Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse should not exist. At all. There is no earthly reason for a PG-rated animated Spider-Man to exist. Spidey is already back in with the rest of the Marvel characters under the Disney/MCU umbrella and Sony flamed out spectacularly on their last 2 attempts at Spider-Man live-action films without Marvel Studios’ help. And to be honest, the idea of an animated Spider-Man movie that is a totally different universe from what Disney was doing seemed like a really dumb idea when they announced it. And on top of all that, Spider-Man wasn’t going to be Peter Parker but rather Miles Morales
I’m guessing the initial proposal meeting went something like this…
Sony: So…an animated Spider-Man?
Production team: Yep!
Sony: And it’s not Peter Parker?
Production Team: Yep!
Sony: And there’s going to be lots of Spider-Men?
Production Team: They won’t all be men. Or Human.
Sony: ……….Have you all been dropping peyote again?
It works. It completely, totally and utterly works. Against pretty much every shred of common sense, logic, and what have you, it works. Somehow Chris Miller and Phil Lord have created maybe the best Spider-Man movie ever. Apparently they are geniuses, given that this marks at least the second time that the pair made something incredible out of what would have been a dumpster fire under any other hands. Did anyone think a movie made out of LEGOs would ever be good either?
So, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is centered on Miles Morales, a mixed-race/ethnicity kid from Brooklyn. Apparently a part of Brooklyn that hasn’t been run over by the redevelopment train as Miles’s family can still afford to live there with his public-servant parents. Dad is a cop and mom is a hospital nurse. As we meet Miles, he is being ushered off to a special weekday boarding school for high-achieving kids despite his vehement protests about not wanting to go. Miles also has an Uncle Aaron of indeterminate employment who is on bad terms with Miles’s dad, which of course makes him Miles’s go-to when he is stressed. Through a slight plot-contrivance Miles get the spider bite that turns him into Spider-Man.
Well, a Spider-Man actually. We do meet Spider-Man as we know him, Peter Parker, at the very start of the movie, giving a very brief ride through his life, complete with references to the first 3 Spider-Man movies (though oddly no references to the second franchise starring Andrew Garfield). Spider bites apparently work quickly, as Miles goes from high-school kid to high-school-kid-with-badly-fitting-clothes-and-hands-he can’t-keep-from-sticking very quickly. Peter and Miles don’t get to bond for long, as it turns out that Spider-Man and the spider that bit Miles are all connected to the Kingpin and his particle accelerator experiments into alternate dimensions. While they do briefly stop Kingpin, Peter is killed.
And then he’s back. Sort of. No, this isn’t the zombie Marvel universe, but “a” Peter is back. Peter B Parker. Older, slightly greying…err…”thicker”. Rather more jaded and cynical about the super-hero gig. Also not in his own universe, because when Miles and the first Spider-Man/Peter Parker stopped the accelerator, they accidentally ripped open space-time and pulled a whole load of Spider-People into Miles’s universe. To be specific, 5 of them, including Peter B. Parker, Spider Gwen, Spider-Man Noir who is quite literally black-and-white, Peni Parker and her robot SP//dr, and Spider-Ham who is literally a pig and/or walking copyright violation. Together, they fight crime! No, seriously, they totally fight crime via trying to stop Kingpin and get all the non-Miles Spider-Beings back where they belong.
Of course, through most of this, Miles has no clue what he is doing. At all. Even by beginner Spider-Man standards, he’s very klutzy and has little ability to control when he does and does not stick to things. He does learn the ropes eventually, but Miles is also trying to balance the crazy new school schedule and figuring out his relationship with his dad, who really doesn’t like Spider-Man as an idea.
Is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse the best Spider-Man movie ever? Possibly. It is definitely the most unique. The animation team apparently almost fried Imageworks servers as they came up with crazier and crazier animations. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse looks like nothing you have seen before in a movie. Somehow the team managed to layer overtly comic book visuals, borderline photo-realistic images, stylized character designs and at least 10,000 other things into a single harmonious yet completely crazy visual style. You could probably watch this 10 times and find something new each time. And that’s not even including the cast performances. Every actor is perfectly cast, even if they don’t always get enough dialogue to be developed beyond their basic idea. Peni, Spider-Man Noir and Spider-Ham in particular don’t get to do nearly enough. This is a small complaint, though. Shameik Moore (Miles), Jake Johnson (Peter B. Parker), Hailee Steinfeld (Gwen), Mahershala Ali (Uncle Aaron), and Brian Tyree Henry (Miles’ dad) in particular do absolutely dynamite work.
The Blu-ray comes with a pretty nice set of extras. The big two are the crew commentary track of the theatrical movie and a “alternate universe” version of the movie that mixes the theatrical cut with a bunch of story boards and some animatics that tell a very different version of the story. Some of the alternate ideas are actually really good, but were cut for probably good reasons like “We don’t want a 2.5 hour movie” and “This is way too similar to Spider-Man: Homecoming.” The commentary on the theatrical cut is a must-listen for anyone interested in the production process as they go surprisingly deep into how difficult it was to get this movie to come together. There are also some bits of puff-piece cast and crew interviews in a separate extras area, a tribute to Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, and a guide to some of the multitude of Easter Eggs buried throughout the movie. Also included is a new Spider-Ham short that functions as both a lead-in to the movie and a rib-cracklingly funny riff on animation as a whole.
I can’t recommend this one enough. It’s the Spider-Man we never knew we wanted, but can’t live without.
Click here for more from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse!
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Release date: December 14, 2018 (with December 13 early screenings)
Studio: Sony Pictures Animation
Director: Bob Persichetti
Screenwriter: Phil Lord
Starring: Shameik Moore, Liev Schreiber, Mahershala Ali, Brian Tyree Henry, Lily Tomlin, Hailee Steinfeld, Jake Johnson, Nicolas Cage, Luna Lauren Velez, Kimiko Glenn, John Mulaney
Plot Summary: Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the creative minds behind The Lego Movie bring their unique talents to a fresh vision of a different Spider-Man Universe, with a groundbreaking visual style that’s the first of its kind. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse introduces Brooklyn teen Miles Morales, and the limitless possibilities of the Spider-Verse, where more than one can wear the mask.
Discuss Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse right here at The Marvel Animation Forum!
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+ The young Peter Parker killed, he seemed blond, making me think he was more like Ben Reilly than Peter Parker. By the way, do you wanna bet that maybe the whole dimension thing could have caused this Peter to resurrect? After all, he resurrected in Ultimate Spider-Man’s comics.
+ Glad to see Stan Lee’s cameo, but I don’t know how many more cameos of him are left. We still remember you, Stan.
+ This Kingpin was a little too big and fat, even for him. He looked way more like the only criminal boss fatter than him: the Slug. It’s sad what happened to his family, but he asked for it. Too sad they have to pay the ultimate price, instead of him.
+ This female Doc Ock was an interesting twist, but I can’t stop thinking where Otto could be.
+ The "Spider-Cave" (I prefer the "Spider-Nest", although it sounds grosser) was awesome. Bu how the webs managed the young Peter Parker to build that?
Now though I was aware of Spider-Man when I was really really young I really only knew anything about the character because I was a huge fan of the 1990’s Animated Spider-Man series. That actually showed me the origin of the character, a lot of his greatest rogues, love interests and a lot of characters and details that pertain to him and the Marvel universe. And though I did watch a lot of the show when it was first airing (well at least third season on) I did not catch it’s finale for awhile which is why for awhile I thought despite teasing one big battle that Secret Wars was the finale of the Spider Man 90’s series. But eventually I caught a rerun of what was the actual finale: the two parter Spider-Wars where Peter Parker’s ultimate destiny was to stop the destruction of not only his reality but the entire multi verse himself from a mad man with obvious issues and his only ally were Spider-Men from five other realities. So in addition to Peter Parker you had Peter’s clone Ben Riley whose Carnage Spider was the big bad, Spider-Man if he was actually Tony Stark with Spider Armor, (As yeah the version of Spider "Iron Man" in that two parter is honestly the closest anyone’s gotten to playing Tony Stark properly until of course Robert Downy Jr. in the MCU), a Spider Man undergoing the Spider Mutation from season 2 of the series, a Spider Man with Doctor Ock gear (I think they were stretching with that one to think of an interesting variant of Spider Man) and instead of a 6th Peter Parker, a guy in the Spider-Man costume who seemingly comes from "our" world. I admit since I was a huge fan of the Sonic comics I had known about alternate unvierses and dimensions more from them but seeing it actually in action to stop this giant threat and seeing all of these guys playing off one another gave this huge epic feeling to everything and honestly seems like such a cool idea I was surprised it was one the comics really hadn’t done at the time. Of course now the comics have done spider verses with other animated series replicating that but yeah that was actually a Spider first. Which is honestly what really got me pumped for this movie that honestly when first announced… didn’t really seem like anything worth investing time into.
See I remember years upon years back when this movie was first pitched how everyone had sort of "… really?" vibe about it since this was just announced as an animated Spider-Man movie. And granted Spider-Man is a cool character who we haven’t seen in an animatedm movie and the budget of that alone would make for an epic scaling but it just seemed like it was Sony being bitter they had to go and let Spider-Man be co owned by Marvel again so Peter could be put in the MCU. So it seemed like Sony was targetting the demographics that the MCU wouldn’t really hit. Since yeah again I thought the whole point of just doing a solo Venom movie meant it could actually be hard core and brutal not… okay ranted enough about that movie and it’s annoyances so moving on. But yeah you’d have that "edgy" movie as well as an animated feature length production. Which yeah is a field that Marvel is far behind in terms of DC: animated media of their characters since even if you have stuff like Big Hero 6, most any other time DC animated shows and series have an edge over Marvel. Which people especially thought would be the case considering this was a Sony produced animated movie and Sony animated features have a pretty bad reputation. Though I have to admit like everyone else what at least got me more on board in a "okay I at least see why you’re doing this" was the reveal that "Untilted Spider Man Animated movie" would not actually be a focus on Peter Parker but Miles Moralies. Yeah see in Marvel’s ultimate universe they actually killed off Peter Parker and had a young africian teen kid named Miles Moralies take over with his own unique powers and persona which wound up being incredibly not only well recieved, but hugley profitable. Which is weird since Spider Man clone Ben Riley will tell you trying to take over Peter’s legacy does not work but maybe the fact it had this totally youthful feel or the fact it was in a seperate universe really clicked with people and Miles wound up sticking around, even moving to the main universe once the ultimate one collapsed. And of course wound up appearing in new Spider Man cartoons (first played by Donald Glover in Ultimate Spider Man who wound up playing "Uncle Aarron" in Spider-Man Homecoming which makes you wonder if we will get Miles in the MCU though probably doubtful if Sony still holds a tight grip and… okay enough ranting about that) and yeah actually is the one that got the push for his own animated feature. Which to me honestly makes a lot of sense: If people are getting sick of telling Peter Parker’s origin over and over again, why not focus on someone else becoming Spider-Man? But though when I heard about Spider Verse I kind of thought that would wind up being more of the focus then it wound up being since yeah this is honestly still focused on Miles and is his movie… which I do admit is in a sense one of my grips with this film.
I mean the trailers don’t spoil all the jokes or even action scenes with all the other Spider-Men related characters but… honestly I do kind of wish this movie did give a bit more time focusing on all of them. I mean it’s funny seeing them all recount their comic book origins but since things are so different from each of them feels like there was easily like… at least 5-10 minutes worth of story you could tell with all of these characters. How exactly did Gwen go about shutting everyone out after burdened by the loss of her Peter Parker? What exactly are the lines that Spider-Man Noir draws in regard to his code and how exactly did he first react to being in a world of color? What will happen to Peni now that she’s lost her robot and Spider connection and is it something that can be rebuilt again? Uh… what sort of other cartoon effects does Spider Ham have? I mean they had a purpose in the narrative and I do appreciate how unique each one is so it’s not a case of there just feeling like you’re just seeing slight variants interacting but seeing all of them be so different but again does feel like he we could of gotten so much more from them. And yeah I get it’s not really there story and maybe that’s the point of wanting to do a sequel: so you can see them reassemble and maybe see more of their worlds but honestly feels like we were denied something truly special not seeing more of them. I’m also not a fan of some of the cliches this movie has like the "everyone just waits around seeing Miles mope" or "oh look everyone is super happy seeing him get back in his groove and come back to save the day" (and yeah other hero movies have that but… usually they feel more warranted. It felt wayyyyyyyyyy more warranted to have that moment with Thor in Infinity War then when Miles comes back to invisible beat around lady Doctor Octopus here) plus yeah with how long it took Miles to put on his black suit variation of the Spider Man outfit how come the other Spider Team was only just getting to the Collider and somewhat infilitrating the event? Also this is one of those movies who it takes a couple of minutes to really get into the style because that first scene around Miles’s house as he’s packing up for school and heading out had some weird choppy animation that… really becomes more fluid with some great action scenes as the film progresses (more on that later) but the first bit felt like it could of been vastly improved. Also though it is explained a lot of the Spider-Men related characters deal so easily because… well obviously they’ve lived as Spider-Man so have experienced weird things does feel especially when they’re not playing it as a joke like when Miles meets the "prime" Peter Parker they take one another’s existance a bit too lightly and… yeah really that’s a lot of my key issues with this movie: nitpicks and "oh man I wish they could of done more with these characters I liked". Granted I guess I also thought maybe it could of been punched up funnier but maybe that’s mostly due to it actually having more dramatic moments then I was expecting and taking the story more seriously and the fact they didn’t just cut every few minutes to say like Spider-Ham doing something over the top cartoonish and kept that only for specific beats actually makes way more sense for the narrative because yeah most of the rest of this movie is incredibly solid I have to say.
First off I have to say the animation of this is really good. Again it takes a bit to get into… like maybe a minute but honestly I had already seen the style in the trailers and even in that clip that Venom had (BTW can we just all acknolwedge the fact Venom acklowedged this movie is by far the best part of Venom? Okay? Okay) really sold me on it. But I have to say the opening credits with the realities shifting showing different Sony company logos and even the associated with Marvel logo blinking out was great. Same honestly with the end credits as though I do still really like Eminem’s venom song and think the song over this was okay the actual images showing all the various spider men in a row and the various spider gwens twisting around and that image of Spider Ham surrounded by spider men attempting to roast and spit fire and then him turning and doing it to them that was all great stuff. And though it is a bit weird seeing them re create so many moments from the Sam Ramni movies in animation here the actual spider man stuff was amazingly realized. Like once Miles got entangled with Gwen and was accidentally clinging to the side of the building and managing to weave his way out of being seen was just good stuff and that’s not even getting into the actual fight coregraphy. As much as I liked Spider-Man Homecoming I admit none of it really wowed me with it’s action but that is certainly not the case here as… yeah this is some incredibly awesome aciton scenes. I don’t know if it’s the most amazing super hero action even but in a year with Incredibles 2 and Infinity War it’s certainly up there. That scuffle with the giant Goblin and moving around seeing Miles get flung around and trying to cower in horror was great and honestly really captured the feel of this sort of encounter. Though again spoiled by Venom seeing Miles drag along Peter B was still really intense and I have to say Lady Octopus puts ANYTHING Spider Man 2 did with Oct to shame. Like seriously her peeling through doors and through windows and sending those tentacles after the two was awesome and honestly I just love her reveal as well since unlike some characters where you stay with this person too long to think "oh they seem kind of nice but are actually evil" you get enough to think that maybe Olivia is just in it for the science and doesn’t know she’s really hurting anyone but then she traps Peter B Parker and you find out she’s Doctor Octopus. Honestly I would of just had her be Caroline Traionr the actual female Octopus as honestly that sort of insanity fits this character better anyway but either way she was really cool crawling around in battle. And though Kingpin was vicious and Scorpion had a cool look to him… honestly if we’re talking about the most impressive and most awesome looking character in action it has to be Prowler aka Aaron Davis. Kind of like Vulture I kind of always thought Prowler was sort of a lame villian because though again I am a big fan of the animated 90’s series but he didn’t look especially impressive in there but… wow his costume and his movement chasing Miles around and even getting the drop on Spider and when he’s about to actually kill Miles all look really wicked and stylized. Seriously how he managed to jump to avoid the train and when Miles wnet invisible just as Prowler saw him really sold him as a credible threat and yeah I knew it was Aaron (though I wonder if someone didn’t know that going in not knowing the source material since they don’t really make it that obvious if you don’t) so he wasn’t really going to hurt Miles but just that looming visual of him in full costume is cool. And I do like how there actually was some good team fighting. Again I wish there was more of that in Aunt May’s house and then at the collider at the end but what we saw was really good stuff from how Spider Man Noir managed to take down Tombstone to Porker using his cartoony powers on scorpion to allow Peni and Noir to get some good hits in to Gwen, Peter and Miles tag teaming Dr. Oct until she got hit by a train and taken out. Though yeah they did save the best fight in that actual holo city for Miles and Kingpin. Felt like the whole crashing through the building was something they took straight from that recent video game (or did the video game take it from this as both have probably been in production for years) but having all those cars pop up and either Miles swinging them or Kingpin grabbing and chucking them and then Miles doing that super shock to take out Fisk in the end was all really good stuff.
Speaking of good stuff I want to get into all of the character stuff. First off though I do also feel it could of been expanded on a bit more I do like the character stuff we get. Even from the villians who… I guess Scorpion, Doc Ock and Tombstone are just sort of mini level grunts just fueled by either dark science or money but I like getting a bit more from the main baddies. Honestly I do wish they actually went into why Aaron became Prowler other then "I wanted to do something really cool for you" and like we heard more about Aaron and Jefferson’s backstory other then "we use to hang out and tag stuff until he became a cop" but his whole point was his connection to Miles. And I have to say weirdly enough I didn’t see his death coming. I mean you knew Peter’s death was coming as they teased and showed that in the trailers and well again that’s how the Ultimate universe goes: Miles takes up Peter’s legacy after he dies so obviously they did that here. Though man implying that Kingpin like crushed him to death with his fist… why is it only the super hero movies feel like they actually EARN their PGs with light swearing and actually intense action like that? Though then Wisk doubles his death count by also taking out Aaron (heh Vince D’ Nofrio may have a very well loved take on Wilson Fisk but he never killed as many main/supporting characters as this Fisk did, just saying) by shooting him and you see Miles actually having to grief his uncle’s death in quite honestly a new way but uh more on that when covering Miles as I did want to mention Fisk as well. Since it would of been so easy just to make him totally twisted and evil and just want to use the multi verse to expand his criminal empire but you find out it’s because he lost his wife Vanessa and son Richard after they ran off finding out Fisk is a violent criminal thug fighting Spider Man (honestly I kind of like the Daredevil show where Vanessa knows and supports Fisk being evil better but it works as motivation here. Though heh could of had a "you embarassed me in front of her" in this movie so easily) and that has them die in a car accident. So yeah Fisk is looking through other dimensions to find other versions of his wife and son to have. Which is pretty messed up and twisted and the fact he’s willing to put so many at risk for that is wrong but again it’s at least justified and understandable motivation. Again like in something like Big Hero 6 I can buy it much more if a villain actually does have something going for them more then just pure evil and do appreciate that though there is that temptation that Miles has for getting anger and vengance he doesn’t give in since that’s not the Spider Man way and that’s part of his arc. And you know part of me was wondering if his venting about his feelings of frustration about blaming himself for his uncle’s death or feeling down or feeling alone not discovering his powers would get annoying but honestly the fact that they do show the other Spider Men talking about their pain and sharing in it and showing it’s something they’ve all gone through actually makes that work and really shows a powerful connection between them. As honestly Peter Parker is a really angsty self doubting character so having so many gather together feeling and talking about it some really feels unique but in a good way and makes it work. As much as I like say the Princess scene from Wreck it Ralph 2 that was something mostly just played for laughs with only minor introspection. This is actually taking so many different distinct yet shared characters and giving some pathos for it. And though again you could get more if you showed more of them what they did show really work addressing Gwen’s lonliness (BTW Like how she and Miles are only just friends. I know they’re a couple in the comics but… again we don’t need every guy and girl to hook up in a movie and appreciate how though there was a bit of chemistry that’s all we got and all we really needed) and then Peter B. Parker. Who though works as a comic foil really well I also like showing how him being sort of a loser parker due to not wanting to try and make the effort to have kids with Mary Jane and having to learn to actually try to reach out again to others and yeah like Creed 2 it ending with him actually going back to MJ to talk things out. Again don’t see that like you did in Creed 2 but the effort was there and I appreciated that. And though I did want more of the other characters I am glad that they actually did committ fully to the idea of doing a Miles Moralies movie and yeah showing how he’s different from Peter and has his own thing going on but the idea of how anyone can incoperate Spider Man and be what he stands for rings true. Wish they had that whole "you have to do it your own way" from the trailer but that still comes true as Miles is still playing Spider Man even at the end with his own take including that awkward convo with his father. And you know though kind of corny especially that last one the actual scenes with Miles and Jefferson also really worked. Even something like "oh Miles is tied up and Jefferson won’t come in because that would reveal that Miles is Spider Man" feel like in the wrong hands that would just seem so dumb but how Jefferson talked about needing to give Miles space and pushing him so hard because of knowing his potential and not being able to say what happened to Aaron and then the two later talking about it and bonding some actually really worked. It just phased and presented so well and… yeah just serious props for making those scenes work. Even that scene of Jefferson and Mrs. Moralies just quietly talking after Jefferson talked on how much he doesn’t like Spider-Man (hmmm thinking about it does seem like a bit of a rush from Jefferson thinking Spider Man killed Prowler to him cheering him on fighting Kingpin though guess he probably saw more of the battle play out to know who was really in the wrong so won’t complain too much about that) again felt geniuine and just really did work.
And though I kind of could of used a bit more of it in slots I have to say there were a lot of great jokes. Starting with Peter Parker talking about his life and including the Spider Man strut from Spider Man 3 as a moment he doesn’t even know how it happened (which oddly enough I don’t think anyone’s joked about in like a TV show or a movie before. Like that’s something you hear gagged on about online but not in like "wider" mediums), the Christmas Rap which is later played over the credits with Peter even admitting while singing he’s got a degree in physics yet is doing this obvious sell out move, Jefferson saying the whole responsiblity quote is "when great authoriity comes lack of authoritiy" and Miles saying he got it wrong (and then later Peter B Parker saying how sick he is of the great power and great responsbility line and wants people to stop using it), Miles trying to act like he’s close to the people when walking through the school, Miles making a relativity joke and Gwen laughing at it not because it was funny but because it was smart, Miles not being able to believe Aaron and Jefferson use to go around tagging anything together, Miles getting the bite and thinking it’s just puberty not wanting to believe he has powers and Gwen pointing out he has no idea how puberty works and getting annoyed when she loses some hair when it has to get unsticked out, Stan Lee’s costume store having a no refunds sign (I do like how the ending quote of the movie and the tagline doing the celebration of Stan Lee fit though man this is a really awkward cameo now that Stan Lee has tragically passed away. Then again until… hopefully he managed to cameo in Far From Home I have a feeling all of these cameos in a sense will feel awkward), Peter B Parker explaining his life and how he fell out of shape and trying to make it seem he has it more together then he acutally does and how that interrepts that scene again first showed off in the Venom trailer, Miles managing to exactly guess what happened to Peter B Parker and how he escaped his parallel reality and pointed out they were studying that in class, Peter B Parker slipping away from Miles’s bond abut Miles managing to get him back due to guilting Peter into helping him out, Peter B Parker wanting to take the bus due to not wanting to swing all the way to Kingpin’s hideout, B Parker calling Oliva being asked to finish the collider in 24 hours and pointing out how that’s actually bad for them considering the dangers of all the universes blowing up, Peter B Parker wanting to sneak a bagel out while taking the information and quickly typing it out to Miles and them at first having to take the whole computer, Gwen and Miles bonding on the bus ride back while Peter knew he was apparently being blamed for breaking the device in the first place but liking seeing Gwen and Miles get together (okay that was more character then comedy based though that reminds me of how Miles decided NOT to jump off the tallest building and jump off a smaller one is how he broke the piece in the first place), Aunt May revealing the Spider Lair (I also think it’s really cool in the original reality that yeah Peter was obviously operating on his own but not only built his own lair but obviously told Autn May about it. Obviously this isn’t going speicfically with the movies or heck even the comics and more it’s own story but that seems like something I could see a variation of a super competent Parker actually doing) as well as that Miles Peter B and Gwen weren’t the first ones to come to her, the brief intros on Noir Peni and Porker’s world and their own distinct styles, Peni’s music choice when fixing the chip, Noir pointing out that Miles can hear them talk beind his back about him, Autn May actually attaking one of the villians for not moving the fight out of her house, the roomate of Miles Ganke Lee (who I know Homecoming based a lot around Ned Leeds) finding out all the spider man and falling out and later waking up and discovering Miles on the cieling so guess they have that secret friendship sort of thing here, Peter B Parker spotting Mary Jane and tyring to apologize like she’s HIS Mary Jane and Gwen having to remind him they’re in the wrong universe, Porker having that anvil that pops up like also when the universe is folding in on itself, Noir wanting to figure out the mysteries of the Rubix cube, Spider Ham doing a "that’s all folks" and the others wondering if Warner Brothers is going to wind up suing them, and the ending credits sequence with Spider Man 2099 going back in time to Spider Man 1967 and the two insulting one another and just waving their arms. Heh does make me hope that there is a movie made where 2099 recruits the Spider Man from ALL the Spider Man cartoons on some sort of amazing adventure… admit all of you would watch that.
Overall besides some nitpicking moments just a lot of good bits. Lot of great action and good moments of comedy and nice character bits and honestly it just all worked really well. Say what you want about Venom’s issues but at the very least the people charge of ANIMATED Spider-Man over at Sony know what they’re doing and I wouldn’t mind more of these. It’s sad Venom will likely make more money then this movie when the profits really should of been switched around but glad this is getting all the praise it’s recieving as it does really deserve it.
That’s why I thought the idea of taking Miles Morales’ already potent origin story and combining it with Spider-Men/Spider-Verse could be something really great if it explored what it meant to take on those responsibilities. Everybody who worked on the movie believed in those ideas and took them to their full potential, it’s great to see. I think some things for Miles are really actually improved from the comics, like Uncle Aaron. That relationship is a lot more likable and the conflict of him as the Prowler is done a lot better than in the comics where he’s just more of a prick who tries to use Miles. Giving Miles things like his graffiti hobby helped to make him feel real, too. The integration with that into his Spidey suit was a perfect touch, and that whole scene where he takes his leap of faith is a standout, with the cherry on top being the comic book cover at the end with Sara Pichelli art. Glad I didn’t see that scene before watching the movie.
Spider-Gwen kicked butt, such a faithful translation I was also amazed by the peek into her world looking ripped right out of her comics. Older Peter had a great arc, good decision to give us a Peter pretty much having a mid-life crisis where’ he’s lost his mojo and the things that mattered to him but finds it again. I’d love to see Peter and MJ on screen married with a kid (I’ll take either Mayday or Annie, Mayday probably moreso please!). Love how Kingpin looked like a Bill Sienciewicz Kingpin drawing, then that flashback sequence really solidified it for me that it had to be intentional. Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, and Peni Parker weren’t there much but they were nice and would like more of them. 2099 as well, give me more of him!!!
Best animated Spidey film ever (lol). I don’t know where I can put this with my Spidey film ranking but it’s really high up there as it strikes on important and universal themes really well, just a solid film all around and totally inventive.
@SweetShop209 I see you gave the movie a half star. Why? I’m curious why you don’t like it.
This pretty much sums up the two grips that I have with the film:
1. With Miles being the focus, most of it is basically your typical "super hero origin" movie.
2. While I can understand the "supporting" Spider-Men being just that, you do wish that more can been done for some of them (especially Peni, who outside of making a new Goober and mourning the destruction of the Spyder robot, didn’t really have much to do in the film).
I thought they did a good job balancing the various Spider characters while also making sure that it was a Miles movie (his family get the appropriate levels of screentime). I also appreciated that while the film was really funny, it also had some truly emotional moments.
If Hollywood can make more animated CBMs at this level, I’d be really happy. I feel it’s one corner of the CBM world that still hasn’t been tapped yet. Of course, I feel like this is the film all those potential movies will be aiming for.
First off the animation and aesthetics are God-Like for me, I’m a huge fan of Graffiti and Urban aesthetics and this just tickles my fancy. In every scene in every frame I was just wowed about the quality of animation and art especially when we get to see Gwen’s world. While the animation is Jankey at times(low framrate is always going to bother me.) I do think its great overall.
I really enjoyed the characters, while the B-team Spider people didn’t get that much characterization I do enjoy their interactions(and I really enjoyed Peni’s smugness). The Villians are good, I’m kinda irked that my homeboy Tombstone didn’t get much dailouge and Normans inclusion felt very bizarre to me. I really love this version of Doc Ock(its super weird that I think Doc Ock is kinda attractive regardless on which reality we are in) and Prowler’s predator like behavior was really enjoyable if a bit creepy. Also writers Kingpin doesn’t have super strength so please stop having him go toe to toe with Spiderman. The main cast were enjoyable if a bit generic, its the standard fresh laced protagonist, spunky girl and wise old mentor we seen numerous of times but the trio really have good chemistry.
Another gripe I have is that I wish the film had more fight scenes, the ones we had were good but I feel as if the quota wasn’t filled enough for me.
All in all I would give it a 9/10 my favorite animated feature in years
Honestly, I don’t think you needed all the other spider heroes in there. They are nothing more than window dressing and one-note gags. Funny and entertaining yes, but they are one-dimensional as characters and have little to do.
Animation style wasn’t my favorite. Specifically, I think they took that magnified comic book art look a little too far and exaggerated it a bit too much.
The movie has made 35.4 million dollars so far.
And probably has the best Stan Lee cameo ever.
And that post credit scene…..
I better prep this up by making few things clear, so you see where I’m coming from.
First of all, I havent read a single comic starring Miles Morales. The character doesn’t bother me and I’m not one of those #NotMySpiderMan closet racist, I just feel that the main Marvel Universe Peter Parker is personally enough for me. My biggest exposure to Miles comes from the recent ps4 game, so I had no "fanboy hype" for this movie
Second of all, in my opinion "Spider-Verse" as a concept just doesn’t work. The best Spider-Man stories are down-to-earth and the big fights with supervillain are more like B-plots rather than the main focus. Big multiverse story inherently makes stakes bigger and thus far it hasn’t worked with Spider-Man. The finale of 90’s animated series had its moments (and was probably one of the best episodes of that flawed show), but it was unnecessarily complicated and messy, Shattered Dimensions was fun video game, but it had no story and Dan Slott’s Spider-Verse comic story is overhyped and pretty disinteresting. So even in this regard my expectations weren’t high.
Now, let’s finally talk about the movie itself.
Where the movie really succeeds is Miles’ story-arc. The character is likeable, his inner turmoil is compelling and his growth feels natural. I even liked his awkward student/teacher – relationship with the washed up Peter Parker. And when a movie gets its main character right, you can overlook a lot of small flaws.
The other Spider-characters were also entertaining, but besides Peter and Gwen they were a tad pointless. Yeah yeah, they served the theme of "anyone can be Spider-Man", but beoynd that they had little to no function in the actual story. Especially Peni Parker was there just for "LOL Anime" jokes and her big emotional moment got no reaction out of me.
The animation was beautiful and refreshingly unique, since so many American 3D animated movies look almost identical. Sometimes the movie randomly blurred some of the characters and backround details ,which made the fast paced scenes hard to follow, but luckily that was toned down as the movie went on. I personnally wasn’t big fan of some of the more radical redesigns, like Kaiju-Goblin or Billiard-Ball-Kingpin, either, but that’s more a personal gripe than actual flaw.
In the end, the movie was pretty good, but nothing groundbreaking. In a perfect world, the sequel would be completely focused on Miles, since he is the one aspect that was perfect about the movie, but we already know that there’s going to be even more Spider-people on the way and I don’t trust Sony not to eventually step on the filmmakers shoes and sink this ship.
Completely pointles nitpick: Was there really any point in making one of the villains a genderbent Otto Octavius, when the comics already have a female Doctor Octopus?
I guess to have the twist in the middle of the story where the Ms Frizzle looking woman is a sociopathic mad scientist. I personally enjoy the interpretation.
Also her arms appear to be very different from other version as rather than metal the appear to be some kind of rubber and appear to controlled with air.
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I’d definitely like to see Olivia Octavius some more. What a cool take on the character.
I guess if there’s one thing I’m disappointed with is Peni Parker, Spider-Ham, and Spider Noir, didn’t really add much to the movie. In fact Peni and Porker’s animation didn’t wow me as much as I was hoping it would. But still pretty impressive. I hope we get to see them more fleshed out in the sequel.
And a production logo geek, those callbacks to past Columbia Pictures logos was awesome!
So yeah, between Incredibles 2 and Ralph Breaks the Internet, this was the best animated film of the year for me. Hope it continues to win more awards over time!
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Now its 73.5 million dollars.View attachment 219671
Those tributes at the end were very touching, too . This was First Class, Sony. It’s your move, Disney.
One of the reasons I really like this movie was how surprising it is. It gave us something we didn’t even know we wanted until we saw it. It’s such a great movie. I’ve seen it three times already and I hope to catch it at least once more before it leaves theatres. This is also one of the few movies where I preferred the 3D version over the 2D version. I’ve been recommending this movie to whoever I can and while people are aware of it seems that since it’s animated people are just dismissing it. I wish people in North America weren’t so afraid to watch animated movies or were at least more willing to give it a shot. I still can’t believe we got such a great movie as of this and how it embraces diversity and inclusion, which is so important. I don’t think a mainstream animated movie is going to come out for some time that will top this one.
@SweetShop209 I would still like to know why you rated this movie so low. Have you seen it?
The animation was great, it could have looked janky like what dragon prince kinda looks like, but it was never distracting to me.
Also as a latino man who was born and raised by immigrants I appreciated that while Miles is half latin, he doesnt pepper his dialogue with random Spanish or say stereotypical stuff like "ese" or "vato". One, that wouldnt make sense since hes a new Yorker so I’m assuming his mom is Puerto Rican, not Mexican. But also…we dont do that. Miles is a far mor realistic interpretation of growing up Latin American than say blue beetle in young justice, who is so phony. He speaks Spanish to his mom and a few if his latino friends. That’s it. I know I wrote a lot about just a tiny aspect but it’s always been a pet peeve of mine that I’m glad they didnt do.
I hope those sequels and spin offs happen, I would love to try to work on something like this
I liked all of the characters. Miles was relatable and well-developed; he seemed like a real, normal kid. Shameik Moore was fantastic; his acting came very naturally. I enjoyed seeing all of the different Spider-people; my favorite was Peni, but Peter Porker was enjoyable as well (I actually laughed out loud when he said, "That’s all, folks," and Miles went, "Is he allowed to say that legally?") The only character I didn’t like was the main villain; he seemed almost too big, even for a cartoon, so I found him somewhat hard to believe. Prowler also creeped me out a little.
The action was riveting and definitely kept me interested. The different shots and angles that were used to showcase it off gave it sort of its own style that you don’t see in every action-oriented story. Everything is fast-paced but doesn’t feel rushed. Your eyes continue to move with action and you’re never stuck in one place, which keeps things from getting boring. The action reminded me a little of some of the scenes in The Lego Movie.
There were a few things in here I found to be a little predictable/cliche, like Kingpin’s backstory, Uncle Aaron turning out evil and "Gwanda" turning out to be Gwen Stacy/Spiderwoman. They didn’t bring down the movie, but I wasn’t shocked when each of them was revealed. I also kind of rolled my eyes at how quickly Miles was able to learn everything about being Spiderman. Sure, he’s the underdog and the plot called for it, but really? He goes from screwing up multiple times to being a darn-near perfect Spiderman.
Overall, this was a masterpiece. Not only was it well animated, action-packed and funny, but the characters were well-written in an interesting, creative story. Bravo!
On a side note, the Stan Lee cameo and that freaking end credits scenes were also two nice additions to the film. R.I.P. Stan Lee.
When it comes to the reveal about Uncle Aaron, those who are familiar with the Spider-Man comics would be well aware of that twist from the beginning.
I still feel like the emotional outcome was great especially Prowler’s reaction to Miles
Yes, I thought it was more effective for things to go the way they did in the movie rather than how they did in the comics, where it seemed as though any sort of familial relationship went out of the window as soon as Aaron discovered Miles’ powers, and decided that he could manipulate him. I honestly prefer the way most of Miles’ origin story is handled here over the comic version.
I like the way they handle Prowler in general, the voice acting, the costume (which seems to be "how close can we push his costume towards Spawn without getting sued?"), his movements, and especially his sound design. He’s a man that’s done terrible things, but that doesn’t make his love for his family any less genuine, but he’s shown as ruthless enough through the film that for a second you believe that he’s putting Miles’ mask back on so he can go through with it.
Also I’m not sure if the whale noise is supposed to be diagetic or not.
I’d almost complain I was expecting more, but truthfully I only was antsy during the first third to half of the picture. The origin story was boilerplate in my mind. It’s only when fat Peter Parker and Miles hook up that the story starts interesting me. And in fairness to the movie, things wound up getting pretty dang interesting. The movie was also super funny too.
Honestly, the ending was bananas, as was the post credits tag. The movie was a little more darker and adult than I like, but not by much, and I’m a prude so you shouldn’t take that complaint seriously. The animation, while choppy, was also beautiful. I love how all of the different Spider-Mans were done in a different art style.
I want a Peter Porker spin-off movie now. But honestly, if somebody DOES make a Spider-Ham movie or TV show I don’t want it to be Sony. I want it to be people who can use the entire Marvel Spider-Hamverse including the Incredible Hulkbunny and the X-Bugs. But this is how you do Spider-Ham right, Ultimate Spider-Man.
Kingpin was only a so-so villain, but I liked the pathos of Uncle Aaron being Prowler. Mahershala Ali was amazing in the role. Of course, Ali is pretty much amazing in every role.
One small joke I liked was the Rubik’s Cube confounding Spider-Man Noir. That was awesome.
Good explanation on Gwen’s punk haircut there.
I was annoyed Mary Jane didn’t seem to know Wilson Fisk was a bad guy, and the one who killed Peter. That award show made me angry for that reason. That seemed like a plot oversight to me. You’d think Peter would have clued her in about Fisk long ago.
Doc Ock was a pleasant surprise, and I seem to recall hearing she’d be in the movie somewhere, but since I don’t obsess about spoilers before a movie opens, I had totally forgotten. That fight at Aunt May’s house was pretty awesome too.
I have no real complaints other than I was a little slow to warm up it. Once things got going, the movie was excellent. ****.
RIGHT? !!!!!
Does this movie deserver an Oscar? yes!!! the
I think this is what we all want.. to see this movie, the last of 2018 be the one that knocks the ball outta the park..
And believe me even the late Stan Lee’s last four words said it best..
Stan Lee; It will fit… eventually..
Thsi movie went beyond fitting it was so good, so well made that even today’s people who write comic books never could imagine how good a movie could be, cause this wasn’t a moive.. it was a well animated comic book!
So was a bad moive? No.. and believe me it’s not.. I loved the entire thing from start to finish, and in fact, this movie should be put on the Nomiation for anOscar.. Anyone who says it doesn’t shouldgo see Doctor Olivia Octavius for a second opinion (and I loved how they actualoly did something right? Give us a female Doc Ock!
God This movie was soo good, I hope it is in theaters next month, I want to go see it again..
(And this is the first time I’ll repeat a movie the last time I did was The Incredibles way back in 2004..
So yeah into the Spiderverse a plus on this coyote’s gradecard
Nuff Said, and Excelsior to you stan.. you might get that Oscar yet for just 4 simple words.. It’ll fit.. Eventually.
Isle of Dogs
Wreck it Ralph 2: Ralph Breaks the internet (Disney)
The Incredibles2 (Pixar)
Let’s just face it 6 spiders versus a Big guy who breaks things and a family of Super heros..
This one will be too close to call I feel, but let’s hope Into the Spiderverse takes it..
I hope it wins.
My opinions are also really positive! I’ve enjoyed superheroes for as long as I remembered, but it wasn’t until I was introduced to Raimi’s Spider-man as a little kid, that I was truly absorbed into the superhero/ comic culture entirely (starting with Spider-Man). Spider-Man 2 (Raimi) introduced me to the concept of a truly good movie, when I was to young to really care about good movies. It also opened my eye to the art and wonder of special effects.
Spider-Man 3 wasn’t as good as the previous 2, but it was still Raimi’s Spider-Man.
In the years following 3, no Spider-Man movie really stood out to me. I couldn’t get behind the Garfield Spider-man. The MCU saturated the superhero market, which while cool seeing so much comic based movies, they do tend to dilute themselves, imo. When Homecoming came out, I didn’t even care enough to see it in theaters. To my surprise, it was genuinely good, but it was more of a good MCU movie than a Spiderman movie.
I wanted to see Spider-Verse initially because I’m an animation fanboy. I didn’t care about the comic event, from which this movie was named, and I’m pretty luke warm towards Miles’ character in the comics. I knew I was going to like the movie, but seeing it blew my expectations out of the window. It evoked a since of engrossing wonder that I haven’t felt since seeing the Raimi films as a small child. It manifested the raw entertainment of the best Spider-Man comics just as those old films seemed to do. Before I grew cynical, desensitized and overexposed to the superhero genre.
And I did order the ‘Art of’ book, which is something I never do.
As far as I’m concerned, that is the most positive statement someone could ever make about a work of art or entertainment. Good for you.
The movie won a few Visual Effects Society Awards, including Outstanding Visual Effects in an Animated Feature.
February 10th:
The movie won a BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film.
Since the movie is still playing in theatres I plan to see it again this weekend. I can’t remember a movie that has made me feel this good when I leave the theatre. I haven’t wanted to watch and rewatch a movie so badly in ages like this one. A landmark movie and I’m so glad to see it showered with awards. It deserves every last one.
Do you know how long it will be playing in US theaters? I would like to see it once more as well.
It’s still playing in my area. The best you can do is check your local listings.
With the digital coming out on Feb. 26 I wonder if we’ll hear something next week. It just seems so close to officially announce it so close to release date unless maybe they’re waiting for the Oscars?
I’m assuming these clips are parts of bonus features.
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They also list some of the other bonus features.
Golden Globe® Winner for Best Animated Feature Film
Critics’ Choice® Winner for Best Animated Feature Film
Winner of Seven Annie® Awards Including Best Animated Feature
In Theaters Now and
Swings Home onto Digital February 26
On 4K Ultra HD™ Combo Pack, Blu-ray™ Combo Pack
and DVD on March 19
With Over 90 Minutes of Special Features Including a Never-Before-Seen SPIDER-HAM Short, Alternate Universe Mode and much more!
The Academy Award® Nominee for Best Animated Feature Film, SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE, swings onto Digital February 26 and on 4K Ultra HD Combo Pack, Blu-ray Combo Pack, and DVD on March 19 from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment and Sony Pictures Animation. From Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the uniquely creative minds behind The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street, the film offers a fresh vision of the Spider-Man universe with a groundbreaking visual style that’s the first of its kind.
SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE, a film that has grossed over $350 million in theaters worldwide to date, introduces Brooklyn teen Miles Morales, and the limitless possibilities of the Spider-Verse, where more than one can wear the iconic mask. “One of the most rewarding experiences in recent months has been to hear that children are telling their parents that they see themselves in Miles, or that they want to grow up to be like Spider-Gwen, anyone can be a hero. Thats why we made this film, and we hope that feeling of empowerment is something that both audiences young and old can take away,” say Directors Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, and Rodney Rothman.
The out-of-this-world voice cast includes Shameik Moore as Miles Morales alongside Jake Johnson (“New Girl”) as Peter B. Parker, Hailee Steinfeld (Bumblebee) as Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen, Mahershala Ali (Green Book) as Miles’ Uncle Aaron, Brian Tyree Henry (“Atlanta”) as Jefferson Davis, Lily Tomlin (“Grace and Frankie”) as Aunt May, Luna Lauren Velez (“How To Get Away with Murder”) as Rio Morales, Zoë Kravitz (“Big Little Lies”) as Mary Jane, John Mulaney (“Big Mouth”) as Spider-Ham, with Nicholas Cage (The Croods) as Spider-Man Noir, Kathryn Hahn (Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation) as Doc Ock and Liev Schreiber (“Ray Donovan”) as the villain Kingpin.
SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE arrives filled with engaging bonus materials that are fun for the whole family and give fans even more of the unique comic book style action that they loved in theaters with over 90 minutes of bonus content. In his very own original short, Spider-Ham: Caught In a Ham, fan favorite Spider-Ham defeats his greatest foe, delivers sidesplitting puns, and get sucked into another dimension! It actually can get weirder! Don’t miss the thrilling Alternate Universe Mode where fans can view the film in an entirely new way to discover alternate scenes, plotlines, characters, and more with the filmmakers as their guide. Also included is The Spider-Verse Super-Fan Easter Egg Challenge, where fans are challenged to find every single Easter Egg hidden within the Spider-Verse (and there are a lot of them!). Explore the character design in the visually stunning film including specific looks at the now-iconic Spider-Ham character as well as the classic villains who inhabit the Spider-Verse. Additional special features include a celebration of the diversity in the film and the idea that anyone can wear the mask in a feature called We Are Spider-Man, a featurette called Spider-Verse: A New Dimension, where fans can hear from the artists and filmmakers who pushed the boundaries of the comic book artform to create a visual experience unlike anything done in animation before, a showcase of all the amazing fan favorite characters featured in the Spider-Verse and the actors who bring them to life, and a touching tribute to comic legends Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, who originally created the Spider-Man character. Other bonus materials include two lyric videos featuring “Sunflower” by Post Malone and Swae Lee and “Familia” by Nicki Minaj and Anuel AA (feat. Bantu).
SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE is directed by Bob Persichetti (The Little Prince), Peter Ramsey (Rise of the Guardians) and Rodney Rothman (22 Jump Street), and screenplay by Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman from a story by Lord. The film is produced by Avi Arad, Amy Pascal, Phil Lord, Chistopher Miller, and Chrstina Steinberg. The executive producers are the late Stan Lee, Brian Michael Bendis, and Will Allegra.
Bonus Materials Include:
4K Ultra HD Disc Includes:
SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE has a run time of approximately 117 minutes and is rated PG for frenetic sequences of animated action violence, thematic elements, and mild language.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) is a Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) company. SPE is a subsidiary of Sony Entertainment Inc., which is a subsidiary of Tokyo-based Sony Corporation. SPE’s global operations encompass motion picture production, acquisition, and distribution; television production, acquisition, and distribution; television networks; digital content creation and distribution; operation of studio facilities; and development of new entertainment products, services and technologies. SPE’s Motion Picture Group includes film labels Columbia Pictures, Screen Gems, TriStar Pictures, Sony Pictures Animation, and Sony Pictures Classics. For additional information, visit Sony Pictures | The Best in Movies, TV Shows, Games & Apps.
Also attached is a preview of the included animated short, as seen in the player below.
Just seen it in theaters again yesterday. Only one theater in my entire city still plays it. And they aren’t getting rid of it for the foreseeable future (which goes to the middle of next week).
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Also fun fact when Kingpin was trying to get his family back in the finale his son looks very familer
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This one trumped them all..
I mean to be honest, I had a strong feeling Spiderman into the SPiderverse was going to win.. it was a sign to the others out there Pixar and Disney take note, you’re slipping!
to either step up their game and get creative and take chances like Sony did, or face not getting Academy awards..
And right now, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko are upstairs smiling down on their little creation that they made..
Cause in the end, it’ll fit.. eventually..
And my job here is done.. Justice has been served.
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The two best Spidey movies now have Oscars!
Also, Sony needs some serious quality control. More of this, less of Emoji Movie, kay?
I hope the spinoffs and sequels tap into the movie’s first third-half more.
Spider-verse pretty much ended up being the average Digimon series finale.
Personally, I think this is quite possibly the best Spider-Man flick of them all (never been that big on the Raimi and Webb flicks, and Homecoming was good, but it still wasn’t as good as Spider-Verse). It’s a fun, engaging and emotional movie which really manages to be endearing as well. I really can’t wait for more of these.
Continue reading the Original Blog Post.
The movie comes out on Netflix on June 26.
The benefits of being owned by Sony .
Sony hasn’t even released Homecoming or Venom, so not sure what to make of it. Mostly, I feel Netflix is leaning into their own vibe of programming; being comedies & animation.
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It took me a few seconds to see what you meant. I hope anyone that missed it during the theatrical run, or that haven’t peeped it since it’s been on home video, will give it a chance on Netflix.
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Finally!!! I haven’t even used my Netflix account in weeks.
If this vibe comment is true, that sounds like it would be better for the animation industry, but not for the platform as a whole.
Let me clarify. Basically Netflix hasn’t had many Sony movies on their; that that were not animation or kid friendly. They had Peter Rabbit, Hotel Transylvania, The Star, but nearly no dramas or action Sony released films. Leaving out Spider-Man: Homecoming and Venom. Netflix has cornered the market for comedy and somewhat animation projects (i.e. Voltron, She-Ra, and Troll Hunters).
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This is great news. Now the film has a chance to reach those who may have overlooked the movie for whatever reasons. It’s really heartening to hear from friends and co-workers who say Spider-Verse is now their kid’s favorite movie. I already own this both digitally and on 4K but I imagine I’ll stream this at least once on Netflix. Six months later and I’m still watching this movie a few times a month.
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