Home Channels Solar Opposites Halloween Special Hits October 3

Solar Opposites Halloween Special Hits October 3

solar opposites

The way co-creator Justin Roiland tells it, the producers of Solar Opposites simply walked up to Hulu and said “we want to make a bunch of holiday specials” and Hulu was like “knock yourself out, we don’t care.” Thus the library of SO episodes will be slightly enlarged with these calendar-themed one-offs, the second of which arrives on the streamer in about a week’s time.

It’s October in whatever nameless neighborhood the Opposites live in. Terry and the kids are thrilled with the whole concept of Halloween and get into it to a dangerous degree, as is their tendency — meanwhile, Korvo is terrified of the whole thing and wishes they’d stop. But there’s no getting off this train of frights, especially when Terry promises to reanimate dead corpses for free and the house is swamped with requests.

One thing that isn’t clear is where on the timeline this special takes place. Season 3 ended on an unresolved cliffhanger, which the trailer below appears to completely ignore. But since the Pupa is a different color, our guess is that it’s meant to have taken place before Season 3 — and given SO’s tendency to shatter the fourth wall with a jackhammer, we’re sure the discrepancy will be touched upon in some fashion.

Mike McMahan, the other co-creator of Solar Opposites who isn’t as famous as Roiland, recently pointed out that what makes Korvo and Terry “solar opposites” is their outlook on life. Terry is obsessed with what’s good about Earth, even the things that aren’t really that cool (“Like, let him be a fan of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and the movie Solo,”) while Korvo is focused on the things that are awful (“the voice of everything in the world we don’t like, and calling it out.”)

The Solar Opposites Halloween Special premieres October 3 on Hulu. You can get to it after you finish Hocus Pocus 2 on Disney+.