Netflix will release a new animated series based on the Twilight franchise. The series will be based on the 2020 book “Midnight Sun”, a retelling of the first book, but from Edward Cullen’s perspective, rather than Bella Swan’s. The Twilight books (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn) were made into a series of popular movies from 2008 to 2012. These films earned about 3 billion dollars at the box office. Although these movies often faced negative reviews from critics, it is clear this franchise has a devoted fanbase that made it into a multi-billion dollar property.
Twilight author Stephanie Meyer will serve as one of the executive producers for this series. Myers is also working with her long-time collaborator Meghan Hibbett from Fickle Fish Films. Sinead Daly has been tapped to be head writer and executive producer. Daly has worked on such shows as “Tell Me Lies” at Hulu, “The Walking Dead: World Beyond” at AMC, “Raised by Wolves” at Max, and “The Get Down” at Netflix. Other producers include Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen at Temple Hill Entertainment, and Erik Feig and Samie Kim Falvey at Picturestart.
This new Twilight series will be produced by LionsGate Films. LionsGate Films is looking to revitalize some of its more famous franchises, especially after a particularly brutal summer at the box office this year. This strategy seems in line with LionsGate’s Films successful attempts to revive franchises like “The Hunger Games”, having released a new Hunger Games movie last year. LionsGate Films seems to be hoping that this new animated series will create renewed interest in the Twilight franchise. LionsGate Films is not new to animation. LionsGate Films has released several animated films like Norm of the North, RockDog and 2017’s My Little Pony: The Movie. LionsGate Films was also involved in releasing several direct-to-video animated Marvel movies from 2006 to 2011. LionsGate Films may think that animation is a bold new direction for Twilight.
There are no further details about this project at the moment. There is no release date or any news about whether the film actors from the original series will join as the voice cast for this new animated series. Will this series have the same impact as the original book series and the series of films from 2008 to 2012, or has the Twilight franchise’s time in the sun ended? Only time will tell.