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Sep 6, 2015


Walrus Toy Store owner
Dec 30, 2012
Braga, Portugal

First we believe that we are looking at an actual bear using snorkeling glasses and catching fish. But then again we don't understand it until his true identity is revealed.


What we believed to be a regular bear has been standing the natural selection process of Charles Darwin and has become one of the many species to get past the mermaid gene. Our bear is revealed to be a merbear, and like many grizzly merbears, his tail is green.

We then get to witness the entire body of our merbear subject, by showing off his awesomeness to the world.

And that's why merbears are awesome, even with snorkeling glasses on.


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Super Metroid on the SNES turns 30 today in North America.
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Not all of Family Guy has aged well (and he knows this - hell, he's friends with the PTC president now) but I genuinely think Seth MacFarlane is a really good guy.

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Try to wrap your head around on that one, folks.

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