When Superman And Lois premieres in early 2021, The CW will have two simultaneous programs centered around the Family of Steel…but not for very long. We’ve just received word that the crew of Supergirl plans to hang up the cape after this upcoming season.
“To say it has been an honor portraying this iconic character would be a massive understatement. Seeing the incredible impact the show has had on young girls around the world has always left me humbled and speechless,” reads a public statement from actress Melissa Benoist. “She’s had that impact on me, too. She’s taught me strength I didn’t know I had, to find hope in the darkest of places, and that we are stronger when we’re united. What she stands for pushes all of us to be better. She has changed my life for the better, and I’m forever grateful.”
Like a lot of Berlantiverse programs, Supergirl has had a bumpy ride. Its original season remains unique, airing on CBS instead of The CW and starring Calista Flockhart as supporting cast member Cat Grant. Viewers loved Grant, but when production moved to Vancouver for Season 2, Flockhart did not want to make the move and her character was dropped. The other five seasons suffer from a painful lack of her.
The series arc on The CW has been spotty at best, worst when they get “angsty” or shoehorn in a love interest that doesn’t work. One complete mess of a season was cleaved in two after its showrunner was fired on sexual misconduct charges — the replacements had to quickly throw together a short new storyline about Kara discovering her mother was alive on a reborn Krypton, which came out of nowhere and didn’t really work.
It’s kind of ironic that, ultimately, the series would do a better job with the Luthors than it would with the Kryptonians. Lena, a “good” Luthor, was introduced midway through the series and quickly became a fan favorite. Jon Cryer was added recently and killed it as Lex, portraying a scheming scoundrel you couldn’t help but love. It’s our hope we’ll see some of these people cameo on Superman and Lois — there’s no reason we shouldn’t see Lex again.
20 episodes will be produced for Supergirl’s final season…there is a vague 2021 promise for their airdate, but exactly when in the year the season will start is up in the air, much like Kara herself.