Home Channels SDCC 2019: Arrow Final Season Teaser Trailer

SDCC 2019: Arrow Final Season Teaser Trailer


What’s coming in Arrow Season 8? Any first looks?

At San Diego Comic-Con, the first teaser trailer for the final season of Arrow arrived. While it didn’t show much, it did tease a lot of things. Including old friends, deadlier missions, new looks for characters, and so much more.

At the panel, much of the cast was there, including stars Stephen Amell, Davide Ramsey, Kaity Cassidy and more. They talked about their experiences on the show, how they got cast, some of the fun that they’ve had and so on and so forth.

One of the biggest surprises though was that the previously announced return of Brandon Routh in Superman form is NOT going to be his Superman Returns version. Apparently, he’s going to be the Kingdom Come version of Superman from the legendary comic series.