The Queeni Emperess and her minions are your targets when”Straimium Immortaly” is destined for the PlayStation 4 on December 17, 2019.
The goal in this dungeon crawler game is – essentially – to either defeat Queeni herself or her minions as a lone warrior in one of the three game modes. In the Cubicus crawl, you can go after Queeni herself while you explore random rooms of the Cubicus where you will encounter monsters, amass power and unlock characters. In the Bossy Rushy mode, you battle constantly with bosses [perhaps not unlike your real work environment…] as you hone your skill set. In Cubos Incursion mode, you must engage with Queeni’s many minions and dispose of them as you see fit.
At your disposal will be 25+ updgrade-able weaponry including the ionic Laser, Electra Casta and, as usual, there will be a wide variety of stats to keep you updated as you progress.