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PR: Matt Bomer Discusses Playing Superman in “Superman: Unbound”


Warner Home Video has released the following new video clips of actor Matt Bomer (White Collar) discussing his work in as the Man of Steel in Superman: Unbound, the upcoming new direct-to-video animated feature film coming to DVD and Blu-ray disc tomorrow, May 7, 2013. Among other topics, Bomer discusses his feelings about the plot to Superman: Unbound, his take on the relationship between Superman and Supergirl in the movie, and the villain Brainiac.

Click any of the thumbnails below to enlarge:

Superman: Unbound - Robot Trash Heap Superman: Unbound

Superman: Unbound Brainiac

Superman: Unbound is based on the Superman: Brainiac graphic novel by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank. For more details, check out Toonzone’s earlier coverage here.

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Last pup of a dying planet, a young German Shepherd is rocketed to Earth, where he is bombarded by cosmic gamma rays emitted by a radioactive spider. Crash-landing in the forgotten land of Hubba Hubba, he is discovered by the Who-You-Callin'-Ancient One and his lovely wife Pookie. Instilled with their traditional American values, he spends his young adulthood roaming the globe, learning all the secrets of Comic-Fu. Donning battle armor fashioned from spilled chemicals splashed by lightning, he becomes the Sensational Shield of Sequential Art ACE THE BATHOUND! Look, it sounds a lot better than the truth. Born in Brooklyn, moved to Queens at 3 and then New Jersey at 10. Throughout high school, college, grad school, and gainful employment, two things have remained constant: 1) I am a colossal nerd, and 2) I have spent far too much time reading comics, and then reading and writing about them. Currently working as a financial programmer in New York City, while continuing to discover all the wonderful little surprises (and expenses) of owning your a home in the suburbs. Shares the above with a beautiful, wonderful, and incredibly understanding wife named Frances (who, thankfully, participates in most of my silly hobbies) and a large furry dog named Brownie (who, sadly, does not). Comics, toys, Apple Macintosh computers, video games, and eBay