Home Channels Anime Toonzone Podcast Episode 8

Toonzone Podcast Episode 8


Toonami gurus Sean Akins and Jason DeMarco bring the noise and perhaps a bit of the funk to TZ’s editor in chief Ben Applegate, producer Karl Olson, reviews editor William C. Maune and reviewer Chad Bonin (Knux Five). The Absolution captains discuss:

  • The revolution’s new frontier: Toonami Jetstream
  • “Mo’ money, mo’ problems” in IGPX Season 2
  • IGPX DVDs: “Toonami Version” vs. “Uncut Version”: What’s the difference?
  • The Gundam Dilemma
  • Guitar Hero: “‘Crossroads’ on Expert separates the men from the boys.”

Note: Since this interview was conducted last week, Megas XLR has been announced as part of Toonami Jetstream.

In two weeks TZ talks with supervising animators from DreamWorks’s new film Over the Hedge. Submit your questions in text or MP3 format to [email protected]!

Toons mentioned in this podcast:
IGPX, Megas XLR, Camp Lazlo, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Naruto, Prince of Tennis, Samurai Jack, Voltron, Gundam SEED Destiny, Gundam Wing, Gundam 0080, 08th MS Team, G Gundam, Zatch Bell, Bobo-bo Bo-bobobo, Planetes, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

Toonami gurus Sean Akins and Jason DeMarco bring the noise and perhaps a bit of the funk to TZ’s editor in chief Ben Applegate, producer Karl Olson, reviews editor William C. Maune and reviewer Chad Bonin (Knux Five). The Absolution captains discuss: The revolution’s new frontier — Toonami Jetstream, “Mo’ money, mo’ problems” in IGPX Season 2, IGPX DVDs: “Toonami Version” vs. “Uncut Version”: What’s the difference, the Gundam Dilemma, Guitar Hero: “‘Crossroads’ on Expert separates the men from the boys.”

Note: Since this interview was conducted last week, Megas XLR has been announced as part of Toonami Jetstream.