The Hollywood Reporter has unveiled Warner Brothers’ Superman 75th Anniversary logo, also announcing that an animated short film is in the works, with Man of Steel director Zack Snyder collaborating with an array of DC Comics talent, including longtime producer Bruce Timm, director Jay Oliva (who also storyboarded several sequences in Man of Steel), WB Animation’s Peter Girardi, and DC Comics’ Geoff Johns and Mike Carlin.

Superman 75th Anniversary Logo

Details of the short are currently secret, but the Hollywood Reporter cites anonymous sources stating that the short will be an homage to Superman’s many incarnations over his 75 year history, with nods to the Fleischer Bros. animated shorts; live-action portrayals by George Reeve, Christopher Reeves, and Henry Cavill; and iconic comics versions by Wayne Boring, Curt Swan, and Neal Adams (and, undoubtedly, the original comics by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster and the animated incarnations overseen by Timm himself). An animatic of the short is being aimed to premiere at this year’s San Diego Comic Con from July 18-21, 2013.

Other events to mark the anniversary include the Superman: Unbound direct-to-video movie (released last May, read Toonzone’s reviews here); the Superman Unchained graphic novel by Scott Snyder and Jim Lee (coming on June 12); and high-profile Superman appearances in WB Interactive’s new multiplayer online battle arena game Infinite Crisis.

(via Toonzone staffer James Harvey)

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Last pup of a dying planet, a young German Shepherd is rocketed to Earth, where he is bombarded by cosmic gamma rays emitted by a radioactive spider. Crash-landing in the forgotten land of Hubba Hubba, he is discovered by the Who-You-Callin'-Ancient One and his lovely wife Pookie. Instilled with their traditional American values, he spends his young adulthood roaming the globe, learning all the secrets of Comic-Fu. Donning battle armor fashioned from spilled chemicals splashed by lightning, he becomes the Sensational Shield of Sequential Art ACE THE BATHOUND! Look, it sounds a lot better than the truth. Born in Brooklyn, moved to Queens at 3 and then New Jersey at 10. Throughout high school, college, grad school, and gainful employment, two things have remained constant: 1) I am a colossal nerd, and 2) I have spent far too much time reading comics, and then reading and writing about them. Currently working as a financial programmer in New York City, while continuing to discover all the wonderful little surprises (and expenses) of owning your a home in the suburbs. Shares the above with a beautiful, wonderful, and incredibly understanding wife named Frances (who, thankfully, participates in most of my silly hobbies) and a large furry dog named Brownie (who, sadly, does not). Comics, toys, Apple Macintosh computers, video games, and eBay