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Game Of Thrones Star Responds To Negative Reviews Of Season 8 Premiere

Game of Thrones

What’s with the negative Game of Thrones reviews? What does the stars think about this?

Game of Thrones Season 8 has finally arrived, and the first episode, “Winterfell” debuted on Sunday to record ratings. Over 17 million people were there when the show returned, and many noted that it was a great episode that finally gave fans the reunions and character clashes that they wanted for the most part.

But, some reviews mocked the approach of the “talk-heavy” episode. Stating that this wasn’t the premiere they deserved and other things. Kit Harrington, who plays Jon Snow, had something to say about those feelings:

“How I feel about the show right now is quite defiant,” said Harington in an interview with Esquire “Whatever critic spends half an hour writing about this season and makes their [negative] judgement on it, in my head they can go f— themselves.”

He goes on to note that the cast and crew love this show, and did everything they can to make these final six episodes very special:

“I know how much people cared about this,” said Harington. “I know how much pressure people put on themselves and I know how many sleepless nights working or otherwise people had on this show. Because they cared about it so much. Because they cared about the characters. Because they cared about the story. Because they cared about not letting people down.”