Look out — Peter Griffin, Hank Hill, Bender, Stan Smith, Bob Belcher and other characters from Fox’s animated productions past and present are colliding in a new mobile game from Fox Interactive and app developer Kongregate.
Previously Fox’s mobile efforts have been along the lines of Simpsons: Tapped Out and Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff. But games where you build cities have been done to death….the new trend is collecting cards! Inspired by the success of Hearthstone, players build a deck of Fox toons and challenge their friends for animation domination, so to speak.
“We are thrilled to bring together these five animated comedies for the first time in Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards.” said Emily Greer, president and co-founder of Kongregate. “We are looking forward to integrating characters from these hit series in a unique and exciting way that fans of all the shows will really love.”
You might notice a curious absence of any Simpsons characters, an addition that surely would have added at least 500 character cards to this game. We’re told this is because the Simpsons license is solidly locked up with EA, who developed Tapped Out. But all will be forgiven if I find a Golan The Insatiable card in here somewhere.
“Animation Throwdown: The Quest For Cards” will be released for iOS and Android this fall, with other platforms in development.