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The Hunt Is On In Death Battle’s Midseason Finale: Boba Fett vs Predator

Boba Fett vs Predator

The midseason finale of Death Battle has come, and it’s a matchup that many fans have been saying DB would do for some time. A battle of Boba Fett vs Predator. The similarities of these two are actually quite striking when you dive into their lore and backstories. Both are hunters who go after some of the most dangerous prey in their galaxies. Both are from warrior races (Manadlorians vs Yaoutja) and both aren’t afraid to use a variety of weapons in order to get the job done.

As the midseason finale, this is a full-on 3D Death Battle, and set in a forest no less to really “set the mood” given the Predator and its stealth tactics. The catch here is that the Predator being used isn’t the one from one particular movie, but rather, an analysis of the best of their race to show the absolute peak they can be, and thus match them up as best they can against Boba Fett.

You can watch Boba Fett vs Predator below.

As for what happens now, this is where things get interesting. Because usually, this would be where DBX returns to “fill in the gap” between the halves of the season. But this time around, they’re not doing that. Instead, they’re doing a special bonus episode featuring the Excalibur armor from the video game Warframe, versus Raiden from the Metal Gear franchise.

Then, after that, they’re bringing back a fan-beloved series in Desk of Death Battle (starring the incredible Lisa Foiles), but in another fun twist, this will be an animated take on the show (before they did it in live-action).

Death Battle itself is set to return to your screens in September, and rumors are already flying about who might just be the debut episode for its return…