Remember when Alex Hirsch was rumored to be making a new prime-time animated series for the Fox network? Did that ever come close to happening? No one knows, but he has a new master now. Hirsch just signed a huge commitment deal with Netflix.
Cindy Holland, VP of Original Content for Netflix, called Hirsch “an imaginative storyteller with new ideas who’s quickly developed a reputation as a fresh new voice in animation.” Hirsch said, displaying the wit that makes him deserve a deal like this, “I couldn’t be more excited to join the amazing roster of talent coming to Netflix. Plus, it couldn’t hurt to be on The Algorithm’s good side before The Singularity hits.”
Just as with the rumored Fox deal, the Netflix job specifically involves the field of adult animation — so we will get something cool from him, just not tomorrow. It took two years for Matt Groening’s Disenchantment to go from announcement to reality. We’d expect whatever comes out of this deal to show up in 2020 at the earliest.
But we’ll see Alex’s next project sooner than that. He wrote the script for the Pokemon live-action movie “Detective Pikachu,” which should be out eventually.