The Care Bears and My Little Pony specials comparisons


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
So how would you ranks the 2 Care Bears and the 2 My Little Pony pilot specials or like of a better word from the early 80's. I don't know they all had their own charm. I think the 2 MLP specials are head and soldiers than any MLP media that came out before 2010. The Care Bears specials they had some catchy songs and a great villain.

It is hard, I think of which one of the 4 is the best is the first My Little Pony special that is was originally untitled and later became Rescue from Midnight Castle, but overall I prefer the 2 Care Bears specials. I thought Escape from Caterina was a big step down from the first special, and I think Land Without Feeling and Battle The Freeze Machine. I think Caterina is a weaker villain than Tirak or Professor Coldheart. And also they replaced the entire pony cast.

So if I rank them

  1. My Little Pony
  2. Care Bears "Land Without Feelings"
  3. Care Bears "Battle The Freeze Machine"
  4. My Little Pony "Escape From Caterina"


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