Home News Roy E. Disney 1930 – 2009

Roy E. Disney 1930 – 2009


Roy E. Disney, nephew to Walt Disney and ever-present figure at the Walt Disney Company, passed away this morning at the age of 79. Disney had been battling stomach cancer for nearly a year.

Roy E. Disney began his career with the Walt Disney Company making nature films, moving on to become a board member with the company in 1977 even though his role was largely as a figurehead. In 1984, Disney quit the board abruptly out of frustration with the company’s direction, especially the way the feature animation studio had been allowed to languish. His departure led to a corporate purge that replaced existing studio figures with Michael Eisner, Frank Wells, and Jeffery Katzenberg, and ultimately led to a revival in Disney’s animated feature film division with the release of The Little Mermaid in 1989. However, friction between Disney and Eisner ultimately led to Disney leaving the board of directors again in 2003, rallying shareholders into a 45% no-confidence vote in Eisner in 2004 that contributed to Eisner’s departure as chief executive officer in 2005, a year before his contract expired. Disney rejoined the company again on July 8, 2005, as a Director Emeritus and consultant.

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Last pup of a dying planet, a young German Shepherd is rocketed to Earth, where he is bombarded by cosmic gamma rays emitted by a radioactive spider. Crash-landing in the forgotten land of Hubba Hubba, he is discovered by the Who-You-Callin'-Ancient One and his lovely wife Pookie. Instilled with their traditional American values, he spends his young adulthood roaming the globe, learning all the secrets of Comic-Fu. Donning battle armor fashioned from spilled chemicals splashed by lightning, he becomes the Sensational Shield of Sequential Art ACE THE BATHOUND! Look, it sounds a lot better than the truth. Born in Brooklyn, moved to Queens at 3 and then New Jersey at 10. Throughout high school, college, grad school, and gainful employment, two things have remained constant: 1) I am a colossal nerd, and 2) I have spent far too much time reading comics, and then reading and writing about them. Currently working as a financial programmer in New York City, while continuing to discover all the wonderful little surprises (and expenses) of owning your a home in the suburbs. Shares the above with a beautiful, wonderful, and incredibly understanding wife named Frances (who, thankfully, participates in most of my silly hobbies) and a large furry dog named Brownie (who, sadly, does not). Comics, toys, Apple Macintosh computers, video games, and eBay