We knew one of the licensed properties that would be included in Lego Dimensions was Doctor Who; we just didn’t know what the extent of that would be until now. It turns out that yes, every single regeneration of the Doctor in his 50-plus year history will be playable in the game.
You actually cycle through them the accurate way, meaning if you want to play as the Second Doctor, the First Doctor must die. If you want to run around as the Eighth Doctor, you have to kill the Doc seven times on purpose. What happens when you get past #12? He regenerates into the First Doctor again and the cycle resets anew. It’s worth noting that Doc #12 will be authentically voiced by Peter Capaldi, and Jenna Coleman will also voice Clara.
Depending on the Doctor you’re using, the TARDIS interior will be different. There’s also a jukebox inside that will allow you to change the theme to any variation of the Doctor Who theme song from the past fifty years.
The Doctor and Doctor Who characters will be playable from the get-go in the Lego Dmensions Starter Pack. If you want more Who, purchasing the Doctor Who Level Pack gets you an additional Doctor Who level and a minifig model of the Twelfth Doctor, plus Lego models of K-9 and the TARDIS. You can take things even further with the Doctor Who Fun Pack that adds a playable Cyberman minifigure and Dalek model to your collection and to the game. And for extra variety, you can rebuild K-9 and the TARDIS twice.
Lego Dimensions warps into our time and space this September for PS3, PS4, XBox 360, XBox One and Wii U.