The CW has released their first full trailer for the next series set in the DC television universe, Legends of Tomorrow. We’ve had teasers, we’ve had hints and winks in Arrow and The Flash, we’ve seen men of steel die and dark knights fall (what? It’s a joke you’ll get once you watch this), but now finally you can see sizable chunks of the actual series for yourself. Check out the video below:
There’s a reason Vandal Savage has been namedropped so heavily lately — he’s the immortal villain of Legends of Tomorrow, the one The Atom, Firestorm, Captain Cold, White Canary, Hawkman and Hawkgirl will have to find a way to stop. They’ll have the help of Rip Hunter, a time-traveling hero from DC’s Golden Age. Hunter is played by Arthur Darvill, who borrows a lot from the Doctor in his performance (naturally).
You’ll be able to see how this team comes together in the Arrow/Flash crossover event that begins broadcasting December 1. There’s a new one-minute promo for that as well:
Legends of Tomorrow will debut January 21, 2016 on The CW.