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It Looks Like Nintendo Really Is Redesigning Donkey Kong


DK! Donkey Kong is here! …though perhaps not as you’ve known him.

When the trailer for the Switch 2 was finally sent out two weeks ago, everyone oohed and aahed at the footage of Mario Kart 9 that was briefly shown off….and then they squinted, looked close at their screens and said “is it just me or does Donkey Kong look…off?”

Originally, in his arcade years, Donkey Kong had more of a wide-eyed expression on his face. The last time we saw this was in the 1994 Game Boy remake / expansion of the 1981 classic, which was released just a few weeks before the landmark Donkey Kong Country, a game that would forever redefine DK’s personality and world. Ever since, Donkey Kong’s eyes have had a permanent furrowed brow, designed by Rare’s Steve Mayles (who also designed the Battletoads and gave them similar peepers).

This design did not change for nearly 30 years. Then came Universal’s Super Mario Bros Movie, which revised DK again and gave him a look that married his classic appearance with the Rare variant — a more expressive pair of eyeballs, most prominently. Since most of the Mario characters were given different designs to fit the Illumination style, there was no reason Nintendo would stick with them. But with Donkey Kong, they seem to have been inspired.

A fan spotted some new designs on merchandise in Nintendo’s Japanese web store. These drawings are nearly identical to Donkey Kongs that have appeared on previous products, yet use the new eyes. Compare and contrast:

Between that and Mario Kart 9, this all points to Donkey Kong’s redesign being a real, permanent thing. Nintendo has yet to comment on the matter, though.

Now me, personally? I prefer the arched-brow Donkey Kong. It makes him look more heroic — the big-eyed DK just looks goofier. However, Steve Mayles himself has chimed in, and said on social media “Unfortunately, when I designed him, because he basically had Battletoad eyes, it is hard to give Donkey Kong any expression other than ‘annoyed’. This is something I take a little more into consideration when creating characters today! And a good reason to give him a facelift!”

If Mayles is for it, then….aw, why not. The new DK will likely make his official debut in Mario Kart 9 later this year.

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