"Retrojunk's Greatest Article Evar!" Talkback

Peter Paltridge

Staff member
Sep 24, 2003
Stars Hollow
While this hilarious satire may be new to you, it isn't to me. "Retrojunk's Greatest Article Evar!" would have gone up on August 15, right after Bloom County, if my computer hadn't broken down. All that was left to complete was the fake comments at the bottom, but that Saturday I lost my ability to finish it.
When I was able to come back, I could have run this right away, but it didn't seem like the kind of first impression I wanted to give.

Have you ever been to Retrojunk? They have one of the largest collections of old commercials and theme songs outside of YouTube, yet they also have a really embarrassing article section in which any schmuck can speak, spelling and grammar unnecessary. Understand that to get on you DO have to get an editor's approval (so what kind of editor have they got?)

While this is a parody, it's hardly an exaggeration. Look at this. Or this. And if you don't know, there are at least three "hottist cartoon girlz" articles there already (no links for you there, brave them yourself).

Zorak Masaki

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2002


I can do that with a pancake!
Jun 27, 2006
currently GA
I'm sorry but I am an RJ fan.
I don't really care about the crappy articles because you can rate them as just that, crap. No biggie. There are some awsome ones as well.


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Help. Me.
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