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New Trailer For Adventure Time Distant Lands: Obsidian


We’ll get to journey back to an apocalyptic future of talking candy and vampires pretty soon, as HBO Max has scheduled the second Adventure Time: Distant Lands special, Obsidian, for November 19. And not only that, they’ve finally produced a solid trailer. Let’s see what we can learn from it…

The situation: while Marceline and Princess Bubblegum are enjoying a blissful domesticity at Marcy’s dwelling, strange figures start to surround the area. Meanwhile a young boy made of glass (who is appropriately named “Glassboy”) wanders into a volcanic vent he shouldn’t have gone into, and unleashes…something mean. “I can fix it! I’ll find Marceline!” he vows. Glassboy is the same shape as the skulking figures outside of Marcy’s house.

According to official documentation, Glassboy was in the vent because he was seeking a cure for his condition: he’s got a crack in his head, which for glassfolk is worse than a reindeer with a glowing nose. He’s constantly ridiculed by his peers for his deformity, and thought waking up an ancient creature would be the solution to finding a cure. He thought wrong.

The only person who has ever defeated the creature is Marceline, and that’s why he must enlist her help. From what the trailer shows, it looks like Marcy will be taking a lot more active role than Bubblegum will, even though PB is perfectly capable of kicking the monster’s tail if you ask us.

During a virtual panel last summer at ComicCon@Home, executive producer Adam Muto revealed the special will not only reveal the highs and lows of Marceline and Bubblegum’s new relationship, but the events that led up to it. He did not reveal what the title means, but hints that “spiritually, obsidian can be protective and absorb negativity, but it can also be weaponized as an actual material. [The special] kinda has those elements to it. Not a perfect metaphor, but a metaphor.”

Adventure Time Distant Lands: Obsidian will premiere November 19 on HBO Max.