Home Channels Whet Your Space-Epic Appetite With These Star Wars: The Force Awakens Featurettes

Whet Your Space-Epic Appetite With These Star Wars: The Force Awakens Featurettes


Currently standing in a 5,000-foot-long line for Star Wars tickets and staring at your phone dumbly? Or just can’t make the first screening in your area due to life taking a higher priority? (And you call yourself a fan….) Not everyone is going to be able to see Star Wars: The Force Awakens the day it premieres. If you’re one among them, you don’t have to do without — for now. View these Force Awakens videos to tide yourself over.

This one is all about BB-8, the new ball-bot that stars in the film. JJ Abrams talks practical effects and about the importance of having the spheroid droid be a real physical object on the set. Creature designer Neal Scanlan and actress Daisy Ridley also throw in their opinions on him.

In this second featurette, the female stars of The Force Awakens talk about their love of the franchise as children and their astonishment on becoming an actual part of it.

Finished that one? Good. Here now are various panoramic views, close-ups and key moments from the world premiere:

From that premiere. here’s the entire cast on one stage, but more importantly, here is Carrie Fisher’s goofy dog trying to attack BB-8:

Finally, here is 30 minutes of raw footage from the 1979 episode of Sesame Street where C-3PO and R2-D2 were guest-stars:


Whether you can get to the theater today or not, have a merry Life Day anyway.